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Rise of the Tomb Raider: Announcement Trailer


Square Enix has announced the sequel to the hugely popular reboot of Tomb Raider! Rise of the Tomb Raider will be available in 2015.

“Multiple locations around the world will be filled with exploration spaces that are some of the most beautifully hostile places on earth and over three times larger than we could achieve before.

“Our digital actors will rival CG quality, and after hearing the cry from our fans loud and clear, we will put the tombs back into Tomb Raider, all in our gritty survival-action style.”

Sources: TombRaider.com | VG247.com

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Two years later after I made this topic, PS4 will finally get this game. -_-; I've purposefully avoided any news about this game so I wouldn't spoil it for myself. Now that I will finally have a PC that can play it, I think I'll still get it for PS4 later this year. The season pass is included for PS4 which does include a campaign DLC.


Square Enix has announced Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration will launch on PlayStation 4 in October.

It will include Rise of the Tomb Raider and a new story chapter entitled Blood Ties, and a new co-op mode Endurance.

PlayStation VR support for Blood Ties is also included along with all of the previously released DLC, more outfits, weapons, and Expedition Cards.

The Limited Edition of the game also comes with a limited edition art book.

All of the aforementioned extra content, except for VR support, will be made available for Xbox One and PC players. Current Season Pass owners on Xbox and PC will automatically receive the extra content for free.

The Season Pass will be updated to include the new content and there isn’t a Season Pass on PlayStation 4 as all content is included



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I beat Rise of the Tomb Raider today.. finally. lol. :D It was good but the first game was definitely superior to me. The plot and pacing were well done and theres so much content to OCD on that it took me forever to beat it. Theres still 2 game modes I haven't tried and probably wont since they seem to be end game content that doesn't involve plot. One is a combat / survival / crafting mode and the other is a score based hordes / waves of undead enemies combat mode. The weapons and fighting in Rise of the Tomb Raider were well done, some of the perks make combat a bit too easy. Then again, with fully upgraded weapons, nothing really stands a chance again Lara Croft at the end. My rapid fire explosive shotgun rounds make quick work out of just about anything, same with my underslung grenade launcher on my assault rifle. XD

Some of the DLC I got with the collectors edition was very well done. The witch DLC made me have a full on blair witch feel that was creepy as hell and thrilling. :D The croft manor DLC was a no combat mission that felt like an old school point and click rpg game where we explore the large croft manor, solve a few puzzles and get alot of backstory via voiced dialogue.

I was disapointed with the bugs I came across. Most weren't major, it was small things that really break immersion. Most of which all took place in the last map of the game. In another map I saw some clay pots rotating wildly and making a bunch of noise for no reason.. and they were indestructable. I thought that was a bit funny and an odd bug for a big title game like this, especially since its been out for over a year. Then I got to the last map of the game.. The game has a bunch of puzzles in it, most of which is figuring out how to navigate a map to get to areas to complete challenges. I wasted 40 minutes trying to figure out how to get to this trebuchet and eventually gave up only to find out the next part in the campaign mission took me back to that same area, but now with a climbable wall that magically appeared. They could have at least made an explosion or something to explain the sudden change in this wall face, but they didn't. At that same treb, an enemy didn't spawn and it caused me to not be able to progress.. I had to walk around half the map until the other enemies respawned, and I purposefully didn't kill them, got up to the platform I needed to progress the game and the third enemy appeared. I looked it up and found out this bug has been present since the launch of the game back on Xbox One. Over a year later and this progress halting bug has not been fixed. wtf. I also saw 3 enemies perfectly still hugging a wall with their arms at odd angles.. as I approached them I saw 2 were floating from the cliff face they were supposed to be climbing.. and then the cliff face exploded sending their bodies flying. Somehow the developer forgot to animate those guys. Ummm... It feels like the last set of events was really rushed, but seeing as these things should have been patched by now and weren't is a bit disappointing. Don't get me wrong tho, these bugs only affected about an hour of my 40+ gameplay hours (not counting my afk hours, lol.). Even tho the bugs weren't a major hindrance, except for that trebuchet, they were immersion breaking. Seeing as the first Tomb Raider game was nearly flawless, I was expecting perfection again. oh well, I'm picky.

Overall, Rise of the Tomb Raider was highly enjoyable and I hope they make a third game in the series.

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