Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Sledgstone, in Science & Technology
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By Sledgstone
So Intel has this massive security flaw in their cpus that is so big windows has to patch it. The emergency patch came out this week but it turns out alot of windows pcs won't get the update to auto download unless their antivirus is up to date according to this article:
I got the update on my main pc 2 days ago but I haven't approved the update yet. I'll be doing it later today. I'm quite enraged by this security issue considering it can cause a 5-30% decrease in performance for some tasks. I also read that this update has been causing some random reboots. Wtf. I use my pc for work and I can't afford random reboots. I've always used Intel cpus in all my pcs but my next computer will be an AMD chip.
By Sledgstone
I haven't been following Xbox products and I was surprised to see this one. I thought it was the new upgraded Xbox.. it is but it isn't. It's basically the Xbox One Slim. Its 40% smaller, larger hard drive, 4k bluray player and HDR video. Theres still another upgraded Xbox coming out in the near future that should allow 4k gameplay. This slim version is what I envisioned the initial Xbox One would have been. But instead they released that mandatory camera system with it and refused to make bluray movies play on the system unless you download an app. Probably because sony owns bluray tech. The Xbox One S came out just yesterday and now I'm wondering how much longer it'll be before we see a PS4 slim and if it'll have extra features.
Reference to the bluray thing:
By Sledgstone
I bought a dump permit last weekend, and since then I have been so damn occupied with destroying old couch pieces, mattresses and other random crap to drop off at the dump I have had little free time to myself on the weekends.
Fortunately, next weekend is the last weekend for the dump dropoffs. Unfortunately, it means I will have to spend the next couple days destroying some more mattresses and other crap so it'll fit in my blazer so I can make the last couple drop offs in time. With a 3 hour dump window it only gives you enough time to load your crap, drop it off and repeat until time runs out.
By Myk JL
According to GameSpot articles that happened within seven days.
Xbox One Likely Won't Be Microsoft's Last Console, Exec Says
Nintendo Won't "Abandon" Wii U Fanbase, President Says
3DS Is "Here to Stay," Nintendo Exec Says
I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing. But it makes me wonder how bad is Microsoft & Nintendo doing if they have to answer these types of questions. I still expect myself to buy an Xbox One a month before The 4th Gen Xbox. And I'm still interested in the mystery that is The Nintendo NX.
By Sledgstone
Facebook became as popular as it has because of dumb corporations. Years ago every company jumped on the facebook bandwagon and made a facebook page for every single product, show, movie, etc. I would see billboards on the freeway advertising a product and at the bottom there would be "facebook logo / product" or "facebook.com/nbc" or some crap like that. Companies decided they no longer needed to make their own websites any more. They would simply make a facebook page for everything! They would promote the hell out of their facebook pages through advertisements so they could get as many "likes" as possible. By clicking "Like" on a facebook page, it meant that you would see all of that company's posts in your timeline. NBC took down their own official forums and took down most of the websites for their shows in favor of all their hundreds, possibly thousands of facebook pages.
Years later facebook had an IPO. They now have stock holders that want the company to make money. First facebook let companies that had "Likes" post advertisements on people's friend's feeds as if that person's friend made the post. Facebook stopped doing that after numerous complaints during the last presidential election.
So here it is now.. for the last year+ Facebook has put a new money making strategy into effect. All those company's pages out there with their thousands and millions of likes are now all restricted. Even though these companies and individuals invested time and money to promote their facebook pages so they can keep in contact with their customers and fans easier, Facebook itself is using that against them all. Including us. Whenever you make a post to a facebook page, Facebook has a link that says "Boost Post". "Boosting" a post for money will allow me to forcefully place my post into the time lines of the people that have liked my page. "Promote a post" is also available for regular users that have massive followers like George Takei. He has even commented that only 10% of people who follow him will actually see his posts unless he "Promotes them".
We have a Facebook page with 39 likes:
A few years ago, I would post links to it when we did updates. We would often have posts seen by around 30 people, which was fine. People who actually liked the page got to see when a new article was posted. That was the whole point of me making a page for the site. As it is now, Facebook Pages are completely pointless money pits for Facebook to capitalize on.
If you don't pay Facebook money:
You don't get any views:
I was one of the two people that saw this post that I made over 2 weeks ago. Facebook Pages are pointless. I'd say I feel bad for NBC and all those other companies that invested their time and money into their Facebook Pages, but I'm not. They are the ones that made facebook as popular as it is and now they are paying for it. Eventually companies will start focusing their time and effort into their own actual sites again because it'll become cheaper to do that than pay facebook buckets of money for every post they make. And guess which companies still advertise their facebook pages on billboards or in TV commercials? Hardly none, if any, are still dumb enough to promote another company's website that will lead them into a blackhole of facebook payments.
Anyway, the point of this topic is to announce that I will no longer be updating the Ancient Clan Facebook page. Facebook might get around to changing their policy for smaller pages, but until then I have no interest in "Promoting" or "Boosting" anything. Feel free to follow us on twitter or just check back on the site once in a while to see our new posts and articles.
And of course: