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We're not friends



So, I unfriended you on facebook and now your ass hurts. Oh well, too bad so sad. You'll delude yourself(you're very good at it) into believing that you got the kick to the curb because of a conversation about religion, that is just not the case. You got the steel toe because I see what kind of person you are and I am not friends with people like you. You are an ignorant asshole so deep into your cult that you live in a created bubble of delusion and refuse to step outside of it.

Any "friend" of mine has seen that I use fb as a platform for my causes and to raise awareness about the things I care about. Aside from anti theistic memes I post a lot about women, LGBT, children, animals,the environment,politics, advances in science and medicine. A great deal of what I post points out wtf is wrong and what we can do to change it. You choose to ignore EVERYTHING else for months and months and then comment on something that points out that the Bible never mentions abortion.

You showed me that you don't give a shit about anything real, but someone not agreeing with your personal interpretation of the Bible is grounds for speaking up. Fuck rape, child abuse, the Keystone Pipeline, animals being skinned alive for their fur. You care about you and your feeling offended and your desire to feel superior over a fucking internet meme (which was correct).

You presented the same tired ass anti choice argument I've heard a trillion times without even realizing it because of that bubble you live in. You were even surprised atheists use religious texts to point out how stupid the shit is because of that bubble you live in. You ignore where I point out pregnant women are ripped open by command in the OT and that penalties for killing a person and an unborn are different in the OT. You tried to say I said things I did not, another tactic I shot down. You resorted to circular logic to "prove" your point; what you "proved" to me is how ignorant you are about how the real world and that brain in your fucking head works. Bubble you live in maybe? I don't know, I no longer care.

At the end of it all (and probably the reason you engaged to begin with) you interpret the Bible to say that abortion is murder therefore abortion is murder. Puketastick finale, bravo. Not only do you not give a fuck about my causes, you think women I know and love are murderesses. That's a pretty sick opinion you have about women and one I obviously do not agree with. It makes me suspicious that you suddenly decide to comment when your patriarchal biblical interpretation of wtf goes on in a woman's uterus decides if she is a murderer comes into question. News flash! a murder is an act of violence, an abortion is a medical procedure. They are two very fucking different things.

You showed me what kind of person you are.

You were un-friended because I am not friends with people like you.


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