Star Trek Into Darkness Final Trailer
DeathscytheX, in Movies, TV & Books
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By Sledgstone
Season 3 started and its 5 episodes in so far. This has become one of my favorite Star Trek series. I would have never imagined myself saying that during the horrible season 1, but season 2 was amazing and season 3 is awesome so far. I highly recommend this show. I did not think the show could get better than season 2, considering captain Pike and Spock were top notch, but its maintaining that same quality easily. Talking about season 3 is a huge spoiler if you haven't seen season 2. Regardless of that I will say "The Burn", the event that completely changed the entirety of star trek, all species, all great powers in the galaxy, etc. is an extremely interesting plot. Well done for the writers because this has me hooked all over again. It makes the show completely unpredictable in terms of where that plot is going and I have no idea what they will reveal next. CBS is working on more Star Trek series and for the first time I can say hell yes. They're reviving one of my all time favorite scifi shows back into the glory days of having new series coming out and they're all high quality.
By Sledgstone
I wasn't that interested in this movie because its based in the past, but now that I've been sucked into Battlefield 1, this movie looks amazing. I know DICE likes to put easter eggs in their games so I wonder if we'll see an amazon warrior reference somewhere in a future dlc. On a side note, I thought we had a Wonder Woman topic already for the teaser trailer, but I didn't see one.
By Sledgstone
Awesome movie. I watched it a couple days ago. One of the best movies of 2020 for me. Very fun, energetic, great CGI and the monsters were all pretty damn cool and unique.
By Sledgstone
It looks promising and a couple of the scenes look like they were taken right out of the game. Alicia Vikander looks like Lara Croft in that outfit, but shes a very small woman (height and muscle) in comparison to Lara Croft in the video game. I hope her physical performance is believable considering how many men she'll have to kill. To hell with the double guns tho. I'd rather see her using only the bow and climbing axe the entire movie.. and maybe an assault rifle. lol.
By Sledgstone
It looks good to me, except for Iron Fist. Even in this trailer he has to say "I'm Iron Fist". I hope the guy that wrote Iron Fist isn't part of this production, because if he is, I'll expect to hear Iron Fist say his own name again 100 more times in the show.