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Wii U sales rank jumps 875% after Xbox reveal on Amazon UK
Myk JL, in Video Games
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By Sledgstone
I haven't been following Xbox products and I was surprised to see this one. I thought it was the new upgraded Xbox.. it is but it isn't. It's basically the Xbox One Slim. Its 40% smaller, larger hard drive, 4k bluray player and HDR video. Theres still another upgraded Xbox coming out in the near future that should allow 4k gameplay. This slim version is what I envisioned the initial Xbox One would have been. But instead they released that mandatory camera system with it and refused to make bluray movies play on the system unless you download an app. Probably because sony owns bluray tech. The Xbox One S came out just yesterday and now I'm wondering how much longer it'll be before we see a PS4 slim and if it'll have extra features.
Reference to the bluray thing:
By Sledgstone
The new weapons and gear seem cool. I wish the game would emphasize more on the plot and new locations. I was hoping to see a new world shown in this trailer, but it doesn't. Instead it looks like they added some more missions to the earth and the moon and added 1 strike and a raid that I'll probably never complete. But at least there is all new raid gear for the hard core players. I'll definitely play this when it comes out to see how the new story missions are but I wish they would add match making to the raids and weekly missions tho to make the game a bit more enjoyable.
By Sledgstone
Now that the full game is out, I figure we can retire the old Beta topic. I started playing Destiny yesterday for less than an hour and my initial impressions is that the game definitely feels more polished from the beta. It feels more fluid, the graphics look a bit crisper, the foot prints your character makes in the sand are more accurate with each foot step. Right when the game starts, walk to some sand and stare at your feet while you walk. All the little things look great, dust on your HUD, a cracked RDS on that old salvaged rifle you initially find. Overall I'm rather impressed and I'm also quite pleased that I already got a sniper rifle as my first secondary weapon. Any pre-order bonuses you might be due are all located at the postmaster in the tower. You get 3 ghost casing, 2 gamestop sparrows and 1 ship. Grab them all, equip them on your main character and throw the extras into your storage for your other characters to use later on.
I uploaded some screenshots of the bonuses to see what they look like. I must say tho, I've already seen better looking ships other players acquired in the beta. The ghost casing and sparrow look decent. But the sparrows I saw in the beta had quick strafing abilities while this one only has the quick break. So my guess is that these bonuses are all pretty much first tier kind of unlocks and we'll all have something better within a couple weeks.
*edit* I got an email from Bungie telling me I have another emblem waiting for me and to speak to Tess to receive it. I also forgot to mention that the postmaster had that Destiny Beta stress test emblem for me. But there was only 1 of those. I have not tried making an extra character yet to see if I get more duplicates of any of the pre-order items or if the initial duplicates were specifically given to the first character on the account. -
By Sledgstone
EA Access has launched for Xbox One. The subscription costs $4.99 a month or $30 a year and gives you access to a collection of EA games that you can download, install and play. It sounds like a good deal and it includes Battlefield 4 in the list of games you have access to. However, it looks like DLC is not included in the subscription and certain popular titles are strangely absent from the service, including Titanfall. The most interesting feature of EA Access to me is that many new EA games will be free for five days prior to the game launch as an early access feature. Those games would then turn off and would be available for digital purchase. I'm guessing EA will leave new games as digital purchases only for a year before adding them to their EA Access Vault. This also might be EA's way of making a hybrid Free to play style of gaming. You get the base game in the subscription, but the DLC will be EA's gold mine.
Interesting enough, Sony has no interest in having the EA Access subscription on their network stating:
EA Access could be a good bargain depending on how well it works out. But then again EA is known for winning "Worst Company in America."
Sources: & GameInformer
Also, Kotaku has a good FAQ regarding EA Access: