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  • Take a look at this Trailer for Destiny:

    While the action is all CGI, we will see actual gameplay during the June 10th unveil of the PS4's look.


You have to wonder whats going on between Bungie and MS... This will be the second PS4 presser and Bungie will have shown up for both. Perhaps they didn't want to "compete" with Infinity Ward even though they are both under the Activision Brand. While I believe it will be on the Xbox One by association that it will be on the 360, I wonder if PS4 scored timed exclusive extras ala BF3 on PS3. Wonder if there is a bit more to when Bungie split from MS.

This will be one of those rare, major triple A non-exclusives that will be on consoles and not on PC. That is also interesting.

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Take a look at this Trailer for Destiny:


This will be one of those rare, major triple A non-exclusives that will be on consoles and not on PC. That is also interesting.


I didn't want to hear a story about wolves & packs.... I wanted another story about The Shepeord.... /sarcasm


Now if only the next gen consoles didn't require cameras on for their controllers to work I'd still be interested in this. PC is the next gen for me at this rate. Especially with the games I can get through Humble Bundle at lower costs.

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I use Humble Bundles for single player games I was interested in, but I wasn't going to pay $60 for 2-3 days of entertainment. Most of those games are over a year old. As I only buy 2-5 games a year that are mostly mutliplayer, the console suits my needs for that along with being a blu-ray player and netflix device.


This game looks like a more serious and futuristic borderlands. It really has me intrigued with the ever changing non ending environment... and the supposed changes to the universe caused by the actions of the community as a whole. For me its one of those revolutionary ideas like Twisted Metal was when it came out... taking cars off a predetermined race track and loading them up with weaponry. lol

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I am really looking forward to Destiny. Everything I read or see about this game makes me want to see more. If Morgan Freeman was in that trailer just now explaining everything.. I'd have already set aside money for this game. XD


I didn't want to hear a story about wolves & packs.... I wanted another story about The Shepeord.... /sarcasm
Now if only the next gen consoles didn't require cameras on for their controllers to work I'd still be interested in this. PC is the next gen for me at this rate. Especially with the games I can get through Humble Bundle at lower costs.


I don't care much for the camera situation.. I'm hoping the PS4 will allow camera off functionality. I already read that the Xbox One kinect camera might, in some form, be on 24/7 even if the system is off.


I love those humble bundles.. but the only game I've played in any real length that I bought from one was Cave Story+. I put 15 hours into that game.. I could have put more into Saints Row the Third, and I'm sure I will, but I haven't had the time to play it.


I think I prefer PC gaming over consoles, but I prefer consoles for multiplayer games. Mostly because the PC versions are usually full of cheaters. Although, I would love to play some BF3 on PC if my laptop could actually handle it.

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I think I prefer PC gaming over consoles, but I prefer consoles for multiplayer games. Mostly because the PC versions are usually full of cheaters. Although, I would love to play some BF3 on PC if my laptop could actually handle it.



Cheaters aren't quite as bad in BF3 because the server admin will generally kick them out. But someone with an aim bot and infinite ammo is annoying as crap.. I remember one guy that was on our team, he had an LMG just spraying like crazy... it never ended.. and the way he was jerking around it was apparent he had a  aim bot program... we just kept getting in front of him with tact lights and blocking all his bullets while blinding him. He kept trying to run away from us but to no avail! XD

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lmao. Thats the nice thing about server admins, most of them are ok.. but most are 14 year olds that will ban you for sniping / knifing them or blowing up their helicopter. *been banned from least 15 servers* :P


The worst cheating I saw on a youtube video was some asshole running around remote killing everyone with tug sensors and spawn beacons while they are safe on the other side of the map. How the hell he was doing that is beyond me..


I love looking through the patch notes and seeing something like:


"We have identified and eliminated a bug where players in specific cases would be rendered invulnerable."


and this one was golden:


"We fixed a bug where server admins could exploit the system to effectively become immortal on his/her server."

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Yeah Console server admins are mostly douches... so I try to find no rules servers or dice servers....otherwise you end up with survers banning every single weapon they get killed by the most like the DOA, USAS-12, or any shotgun really. They especially ban them on CQC maps where they are the most useful.

