What Earbuds / Headphones do you use?
Sledgstone, in Science & Technology
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By Sledgstone
This may sound odd to some of you, but I have more or less taken a break from music for about 2 decades. I used to listen to a variety of music in the past (mostly in the 90s) when I was in high school and mostly when I was driving my car. I used to enjoy car stereo hardware back then too. I installed my own systems, I had an amp in the back with two 12 inch subwoofers in my trunk. But I only listened to music when I was driving because I have some concentration issues when listening to music while doing work that requires concentration. I was a bad multi-tasker. Anyway.. I sit at a computer and type all day and I there is a coworker that sits near me that now drives me insane with coughing.. three months now of constant deep, guttural, bronchitis coughing. Its like a bullhorn going off randomly every 1-5 minutes of every hour of every day.
I recently borrowed Lady's MP3 player and with my skull candy earbuds, I have been able to silence the coughing woman with blaring music in my ears. And guess what! I was still able to concentrate. I believe this woman's cough has broken my concentration wall completely. Loud music is nothing compared to listening to her coughing. Now that I can listen to music again outside of a car, I honestly have no idea what music I should listen to. So I started listening to whatever she had on the mp3 player. Turns out I still like a large variety of music and just about everything outside of the 90s is all new to me.
Anyone have any suggestions for what I should listen to? I've currently been listening to Journey, The Police, Fleetwood Mac, anime soundtracks for Air Gear, Naruto, Fairy Tail and a bunch of other songs. Anything anyone recommends, I will listen to it. I need to figure out what I like again and I won't know unless I check out a variety of songs. I think I'm leaning more towards rock and anime soundtracks at this point, but I'll listen to just about anything.
By Sledgstone
I saw clips of this concert repeatedly this week in the news. And it still looks amazing even now.
Would you pay to watch a holographic concert? I probably would. The quality looks awesome! Maybe they'll make holographic plays with anime characters next.
By Sledgstone
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgbNymZ7vqY]YouTube- The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody[/ame]
By Sledgstone
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By Sledgstone
How in the hell did they find her out of the millions of people to begin with? Did they pick an ip# at random and then pursue her identity thru her ISP? Or did her (or her kid's) username actually have their real name in it? It seems pretty ridiculous that a judge would actually award an amount like this.