Sexualizing cancerous tits
I boobies
Save the tatas
Save second base
Are you fucking kidding me? No, unfortunately the above garbage is making its shitty rounds.
Cancer is, at worst, a fucking death sentence; at best a long, sickening, painful, expensive, time consuming fight to live. People fighting breast cancer may have to have their breasts removed. There goes boobies, tatas and second base so I guess you no longer give a shit because we couldn't save them titties.
The ignorant trinity sends the message that a woman's breasts, a part of her body, is there for the happiness of someone else. It says screw the patient those breasts just made for groping are attached to. Breasts full of cancer are so sexy.
How utterly fucking disgusting.
Take a minute to imagine an external part of your body turning traitor trying to kill you and you end up having to have it surgically removed. That's what breast cancer is.
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