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I read somewhere that they're planning on Destiny's universe to eventually be as large as Star Wars. If the first game will focus on earth and the moon.. I'm assuming they're already planning on Destiny 2, 3, 4, etc. Battlefield and Call of Duty, can get stale eventually considering they focus on making new maps for multiplayer while leaving their campaigns as single player. BF3 had co-op that I loved to play, but no co-op on BF.. But with Destiny being a large co-operative MMO, it has as much larger potential IMO.

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The first game will focus more than just Earth and Moon, its the whole solar system from what I read before. I've seen Earth, Mars, and now the Moon, but I think a couple of Jupiter's moons will be included. Plus I'm sure there will be a season pass where they will add more locations. I'd like to see obscurely known places like Ceres.

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It sounds like they borrowed the transportation system from SWOTR, which isn't a bad thing. I wonder if they will borrow a similar method for PVP where you can mark yourself as open for PVP at any given time or close it so you don't have to deal with unwanted PVP prompts.

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I remember playing DC Universe for a couple weekends. Even though I was set for PVE only, the constant prompts of people wanting to duel was so damn annoying. Maybe they fixed it, but I never went back to that game. I tried it for a couple weekends and it had way too many flaws for me to enjoy it. The hassle of just trying to meet up with a friend ruined the game for me.


Defiance has done it best in terms of playing with friends and I expect all future co-op games to do the same.


1) Login

2) Hit right d-pad button to bring up social menu

3) Select friends online

4) Select friend's name and click "go to friend"

5) Play the game with your friend within a minute of logging in.


Regardless of where anyone is in the game's story, you can join up with any friend and help them in the area / mission they are playing. It most likely won't count towards your own character's progression if you are not at that part in the game yet, but its still enjoyable cooperative playing with no "you don't have access to this area" crap.


And there is PVP in defiance.. I play PVE only and I don't get harassed with PVP requests.

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Throughout my entire play through as Sith Warrior, I never got a PVP request... but the PVP thing was kinda flawed because when you entered an area that was way to strong for you PVE-wise, for some reason you got marked for PVP automatically and it was hard as hell to get it off.  I hope Destiny borrowed from SWTOR and fixed that aspect. SWTOR has by far the most pleasant user base of any game I ever played... Every person that requested I join them in a quest were so polite and cordial after I helped them finished a hard mission. Its what led me to keep accepting random requests to join them in a story area, even though it didn't contribute to my own needs. It would be nice to see Bungie develop a similar community.

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I plan on trying SWTOR at some point. I haven't played an RPG this long since FF7. lol. After I'm done with KOTOR, I think I'll take a small break from RPGs and finish up some of the other games I've previously started. I'll probably get back into playing Borderlands 1 and then Half-Life 2. On another note, I'm almost done with Defiance, I'm at the last boss on that game. It was enjoyable but buggy.

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The more I think about it, the PS4 userbase is going to depend on how many halo players get an PS4 instead of staying on their home platform. Halo's userbase is what you'd expect from COD... a bunch of Douchebagimus Primes ready to tea bag you corpse and take all your stuff while tossing in a couple homophobic slurs. Hopefully they stay on XB1. The reason the SWTOR community is different is because we're all a bunch of nerds that love Star Wars, and a lot of these people go to conventions and what not... Star Wars fans in general have a comradery over the love of the Universe.

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Star Wars fans all share a common love for the story. Very good community of fans. I don't think I've ever seen star wars fans be assholes to each other.


How is the Borderlands community? I know it can be played co-op, but I've never tried it. WIth Destiny being more of co-op game than a multiplayer, it's community will probably be similar to that of MMORPGs, possibly like WoW, Guild Wars or Borderlands.


Douchebagimus Primes


lmao! :spit:

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I like the hero system from Guild Wars 1. You'd never have to play the game with anyone, but have full customization of warriors and their skills. I'd like to see more games have NPC permant unlocked heroes tied to accounts. I know the difficulty in Borderlands increases with additional players playing co-op.. but if I could have had a NPC teammate that I could level up, it would have made for a fun single player co-op experience.

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