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Overwatch - Trailers


In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded together to restore peace to a war-torn world. This organization, known as Overwatch, ended the crisis and helped maintain peace for a generation, inspiring an era of exploration, innovation, and discovery.

After many years, Overwatch's influence waned and it was eventually disbanded. Now in the wake of its dismantling, conflict is rising once again. Overwatch may be gone…but the world still needs heroes.

Overwatch is a highly stylized team-based shooter set on earth in the near future. Every match is an intense multiplayer showdown pitting a diverse cast of soldiers, mercenaries, scientists, adventurers, and oddities against each other in an epic, globe-spanning conflict.

I'm more impressed by the Cinematic trailer than I am by the actual gameplay. Blizzard can surprisingly make Pixar quality movies. The game looks like a fun FPS multiplayer with heroes like a MMOBA game. I hope they do more with this game than just make a competitive shooter. I'd love to see a single player / co-op campaign. With a cinematic trailer like that, the cut scenes would be great.

Source: battle.net

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I've bought loot boxes every festival, and got at least 2 of the legendary skins each time. BF1 loot box system is so garbage by comparison. X_x

EDIT: I've gotten all the legendary skins except D.Va. I don't really care to get it because her outfit looks funky (FASHION!). I was complaining to friends the other day how she has gotten any good skins since Summer Games. But I'm not impressed with a wooden mech. All the other skins are fantastic. I got Reinhardt, Winston, and Roadhog from boxes and I bought the Zenyatta one with my coins. I'd like to get that tracer one as well, but I'm not going to spend on it even though it's not 3000c. 

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It's actually a common strategy. After watching a lot of PC pros playing, they all do it, and it's even better on console since aiming is slower. It's basically how I've upped my Genji game since he has double jump. My custom controller is amazing for this game. XD

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This is going to be a meta changing character... a hard meta changer. Zarya has gone uncontested for too long. Bastion is her only real counter and no one wants to play as him, because he isn't that good. (they'll be rolling back his insane overbuff soon). I alwasy felt Zarya was too strong, only becasue she didn't have a legit hard counter. Orisa can now neutralize her alt, by getting out of it and placing a shield down.

Also Orisa will destroy Mei.. god I hate Mei when playing as a tank. She can freeze you so fast and do tons of damage with her alt fire. It only takes 1 Mei and one other character to focus down a Roadhog or D.Va. I'll be playing Orisa just to make someone get off Mei.

I do think Fortify needs to be nerfed down to 30% damage mitigation rather than 50. Bastions current buff with 30 is insane as it is. Orisa will be a must pick, and its going to make snipers like Widow and Hanzo more viable to take her down faster. Solider won't be able to melt her, it will be up to McCree and Reaper. Phara will be another useful character to take her cor Orisa's ult, but she can probably take down Phara better than any tank besides a in range Roadhog.

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Orisa is something this game needed desperately. She may not be a true anchor tank like Rein but she serves an important purpose on control and escort maps. Her ult is amazing, its like every player having a Mercy boost at the same time, and thus it helps teams power through choke points and the final push on maps that generally are dominated by the defending team like Hanamura. I always forget to record these things when I'm having too much fun, I had a 25 player kill streak with D.Va the other night and didn't record that either -_-;. I played with a few friends tonight and of course Orisa is currently a popular pick. I went match after match of watching the other team get her alt and some idiot not using her right on my team. Unless myself or one of my friends had a chance to pick her, I never saw her ult on my team. Orisa has the best single target weapon of any tank. She has the best range and highest DPS for a tank. When she shoots, she is as slow as D.Va, but without the luxury of a quick escape and endless ammo. But as a tank she can pressure Phara, Widow, and Bastion.

I really like this character. Shes not good for every situation, but she is needed for just as many if not more. I was playing as her on Kings Row, we got the payload to the most difficult turn near the end and struggled for a while. I got my alt, dropped it, threw my shield in front of it and we dominated and pushed it in with ease. I was really impressed. The barrel is a powerful ult, but its very vulnerable because it has to have LOS on players to work. Its not like Symmetra's shield generator that can be stashed in a corner. Even with Orisa's shield in front of it, you have to make sure flankers cant get to it... or in my case in another match, Junkrat, in which I took the other team's barrel out. A different match on Hanamura was my favorite though. My friend was Orisa and I was Lucio.... Hanamura is a nightmare to capture point B. The other team is always going to go with Bastion and/or Symmetra. The hallway to the spawn is shorter than most maps letting the defending team run back to it for a quick HP top off. You damn near need a team kill to cap. Anyways, we coordinated our alts, and I spammed the group up button and ult notification, surprisingly everyone grouped up on me and I hit the sound barrier and speed boost. We charged in and my friend dropped the barrel and shield and we crushed them. Team Kill, we win. This is probably why Lucio's AoE's are getting nerfed soon. Him and Orisa is a pretty powerful combo.

The new changes to Sombra are subtle but amazing. More access to hack and trans-locator is what she needed. I played her a few rounds and wreaked havoc on the other teams healers. And the fact that Junkrat doesn't hurt himself with his own bombs now is amazing. I can now lure people into small rooms and end them every time. You can be even more reckless now, which matches the character. Ole Junks is a nightmare for Orisa, shes big and can't get away, plus she requires accuracy so spamming jump makes it hard for her to hit him. Since D.Va doesn't have aim, and Roadhog can just hook, they don't have much issue with him like Rein and Orisa.

Oh and thankfully they nerfed Bastion again. that 30% less damage in turret mode was unacceptable.

