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Myk JL

"War On Christmas" 2010

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American Atheists have started a "big fuss" this year by actually starting a "War On Christmas". And so far I approve! Although to a certain extent I'd like a second opinion on what Jews think, had it not emphasized it was by atheists. Not to say "Jews are right". But even they know Jesus Christ isn't "The King/Messiah/etc Of The Jews".

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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You know, for me, religion is a secondary part of Christmas. Yeah, I know that's the reason that particular holiday exists, but for me this is getting together with my family (which only happens about once a year) and spending time with those I love. Why can't people who aren't Christans just look at it that way? An excuse to get some time off to spend with loved ones?

Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints!


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  Dubird said:
You know, for me, religion is a secondary part of Christmas. Yeah, I know that's the reason that particular holiday exists, but for me this is getting together with my family (which only happens about once a year) and spending time with those I love. Why can't people who aren't Christians just look at it that way? An excuse to get some time off to spend with loved ones?

Because the non secular parts you pointed out can be celebrated any day of the year. You don't need Christmas to do those things.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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I like the billboard :)

We don't celebrate x mas as a religious holiday in this house. its a corporate holiday, a commercial holiday and the excuse to give each other gifts we wouldn't normally buy through the year. basically its get stuff day. presents are the real truth of x mas, have been since the invention of department stores :P

On valentines or St Pats day I don't gloom out over saints, I want chocolate and beer respectively lol saints aint nothin to me

Patriotic holidays, mom n dad holidays, sure fine whatever. Religious holidays (any religion not just the christers) can fuck off. if it aint commercialized where somebody is gettin presents or bbqing piss on it.:nah:

on a side note I found this article to be a nice lil present itself. enjoy

Why Religious Believers Are So Desperate for the Atheist Seal of Approval


                                               Look at the flowers

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i saw this on news. the catholic league put up a counter billboard ($18,000) to retaliate the atheists america billboard ($20,000) but honestly both are childish spending that kind of money to insult each other. but it's their money, their business. no one's forcing each other to look at it so.


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Christmas is all about sales and money and plastic toys that're hard to recycle and cutting trees and making out X'D

I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

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