Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
Sledgstone, in Video Games
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By Sledgstone
Every once in a while I'll come across free games for PC that look really good. Anyone can feel free to update this topic with limited time free game links so we can add them to our ever growing backlog of games. If a game states how long it will be free for, please list that along with the link. Sometimes it won't be stated so if you click a link and its no longer free, then that promo must have expired. I've seen alot of free game listings off slickdeals or other blogs. I'll update this when I see good ones. I would post the free games with Amazon Prime, but I don't currently have amazon prime so if those appeal to anyone, feel free to post them since Amazon Prime generally gives away a couple free games a month.
To start off with:
Little Nightmares is currently free with a Steam promotion until 05/30/2021 @ 10:00am (does not say if EDT, PDT, etc. )
Company of Heroes 2, Company of Heroes 2 Ardennes Assault - Limited Free Promotional Package, free for this weekend or until 05/31/2021? It doesn't say exact day it ends.
By Sledgstone
Steam has made its own hand held game console. It can be used as a handheld or docked to a tv like the Nintendo Switch. Honestly, this looks like a solid hand held. Everyone that does PC gaming has a steam account and most likely alot of games already in their library.
There are three versions: $399, $529 & $649 depending on the internal storage. Its shipping December of 2021.
The hardware looks great too:
By Sledgstone
Nvidia is launching an online game streaming service called GeForce NOW.
I'm going to quote myself here from another topic:
With Playstation having it's own streaming service and now Nvidia making it's own service, having to own physical consoles and PCs specifically for gaming might come to an end within our lifetimes.
The downside to the Nvidia service is the cost. I've been seeing the numbers "$25 per 20 hours of gaming" floating around alot. If so, thats a hell of an expense for now.
Source: http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/geforce-now-for-mac-and-pc-announced-at-ces-2017
By Sledgstone
I've never played an Assassin's Creed game before. Does anyone know if this is a good price for all these games considering I'd have to use Uplay (my pc can play them fine)? Or would I be better off picking these up on console during a PSN sale?
By Sledgstone
Am I the only one suffering from steam sale fatigue? Maybe its just me but ever since they changed the store to the design it is now nothing in the store appeals to me anymore. Its probably because of the massive influx of every game from every independent developer. Theres so many games on there that I never look at what new games came out anymore because in any given week 40+ new games were released and 250+ games are listed in their weekly sales. I stopped looking and only pay attention to humble bundle sales now. Even with the steam sale going on now I don't see any huge sale thats leaping out at me to take my money anymore. Sure I still have a backlog of games but there seems to be less and less new AAA or indie games that I'm interested in for PC. Unless its a game I want for console I hardly look at the steam store anymore even though I use steam on a daily basis.