Playstation Home Publisher Heavy Water has decided to make easy to use tools for making Games & Machinima.
I'll probably settle for donating $65 if I make a donation around the end of this month. Wish they had a cheaper version of "100% Complete Launch Pak" without a T-Shirt. (They should know better about the T Shirt thing since almost everyone on PS Home hates T-Shirts.)
Even if this Kickstarter reaches its Goal I highly doubt anyone using this will be allowed to publish on PS Home. On the other hand I would really hope we could.
Joystiq is reporting that the 1st Black Ops II DLC will be hitting January 29th thanks to a image circulating around reddit. The DLC will include 4 mutiplayer maps, 1 zombie map, and for the time in COD history, a new weapon will be introduced post release. Check out the image below!
Its still a work in progress, but at least it is now more useable. If you were using the dark theme before, you will have to re-select the Dark theme at the bottom left of the screen to start using the new one.
THQ declared bankruptcy last week and is in the process of being purchased by an equity firm. Looks like the THQ humble bundle was a quick cash grab for the company to raise its stock price and to help with the massive debt the company is in. Good news is that the company will continue to support its titles and have not announced any game cancellations.
As many of you know, God of War is introducing mutiplayer in God of War: Ascension. I haven't looked into it at all until now. Basically you create a new warrior. Choose one of 4 gods to align yourself with, and with leveling up you unlock new weapons, armor, magic, items and relics. Their website is pretty vague with details but the beta will start January 8th, 2013 for playstation plus members.
The only game mode revealed so far is "Team favor rush"
From the looks of the video above, I'm guessing one of the objectives might be killing that chained titan. But it makes me wonder if that means one team will defend the titan or if it will be a team competition to see who can kill it first.
How quickly people die and the re-spawn time will be very interesting to see in the beta. Same with game balancing. Seeing as a 4x4 match is a small amount of players, one new guy could really screw a team when going against 4 people that know what they're doing.
Has anyone pre-ordered this game? Or are you looking forward to the God of War multiplayer?
Now that we are using new software, one of the important things is to know how to use it. While IPB is pretty user friendly, I'll go over a couple features that may not be noticeable right away. Here are some quick and easy shortcuts:
1) When you log in, the "View New Content" link at the top right of the screen is the easiest way to see what new content has been added since your last visit or over a set period of time. Once you are on this screen you can use the other links on the left side to choose what kind of content you want to see and by what time period:
2) This little star icon indicates that this is a topic that you have participated in. The regular circles are topics you have not created or replied to:
3) All of these links will take you to the first post you have not yet read:
4) These links will take you to the last post in the topic:
5) If you hover over a topic, you will see this icon, it allows you to see a preview of that topic:
6) This is the topic preview:
7) If you hover over a username anywhere on the site, it will show you a profile card that has quick links to that User's profile, their gallery, blog, send a private message, etc.
As of last night, status updates are no longer viewable to guests or new members. You must be a full member to view all status updates, the shoutbox, the chat room, profiles and to use the search feature.
I also added a tag list to the forum sidebar and Recent Posts (not recent topics, I'm looking into setting up both) are now located on the main page. This should be useful for the mobile theme as it will now show recent posts on the main page before showing new articles.
Here is the trailer for the new remake of Evil Dead. With Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell working on this, you know it should be good. Fair warning though, the trailer by itself has more gore than the old cult classic movies.
As long as someone ends up with a chainsaw for an arm, I'll be happy.
I've been getting ready for spring for the last couple months and its taken up a crazy amount of my free time. We expanded our garden to be really huge last september in preparation for growing fruit and veggies. Then we decided to expand it another 6 more feet in one direction which we finally got finished last weekend. It was alot of work because our garden has an almost 6 foot tall deer fence all around it. We hammered in u-posts into the ground and attached the deer net and buried the bottom of the net so nothing will burrow under it. I should do measurements at some point to figure out its total volume. Its huge. lol.
We have 3 apple trees, 3 cherry trees, and 1 nectarine tree in there. We still have to move 3 of those trees into their permanent locations (they are only 1 or 2 year old trees so its still possible to dig them up) and we have to plant a new apricot tree in there. I prepped the two rows for veggies last month but theres alot of weed whacking to do still and plants to move. We have 4 grape vines, 4 blueberry bushes and multiple raspberry plants to move. I started a bunch of veggies from seed and those tomatoes are still in an unused bath tub in my house with a light over them getting bigger every day. I'm looking forward to getting everything planted and done so all this gardening can give me a break.
Well my dryer broke after about 15 years and multiple repairs I've done over those years. I had to buy a new dryer. So far so good. I was finally able to get my laundry done again and my bathroom no longer smells like dirty socks and febreeze.
FML my pressure tank is failing for my well. Its getting replaced next week. Getting a new whole house water filter installed too along with some new valves and safety upgrades. Props to the well company employee for giving me the tip of hooking up an air compressor to the pressure tank to put some air in the bladder to get the system gimping along until the repair work is done. I miss public water. lol.
This has been a busy summer. I'm almost looking forward to winter so I can get a break from all the lawn mowing and outside projects. Hopefully the snow blower I bought this year works good so I'll have alot of free time this winter to get caught up on things. When I've had free time I've been playing Final Fantasy X over the last 5 months and I've somehow finally hit 100 hours on it. Lol. Only took me about half a year. I still didn't beat it yet but I'm at the end game stuff now with the monster arena and omega ruins.
I was going to edit these pics with more context and I forgot. these are my new snow tires I bought. I took the pic with my finger in them for scale to show the depth of the tread.