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  3. I remember playing demos for the previous 2 Styx games on PS4. I currently got one of them for free on GOG. I might buy this if it ever comes to GOG.
  4. Myk JL

    Console Rumors

    I would've bought an Xbox 360 handheld if Microsoft focused on that instead of Xbox One.
  5. https://roosterteeth.com/ I doubt Red Vs. Blue can be saved, but hopefully something entertaining can come out of this.
  6. Myk JL

    Hogwarts Legacy

    But what are the most offensive mods I could put into Hogwarts Legacy? At a bare minimum they would at least get labeled microaggressions.
  7. The only reason to why I'd buy this on Steam is because it's not published by Sony. *Edit* Another video about this.
  8. Myk JL

    The Why Files

    This episode justifies to me why I hate smart devices. *Edit* Warning! Heckle Fish says the g name & it isn't Godzilla. *Edit 2* Investor Entertainment has ruined multiverses for me.
  9. Nintendo's April Fool's joke could be cancelling Nintendo Switch 2's Nintendo Direct...
  10. I'm extremely pessimistic since I expect ES6 will be a remake of ES2, but this time it'll be Redguards with a lore breaking lecture to Stormcloaks on BLM to reflect the (real) world we live in today.
  11. What wasn't mentioned that I bought My Cheetah Friend | Shallow yet enjoyable. Barely runs on my current PC. What was mentioned that I bought Changeling Tale | Despite my use of skip, most of the girls in this game have interesting stories. What was mentioned that I might someday buy on GOG.com or itch.io... Loop Queen: Escape Dungeon 3 | I feel obligated to buy the other Escape Dungeon games if I ever buy this one. Hole Dweller | I think I could get it to run on this PC, but I've shown no interest in buying it in the past. In Heat: Lustful Nights | One of very few Steam games I might still buy as long as it doesn't cater to Mark Robinson. Mad Island | This hits my Mortal Kombat fatalities itch in all the wrong ways. Humans are not that against Lizardwomen | And I'm still not that against buying it along with its sequel. Subverse | I keep losing interest in this game when I think about other games I've removed from my Wish List.
  12. In case there was never a sequel I didn't post the first until now.
  13. I keep forgetting to post this.
  14. Myk JL

    Okami Sequel

    I remember enjoying Okami on Wii. Here's hoping current year doesn't make the sequel Cringe.
  15. A Marvel Universe that isn't Cringe in Current Year?!... I'm shocked!
  16. The Web Browser games I've played in this are... 10th - I recently started playing it last month. Even if this were made with AI, it's still fun. 5th - I played it over a month ago. I stopped because I didn't want to advance the story into the woods. 3rd - Lacks a Cup of Pronouns.
  17. Anomalous Coffee Machine really needs that Cup of Pronouns.
  18. Either I'm sick of musicals or the music wasn't that bad. Overall, an interesting episode.
  19. Myk JL

    Console Rumors

    Sony would rather sell 8KTVs than sell a PS4 Portable...
  20. I would trust Elon Musk to buy Xbox more than I would trust him to make an AI Game Engine. I fear this would just be a way for Elon Musk to steal from other Game Engines just so he could cater to investors.
  21. I would definitely prefer Cyberpunk XXX over Cyberpunk 2077.
  22. Myk JL


    I think I feel too obligated to buy games that take place in Russia like this franchise, Atomic Heart, & the Metro franchise. It almost makes me want to buy Fallout games if those weren't so cringe.
  23. Myk JL


    Even if I could get my money back would I actually get it, or would it be tied to my PlayStation Account?
  24. I still expect Nintendo Switch 2 games won't have physical copies despite being BC with physical copies for the 1st Nintendo Switch.
  25. Myk JL


    I don't want to buy Palworld for PC, but Nintendo makes me want to.
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