Now that the full game is out, I figure we can retire the old Beta topic. I started playing Destiny yesterday for less than an hour and my initial impressions is that the game definitely feels more polished from the beta. It feels more fluid, the graphics look a bit crisper, the foot prints your character makes in the sand are more accurate with each foot step. Right when the game starts, walk to some sand and stare at your feet while you walk. All the little things look great, dust on your HUD, a cracked RDS on that old salvaged rifle you initially find. Overall I'm rather impressed and I'm also quite pleased that I already got a sniper rifle as my first secondary weapon. Any pre-order bonuses you might be due are all located at the postmaster in the tower. You get 3 ghost casing, 2 gamestop sparrows and 1 ship. Grab them all, equip them on your main character and throw the extras into your storage for your other characters to use later on.
I uploaded some screenshots of the bonuses to see what they look like. I must say tho, I've already seen better looking ships other players acquired in the beta. The ghost casing and sparrow look decent. But the sparrows I saw in the beta had quick strafing abilities while this one only has the quick break. So my guess is that these bonuses are all pretty much first tier kind of unlocks and we'll all have something better within a couple weeks.
I got an email from Bungie telling me I have another emblem waiting for me and to speak to Tess to receive it. I also forgot to mention that the postmaster had that Destiny Beta stress test emblem for me. But there was only 1 of those. I have not tried making an extra character yet to see if I get more duplicates of any of the pre-order items or if the initial duplicates were specifically given to the first character on the account.