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Its going to be a prequel story. Im glad they are doing a PvE event again, Dr. Junkanstine was pretty fun for Halloween. They should really do more of these because it forces people to learn new characters against bots, but have fun at the same time since you're playing with friends.



Here is the comic if you want to read it.

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OMG YES!! XD I had to have this more than any skin. XDXDXD

The PvE event is amazing. Its better than the Halloween event. They took King's Row and made it a day time map. You have to capture 3 points while fighting off hordes of bots. You have your standard enemies, and then there are ones with Reinhardt type shields. Once you capture all 3 points, which are timed rather than a progress meter, you have to guard a payload. New smaller enemies appear and shoot beams at the payload, while detonator bots spawn every once in a while and try to blow up near the payload. Bastions will also spawn in turret configuration. Once you guard that, you have to escort it to the infamous last hallway of the map, all while fighting tank config Bastions. Then the final stretch is a clusterfuck of tank and turret bastions along with 4 souped up Orisas.

Normal mode is pretty tough outside of normal difficulty. There are 4 difficulties; Normal, Hard, Epic, and Legendary. It def requires everyone to be on the same page. Reinhardt has to have awareness of where the bastions are, while Mercy has to keep him up along with Tracer since she only has 150HP. Torb can handle his own for the most part with some attention from Mercy here and there. There are no health packs, so its all up to the healer to keep people alive. You pretty much have to communicate. Then there is "All Heroes" mode where you can pick anyone. You still need a healer, but with better ults like Hanzo, Junkrat, D.Va, and Bastion, it makes certain parts a lot easier. We had some pretty funny rounds where I lined up the last two Orisa's with Hanzo's ult, then next I nanoboosted Bastion with Ana to make real short work of the end with a D.Va nuke on top of it. We haven't tried anything higher than Hard yet. I can't imagine how insane legendary is.

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So in about a week it will have been 1 year since this game came out. Its been a long time since a shooter type game has kept my interest for an entire year. The game has evolved quite a bit since day one. In a single year we've gotten 3 heroes and 3 maps. It doesn't sound like much, but considering the balancing equation this game requires, it actually is. Not only have heroes received constantly balancing, but so have maps. Unlike other games that don't admit when they've made a mistake. Blizzard has altered their maps, opened up choke points, and made new paths and door ways when defense has it too good. As I sit back and reflect upon my time with the game, I've come to a few observations about heroes.

I started out with Torb and D.Va as my best characters. A year later Junkrat, D.Va, Roadhog, and Lucio are probably my strongest characters.

D.Va is kind of in a poor state now. Her armor nerf was pretty shit IMO, and she can't do anything against Zarya. Once Zarya sees you just just immediately goes after you because her beam rips through defense matrix. This needs to change TBH. Its pretty bullshit. I still play her because I adore her character, and I love her alt.

I never thought I'd be good at support, but damn, Lucio is becoming my most played character. He's #3 right now behind Junks and D.Va. But with people not willing to play healer, I've become pretty damn good with him... not only keeping my team alive, but I've managed to get gold medals in kills as well. The buff to his gun did a lot of good, and his healing buff/nerf was done well. You have to work to heal like every other support character now, but you still have the speed advantage.

Now that I've spent time with Ana, I do like her and how she works. I prefer Lucio any and every day, but if I get stuck with her on mystery heroes, for the weekly loot box credit, I can be pretty proficient with her.

I continue to get better with Genji. Hes just a rewarding character to play. You have to work hard to max your DPS, and you really need a decent healer to keep you up.

With the rise of Orisa, and Winston's shield buff. Junkrat is just a very important character now. Hes a shield buster... and now that his bombs don't self inflict damage, you can cause mayhem in small rooms without worrying about killing yourself. Some people are foolish enough to challenge your territory with a tank.

This game is still not very fun playing solo. I get frustrated waiting for friends to get on as I constantly get people picking hanzo and widow... and then ana as a healer to make it worse. They all just ignore the "too many snipers" warning on the side.... then when you start the match none of them take out the torb turret, bastion, or Phara.

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This was a terrible mistake. And not because he was nerfed, it was because Reaper was buffed and is ultra OP right now. Paired with this nerf, Reaper can't be stopped when someone good is using him. No tanks can go head to head with him, not even D.Va. He gets 20% of the damage he dished out as HP now. Instead of the orbs from kills, he constantly heals as hes blasting anything. Tanks can't outdamage this healing. So Roadhog cant hook and one shot, and D.Va can't stagger her defense matrix and wear him down. Playing tank is pretty frustrating right now when there is a hero that can melt them with no issue. The only good thing from this buff is there is finally a hard counter to Zarya... but hes a hard counter to every tank.... which was his designed purpose but hes way too good at it now... and he heals off regular heroes as well. As much as i enjoy slaughtering Zarya and Symmetra, its not good for the game. Now people don't want to be healers or tanks. -_-;

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Those buffs sound really nice. Being able to launch up to high locations and still having an explosive to use will change him up alot.. same with being able to just spam two right after each other at a choke point.

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Its funny they are talking about it for jumps. 1 Concussion mind can kill Tracer and Mercy in one hit, and kill every other 200HP hero that's been lightly damaged. 2 will make him super strong at area denial.. I almost feel like this is OP and they'll nerf his concussion mine damage to compensate while upping the trap damage so its still a instakill combo. Double mine traps would severely damage tanks, which are already being crushed by the new Reaper. With the new Roadhog buff incoming he's probably the only one that could survive it if he's quick enough on the heal button. I rather have the HP buff to the tire than speed. Too often 76, Hanzo, McCree, or any hitscan hero takes it out if the map doesn't provide a good spot to surprise people with. Making it faster really wont help too much.

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