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This is why I will never buy another Motorola phone





Doran Else bought his Photon 4G last October, lured by the fast dual-core processor and by the close relationship between Motorola and its new owner, Google. Motorola had recently joined the Android Upgrade Alliance, promising to release operating system updates to all its phones for 18 months following their release.

But for Else and thousands of others, those operating system updates turned out to be a mirage. Last Friday, buried in a Motorola forum, the company quietly abandoned its update pledge, killing off plans to ever update the Photon 4G. The Electrify, a re-branded Photon available on the US Cellular network, and the Atrix 4G, a flagship phone that debuted on AT&T in the United States, got the axe as well.

"Just seems they were happy to join the alliance when it helped them sell handsets," Else said in an e-mail. "Now that it's time to do the work, they're all dropping devices. This latest announcement from Moto is just ridiculous."

The result is that Else and thousands of people in the middle of two-year carrier contracts will have to use Android 2.3, known as Gingerbread, for the foreseeable future. Motorola had promised owners of the Photon, Electrify, and Atrix an upgrade to to Android 4.0, known as Ice Cream Sandwich, which would bring a host of new features and security updates. Instead they are stuck on Gingerbread, an operating system that was already a year old when Else bought his phone.

There was no word on why the company had twice said upgrades were coming -- first in the third quarter of this year, then the fourth quarter -- or why it had bothered joining the Android Upgrade Alliance, if it couldn't meet its requirements.

Next phone I buy will be an HTC or a Samsung. I will never buy a Motorola phone again. I specifically bought this phone because it was on sale, it had basically the same specs as the samsung galaxy at the time and it was guaranteed to be upgraded to the latest android operating system.

I never got that upgraded operating system. Android 2.3 is so outdated, that numerous apps are not even available for it. I cannot even run Google Chrome.. wtf. No Vine, no Time Warner app, etc. Numerous basic features on all phones are not available to me because I bought this phone with the belief that I'd only use the old operating system for another month or so. I remember when my brother's Nexus got upgraded to android 4.1, he was talking about how it was like a brand new phone again.. I was looking forward to this upgrade for so long.. and then my hopes were crushed.

Say no to Motorola. Don't even bother buying their crap, because its completely unsupported.


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The HTC One definitely looks like a better phone than the Moto X. :nod:


I'm interested in seeing what the new Nexus will be like. At least google will keep that phone up to date, unlike their subsidiary company.

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Never owned a Motorola because I wasn't a fan of their user-interface on their older phones, before smart-phones caught on. I was with Nokia for easy use. For some reason, Motorola's haven't impressed me with their design. I'd get a Sony before a Motorola.

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Nokia-Motorola-Sony Ericsson-Samsung-Blackberry-iPhone-HTC

The worst phone I've ever owned was the Samsung Blackjack II... that thing was a pile of crap, I think I only owned it for 6-7 months before i ditched it for the Blackberry Bold 9000. At one time I was buying a phone every year. Once I got the BB I started holding on to phones longer.


I still say my Sony Ericsson T810 was the slickest looking phone I've ever owned outside my HTC One

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My first cell phone was way back when I was a teenager.. I had one of the first digital cell phones from a company called Aerial One Wireless. I had a Sony Ericsson and an a Nokia that weighed about 5 pounds. lol. That Ericsson was good.. for making phone calls, things like texting didn't exist yet.. at least I don't think they did. XD


It looked like this:




Except I didn't have that cool Coke skin.. I had these phones for about a year and then I dropped the cell phone plan because the service was horrendous. I didn't get another cell phone again until almost 10 years later. XD


I forget what my original Sprint phone was, but I ended up getting a Rumor 2 that lasted me aboiut 3 years because it was the best phone I could get without having a smart phone plan.. That Rumor 2 phone was fun for the first year or 2, then it started feeling aged.. and once I got a smartphone I realized what I've been missing out on.. and now that I know what other people have over my outdated Motorola, its annoying.

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My first phone was my Dad's phone, the Nokia 6210. Borrowed it when I started working, didn't own a phone through school or college. 




Then my next phone was the first one I bought once I could afford to buy anything, the Nokia 6280. Lovely lovely phone, just loved it a lot. 




Then I came to the US and got a Blackberry Pearl after a year on my Nokia. Middle color. 




Then I went through 2 more Blackberries before switching to a crappy HTC that I used for 2 months before chucking it. I got a Samsung Galaxy S2 and a year and a half later, the Galaxy S4. Not too happy with the build but the phone's not bad for what I want it to do. 

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