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Sledge's Grilled Sweet and Spicy Chicken Wings

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Instructions to make:

Sledge's Grilled Sweet and Spicy Chicken Wings


- Chicken Wings

- Sledge's Sweet and Spicy Rib Rub

Stuff you will need:

- A good knife

- Aluminum foil

- Ziploc gallon storage or freezer bag

- Grill

- Tongs


1) Prepare your chicken wings! I consider one batch of wings to be about 2 or 2 1/2 pounds. This package is enough for two batches of wings.


2) If you have never cut chicken wings before, start by grabbing the tip and stretching out the wing.. the muscle structure of the wing will stay stretched out while you hold it allowing for an easy cut.



3) If you do not have a sharp knife that will easily cut through bone, then grab the wing and snap the drumette away from the wingette in the opposite direction you were cutting, like in this pic.. the bone will pop out of the cartilage thus separating the two pieces.


4) Now just cut the skin/meat that is still connecting the two pieces.


5) Now cut the wing tip off and discard it.



6) Cut the rest of your batch of wings the same way and place all the pieces on a paper towel covered plate.


7) Get a small bowl of Sledge's Sweet and Spicy Rib Rub ready and get a gallon size ziploc bag for shaking your wings in. Now use paper towels and dry each wing individually and place them in the ziploc bag in rows. Drying the wings can take a while, so go ahead and start your grill and get it heated up and cleaned.


8) Sprinkle one side of the wings with the rub so they are coated, flip the bag over and coat the other side too.


9) Close the bag with a bit of air in it, and shake that bag to make sure the wings are fully coated.


10) You will want to cook your wings on the grill with indirect heat. Line up your wings on the grill on one side, then set the burners on your grill to high, except for the burner your wings are sitting on, turn that one off.



11) After letting them cook for about 20 minutes, you will want to flip them over and let them cook another 20 minutes.


12) Use a meat thermometer if you unsure if the wings are done or not. Chicken is done at 170 degrees. Depending on your grill and the temperature it is maintaining, you may have to cook them longer or shorter. Once they are done, put them on an aluminum foil lined plate and then cover them with another layer of aluminum foil and let the wings sit for a good 5-10 minutes. This way the wings will rest and retain their moisture.

And here they are done!


Additional tips:

1) You can cook them faster by cooking them over direct heat, but you will have to flip them very often and the more you flip them, more of the seasoning will be burned off onto the grill surface. That is why I cook them slower to retain the most flavor.

2) You can get the wings crispier by turning the burner underneath them on in the last 5-10 minutes of cooking. Just keep flipping them. But because this rub has sugar in it, the wings will want to burn quickly! So keep an eye on them and if they start charring up, lower the heat or take them off the grill!

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Wow, you can see the blood right off the bone edge in those wings, mighty fresh eeehh. Appetizing to the MAX, I can't wait to get that grill thingie and get cracking on this recipe!

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Try this recipe! :D But remember, you have to cook them different in the oven with that roasting pan.. Once I get a roasting pan myself, I'll definitely update my blog with oven style versions of ribs, wings, etc.

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