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Kettle Brand Jalapeno Potato Chips



Kettle Brand Jalapeno Potato Chips are some of the best jalapeno chips available in stores. With that nice large red "Hot" pepper on the front of the package, I was expecting some good heat and these chips delivered.


The chips are a nice gold color speckled with green jalapeno seasonings. But the flavor isn't just in those speckles, these chips are imbued with jalapeno flavor. After just a few chips you'll begin to notice the nice jalapeno burn sneaking up on you as an after taste. After about 5-10 chips you'll be approaching the full flavor profile of jalapeno perfection. Kettle Brand jalapeno chips are less salty and have less 'folded over' chips than other competing brands and that is what really sets them apart from the others. Every chip is very consistent with flavor and seasonings.

The only downside to these are probably that they are a bit greasy, just like all potato chips. But the packaging does a good job at grabbing excess grease and seasonings and keeping it all stuck to the inside of the bag, mostly at the bottom. This reduces the overall greasiness of the chips to be a bit less than a regular bag of Lays. If you really enjoy the flavor of jalapeno and want every last crumb and bit of grease, after you eat a bag of these, cut open the empty bag and lick the inside for a special treat of unhealthiness. XD I actually did this once.. too much grease for me, but the flavor was very good. :P


Should you eat these?

Yes! These are some of the best jalapeno chips you can buy. Expect some good jalapeno heat. These are hotter than Lay's Sriracha chips.


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I wonder how they stack up to Zapps Crawtators




Sriracha is definitely not the hottest chip I've ever tried. I just loved its flavor... Doritos Flamas was pretty high up on the scoville scale




The problem with "spicy" foods today is most of them fail to deliver because most the nation isn't use to it/hasn't grown up on it, so they cant handle it and sales suffer. I know people that are so intolerant toward spicy they can't even handle Hooter's regular hot wings.... which is not spicy at all. lol With my dad's side of the family spending most their life in New Orleans, I grew up on spicy and could eat a jalapeno whole without breaking a sweat. I'll have to keep an eye out for these chips. I love kettle chips, especially for dipping... unlike Lay's, they wont shatter into dust trying to scoop out a heap of french onion. XD

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Those Sriracha chips definitely had a great flavor. :nod:


I have never seen either of those chips before. O_O I'll definitely have to try the flamas. I used to not be able to handle spiciness. I eventually built up my taste buds for it over the years. In hind sight, I wish I could have tried the super hot doritos back in the day:



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Those were ok. I remember trying them at Firehouse Subs, but the flamas has them beat because of the sheer amount of coating they place on the chip... Its hard to get that stuff off your fingers.

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I've always been intrigued by that.. im going to take a pic of the section of hot sauces on our shelf tomorrow and see how it compares to how much space is dedicated to it in your grocery store up there. :P

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I've always been intrigued by that.. im going to take a pic of the section of hot sauces on our shelf tomorrow and see how it compares to how much space is dedicated to it in your grocery store up there. :P

I finally got around to taking some pics the other day. I uploaded them to my random gallery, and heres the pics:


Hot Sauces 01


Hot Sauces 02


Hot Sauces 03

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I haven't tried it. I don't think they sell it anywhere here. Whats really surprising is the amount of hot sauce this Tops store sells. All other stores in this area has maybe 2 shelves of hot sauce and nowhere near the variety this store has.

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Hmm I just noticed that. I wonder if they have the regular. We don't have those down here. I sent a package of samplers to a friend in VA that doesn't have access to Louisiana, he seems to love the Chipotle... being as I'm not a huge fan of the chipotle flavor I couldn't comment.  Habanero might be good, but it could be bitter.

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Next time I'm there I'll pick one up and see what its like.


Do you have any Dinosaur BBQ sauces there? Its in my third pic middle shelf far left. Those are their hot sauces.. The devils duel is insanely hot. I can pour any bbq sauce into a bowl, add 2-3 drops of that hot sauce and instantly have a hot and spicy version of whatever sauce I want. I mixed some of that with Montgomery Inn bbq sauce and it turned out to be some of the best sauce I've ever used for bbq.





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I'll have to check it out. I think I've seen that around...


I think we've had this discussion before... Did I ever tell you about Satan's Blood? http://www.hotsauceworld.com/satansblood.html 800,000 on the scoville chart, its the hottest sauce I've ever attempted and it leaves your stomach feeling like someone poured hot lead into it. XD It doesn't taste very good either. Its very pungent and bitter.


That being said... FUCK THIS: http://www.hotsauceworld.com/bl3amrepeex.html XD You'll have to pay me A LOT to try that. There is a rare one that tops 16 million on the scale too: http://www.hotsauceworld.com/bl6amrepeexe.html



I do like their 50,000 scoville sauce. Its very hot, but it tastes pretty good. At one time I thought this was the hottest hot sauce ever. :P

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ROTFLMAO!! Thats the best part X'D This dude is crazy. I've watched him puke many times doing crazy challenges. But this puke session takes the cake... it had to be just as spicy coming up as it was going down. :P

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