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Four Against Everyone - An alien energy source known as Fuse has been stolen by the rogue military corporation, Raven. Each of Raven's ruthless leaders has their own plan for the powerful, volatile substance. Can the Overstrike 9 agents stop them before the world is brought to its knees?

Experience the devastating power of co-op teamwork as you and up to three friends join forces in the Fuse demo from Insomniac Games. Overstrike 9 has tracked the stolen Fuse source to a remote Raven base in Pakistan’s treacherous Karakoram Mountains. The team must stop rogue paramilitary corporation Raven from carrying out its horrific plan to form a new world order. Taking place midway through the game, the demo gives players a chance to play with and level-up all four Overstrike operatives along with their Xenotech weapons. The demo supports 1-4 players with online and split-screen drop-in-and-drop-out-co-op.

The demo is out now for PS3 and Xbox 360 Gold members. This game is supposed to be a co-op shooter as opposed to a shooter with co-op gameplay. It looks good, I'll try out the demo this weekend.


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I hope they spent more time on the gameplay than they did on those 2001 graphics... whats up with that Insomniac? Ratchet & Clank had amazing graphics, and this game looks worse than Resistance.

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I feel like I've seen this before but I swear there were seven or more of them years ago & they were fighting a Kane look a like.


Then again I probably have it confused with something else.


After all I originally forgot what Defiance was & confused it at times with some kind of Fallout Spin Off.

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I hope they spent more time on the gameplay than they did on those 2001 graphics... whats up with that Insomniac? Ratchet & Clank had amazing graphics, and this game looks worse than Resistance.


Honestly do graphics really mean that much? I've played the demo and the graphics looked fine to me. Then again I don't place much stock in graphics, gameplay and story is all that matters to me.


I played the demo by myself last night and actually enjoyed it. Nothing really special about the game outside of the fuse abilities guns have (the asian looking chicks gun is pretty fun, put enough rounds into an enemy and it creates a blackhole. Tag a bunch of enemies with it and you'll start a blackhole chain reaction, tis quite amusing), which make things rather interesting. It's basically your typical third person shooter with cover based tactics. I can only assume it's a lot more fun with more people because the AI for your companions is pretty lackluster.

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After looking at some more videos the graphics do seem a bit weak. Maybe the trailer was made from an earlier build.



The graphics don't really bother me tho. With my laptop's HD 3000 graphics chip, I'm used to playing all PC games at the absolute lowest graphics settings. I can only imagine how awesome some of my games actually look. I loved StarCraft 2, but even that game runs at around 15 FPS at times. I love the game play and story line so the graphics are all secondary for me.


So Strider.. when other people are not in the game, the computer AI kicks in for the other players? Isn't that how Left 4 Dead 2 played? I've never played it before, have you? I'm wondering if there are any comparisons that could be made between the two games on a basic gameplay level.


I'm setting this demo to download tonight. I'm going to try it out for myself this weekend.. I definitely want to try out that black hole weapon.

Edited by Sledgstone

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Graphics aren't everything, but when they look that dated, it makes me feel like they didn't try all around.... you know like games based off movies, they always have terrible graphics and the games suck... the walking dead game. terrible graphics, horrific game play. Its a pretty big correlation. I don't expect every game to look like Crysis or BF3... its just that Insomniac has done better with visuals, so it made me question their effort all around. Its mostly the character models that bother me. 

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Eh, honestly as long as they placed priority on gameplay and story the dated graphics aren't all that bad. This is the first game I've played that Insomniac has made so I can't say much about previous works but honestly this stacks up pretty well graphics wise (yea it's no BF3 but hey not every company places priority on making the game look great). Character models could be better, I won't deny that but I'm sure this game suffered from the same thing all EA games suffer from and that's being rushed out so they can make money. That or Insomniac just didn't feel they needed to do a Ratchet and Clank graphics overhaul on it. Who knows. As I said above the gameplay is identical to almost all third-person cover based shooters but the story is rather interesting and the fuse weapons add an interesting element to the game (the other guns kinda suck).


