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Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD and Kingdom Hearts 3



Follow Mickey, Goofy and Donald and relive the origins of the first three KINGDOM HEARTS games in gorgeous HD, with full PS3 trophy support, and all-new content.


- KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories

- KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (HD cinematics)

Available on September 10, 2013 exclusively on the PlayStation 3.

I was a big fan of Kingdom Hearts and this remaster looks amazing compared to the original game on PS2. I would love to replay this game again on the PS3.


KINGDOM HEARTS III features a mature Sora as the main protagonist who sets forth on an adventure with Mickey, Donald and Goofy through new and legendary Disney worlds. KINGDOM HEARTS III will make full use of next generation console technologies to showcase a stunning universe packed full of worlds based on Disney properties.

In development for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Like I said above, I was a big fan of KH.. until KH2 came out. Kingdom Hearts 2 had much better game play compared to KH1, unfortunately, KH2 was actually KH3 because it was a sequel to a gameboy game. Considering the amount of KH games that have come out since KH2 on hand held systems, I can only assume KH3 will actually be Kingdom Hearts 9. Unless KH3 will be a stand alone game that requires no plot knowledge from the previous hand held games, I will have no interest in playing this game.

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Yeah, I was surprised to see the trailer said "now in development". It doesn't make sense to promote a product that doesn't even exist yet. XD


lmao.. I didn't even think about that.. but yes, Kingdom Hearts games could now have Star Wars characters.. omg.. Sora better get a light saber keyblade. XD



In regards to the plot, in a separate interview with Dengeki Online, Nomura confirmed that Kingom Hearts 3 would be a continuation of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and the final chapter of the Dark Seeker Saga.


Oh well... there goes this game for me. I'm not interesting in playing 6 hand held games just to understand what the hells going on in Kingdom Hearts 9.

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Wow, what a big screw you to the budget/regular fan... which is the largest consumer. None of the MGS hand held games factored into the console games in a significant way... There really is no remedy to fix this unless the package in digital downloads to console playable versions of the games fans missed out on becasue they don't play hand held consoles.


Glad I'm not a fan of this series. lol a friend was a fanatic of the first two games, and after watching her play it, to me it was just Dark Cloud 2 ripped off with Disney/FF characters.

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As far as I know the God of War hand held games had no impact on the console games.. In fact, I think only the Kingdom Hearts series expects everyone to own every hand held system and purchase every game to fully understand the full plot.


When I played KH2, 1/4 of the game didn't make any sense. I kept thinking the plot would unfold and explain everything as the game progressed. I've seen other games start a bit confusing, but have all plot lines come together.. but not KH2. After I beat the game, I realized it never explained numerous plot lines.. like who the guy in the beginning was, why is this red head guy chasing us everywhere.. why does he want some part of Sora's possible split personality.. wtf.. I had to read numerous wiki articles and a game walk through of a completely different game to fully understand KH2. So stupid.

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It looks like they're using the same game engine from the recently remastered HD versions. I'd play it just to see how they end Sora's story. I'll have to read about all the other games first tho to get caught up. Those remastered gameboy games don't look like they're worth playing. :|

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I'm glad I'm not a fan of this series. It seems like they really screwed fans over to try to get them to buy portable gaming platforms, while having them miss out on this massive chunk of story between 2 and 3. Its been how many years since the 2nd game? Its one thing to be developing something, and another to milk a franchise on fans hunger for a 3rd game. God of War and MGS did hand held games that supplemented the story, but didn't leave you missing out on the overall story if you didn't play them between the major titles.

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