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Science, Computers & Technology.

5 articles in this category

  1. Retail Stores Are Tracking You Using Your Smartphone

    Nordstrom’s experiment is part of a movement by retailers to gather data about in-store shoppers’ behavior and moods, using video surveillance and signals from their cellphones and apps to learn information as varied as their sex, how many minutes they spend in the candy aisle and how long they look at merchandise before buying it.

    All sorts of retailers — including national chains, like Family Dollar, Cabela’s and Mothercare, a British company, and specialty stores like Benetton and Warby Parker — are testing these technologies and using them to decide on matters like changing store layouts and offering customized coupons.

  2. Copyright Alert System Goes Into Effect Today


    If you download copyrighted material, your ISP might start scolding you by sending you emails, redirecting file sharing websites to education ones and even reduce your download speeds for days at a time. But that seems to be the extent of what will happen. No personal information is to be sent to copyright holders which would mean no lawsuits for sharing copyright material should ever happen.

    Source: http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/25/4026194/infamous-six-strike-anti-piracy-program-barks-harder-than-it-bites

    Five major internet service providers have signed onto a private sector effort to punish users for downloading copyrighted materials. Advocates say the new Copyright Alert System gives the entertainment industry a new tool to combat piracy, while opponents say it's a hassle for users that won't work to stop illegal downloading. The effort has been underway since 2011 but after suffering delays and missing its scheduled launch in November, it is finally being introduced today.

    The Copyright Alert System, also known as the "six strike" system, is a cooperation between ISPs and copyright owners such as movie studios and record companies. The conceit is that the system is just "informing" users that they are illegally trafficking content. "When people share digital files, they can violate copyright law often without being aware that they're doing so," says the narrator of a video produced by the Center for Copyright Information, the group administering the new program.

    The participating ISPs are juggernauts Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, Cablevision, and Time Warner, meaning most Americans will be affected by the new program.

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    • Sledgstone

      I've been getting ready for spring for the last couple months and its taken up a crazy amount of my free time. We expanded our garden to be really huge last september in preparation for growing fruit and veggies. Then we decided to expand it another 6 more feet in one direction which we finally got finished last weekend. It was alot of work because our garden has an almost 6 foot tall deer fence all around it. We hammered in u-posts into the ground and attached the deer net and buried the bottom of the net so nothing will burrow under it. I should do measurements at some point to figure out its total volume. Its huge. lol.
      We have 3 apple trees, 3 cherry trees, and 1 nectarine tree in there. We still have to move 3 of those trees into their permanent locations (they are only 1 or 2 year old trees so its still possible to dig them up) and we have to plant a new apricot tree in there. I prepped the two rows for veggies last month but theres alot of weed whacking to do still and plants to move. We have 4 grape vines, 4 blueberry bushes and multiple raspberry plants to move. I started a bunch of veggies from seed and those tomatoes are still in an unused bath tub in my house with a light over them getting bigger every day. I'm looking forward to getting everything planted and done so all this gardening can give me a break.
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    • Sledgstone

      Well my dryer broke after about 15 years and multiple repairs I've done over those years. I had to buy a new dryer. So far so good. I was finally able to get my laundry done again and my bathroom no longer smells like dirty socks and febreeze.
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    • Sledgstone

      FML my pressure tank is failing for my well. Its getting replaced next week. Getting a new whole house water filter installed too along with some new valves and safety upgrades. Props to the well company employee for giving me the tip of hooking up an air compressor to the pressure tank to put some air in the bladder to get the system gimping along until the repair work is done. I miss public water. lol.
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    • Sledgstone

      This has been a busy summer. I'm almost looking forward to winter so I can get a break from all the lawn mowing and outside projects. Hopefully the snow blower I bought this year works good so I'll have alot of free time this winter to get caught up on things. When I've had free time I've been playing Final Fantasy X over the last 5 months and I've somehow finally hit 100 hours on it. Lol. Only took me about half a year.  I still didn't beat it yet but I'm at the end game stuff now with the monster arena and omega ruins.
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    • Sledgstone

      FML one of my window air conditioners broke today while it was 96 degrees. x_x
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