I've never touched any of the Left for Dead games so I have no real comparison for whether or not the AI acts like in it. I've seen vids and watched my roommate play the original Left 4 Dead and I noticed some of the same things but I'll chock it up to the Gears AI and say the AI will get the job done but most of the time they'd rather sit 20 meters back with their thumbs up their asses then help kill enemies (the red head chick will help, she's the healer and will be there if you go down to revive but the other two seem to feel they don't need to do anything, at least in the first part of the demo). The second part of the demo the guy with the Magshield will be a life saver as he actually steps up to help but the other two run around like dumbasses. It's still amusing watching them run around getting shot at or watching them get stuck behind cover and not move until you reach the objective.

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Left 4 Dead was another game with dated graphics, but it was really fun with a friend.


If you ever have access to a PS3 (I cant remember if you do) Resistance was a pretty good game. I never played the other 2 because I never really play my PS3, but it was the only console I had when the first game was out. lol All the Ratchet & Clank games are really fun... super easy in the aspect that it's pretty hard to die... its more about blowing shit up and breaking everything.


Maybe I'm just burnt out on this gen. I want to play the newest god of war, but I have no desire to spend the money anymore. I'll probably borrow it from a friend. I will say that Spec Ops: The Line is a fun playthrough. Its graphics are more dated, as well as the gameplay for when it came out. But its story is pretty crazy, and there are like 6 endings. I never messed with the Mutli because I just dont do 3rd person mutli in shooters... but it was worth the whole $5.99 that I paid for a bundle.... I could have paid $20 and been happy with it.

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No access to a PS3 (hell I've never actually played one). I thought about buying one but since the new consoles are do out this year I just don't see the point.


Eh, I hear you about being burned out. I've honestly all but stopped buying games for my 360 (the last ones I actually purchased were Halo 4, AC3, and ZoE HD. I did buy Soul Caliber 5 off of Games on Demand only because it was $20 and I do love a senseless fighting game) even though there are plenty I want to play. The only two games I have planned to buy this year are Remember Me (already pre-ordered, don't know why but the game looks fantastic and sounds interesting) and I plan on buying GTA V if I have the money around then. I'll have to try Spec Ops. I've heard it was an intense story. I'll probably drop by Rock 30 (my towns version of Gamestop) and see if they have any copies for cheap.

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I played the Fuse demo. It was decent, but for a 3rd person shooter, I'd rather stick with playing Defiance. I liked the black hole gun, it was fun to use, but unless you get enough rounds off to initiate a black hole, I don't see how the gun actually does much damage. Especially against those 2 bosses in the second half of the demo. I did like the fact that I could switch to any of the four characters by holding the select button and choosing. I was able to try out all the characters in one play through. The sniper fuse gun didn't seem to have any real fuse powers that I could see.. the red head's crystalizing scatter gun was nice, but it had ridiculous range. I liked being able to throw a med pack thing that auto revives team mates in it's range. But I didn't like playing as her, because when she died I had to wait on someone to run over and revive me.


The mag shield works, but that gun didn't make any sense to me. I could whip it out and shield myself and my team mates, but the AI didn't take advantage of it. I'd start shielding and the AI just kept running around doing whatever instead of standing next to me and shooting through the shield. I was able to use a pulse attack with the shield, but after a blast or two, it took forever to recharge. All I could do was switch to a regular rifle to do any damage. I was surprised how much of a support role that guy was. The character models are a bit dated, but while playing the game its not noticeable. It was for the most part fun. I did like being able to crouch behind objects and stay crouched while walking around those objects. Taking cover works and this is one of the few games that actually puts out a fire on your body if you start rolling around. I'll pass on this game in the end tho, I have way too many others to play right now.


Maybe I'm just burnt out on this gen. I want to play the newest god of war, but I have no desire to spend the money anymore. I'll probably barrow it from a friend. I will say that Spec Ops: The Line is a fun playthrough. Its graphics are more dated, as well as the gameplay for when it came out. But its story is pretty crazy, and there are like 6 endings. I never messed with the Mutli because I just dont do 3rd person mutli in shooters... but it was wroth the whole $5.99 that I paid for a bundle.... I could have paid $20 and been happy with it.


I want to play the newest God of War, but I have no interest in spending more than $20 for it. The last one was a quick game and the more GoW focuses on gore the less interested I am in it.

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