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By Sledgstone
Every once in a while I'll come across free games for PC that look really good. Anyone can feel free to update this topic with limited time free game links so we can add them to our ever growing backlog of games. If a game states how long it will be free for, please list that along with the link. Sometimes it won't be stated so if you click a link and its no longer free, then that promo must have expired. I've seen alot of free game listings off slickdeals or other blogs. I'll update this when I see good ones. I would post the free games with Amazon Prime, but I don't currently have amazon prime so if those appeal to anyone, feel free to post them since Amazon Prime generally gives away a couple free games a month.
To start off with:
Little Nightmares is currently free with a Steam promotion until 05/30/2021 @ 10:00am (does not say if EDT, PDT, etc. )
Company of Heroes 2, Company of Heroes 2 Ardennes Assault - Limited Free Promotional Package, free for this weekend or until 05/31/2021? It doesn't say exact day it ends.
By Sledgstone
Ok, so we're 1 episode away from the finale. That will be released tomorrow. The first two episodes were basically Dick van dyke and I dream of Jeanie episodes. Very boring and made no sense. Third episode and the "tv reality" becomes colorized and things start to progress. Fourth episode gets better and 5th episodes and on the show is solid and extremely interesting and is true Marvel movie quality. By the 8th ep all the tv show stuff at the beginning of the series makes complete sense and the series is awesome. I'm expecting some huge battle for this finale and probably some giant reveal for the Doctor Strange 2 movie. Maybe we'll see some huge actor like Keanu Reeves show up as Mephisto or something like how we got that hint of Thanos at the end of the Avengers movie.
By Sledgstone
The trailer is a year old and shows Netflix, but thats only for netflix outside of the US because in the US every f*cking company is its own streaming service now but outside of the US every company like DC universe and CBS All access sells all their content to Netflix still.
Anyway, this trailer is horrible. lol. I watched both seasons 1 & 2. I have no idea when season 3 will be coming out. Season 1 was decent. If you watched the old cartoon and enjoyed it you'll be mostly disappointed. The characters are all over the place. Everyone mostly goes by their actual names instead of their superhero identities for some damn reason, even out in combat, who needs a secret identity I guess? All their powers or abilities are gimped to all hell. Robin/ Dick Grayson was ok in the first season, Raven is a complete mess "I can't control my powers", Starfire is a prostitute working with some mob guys and has amnesia? wtf? And her powers are so gimped, all she can do is shoot some fire, but only during the day... wtf? Thats like saying heres Superman, but he can only lift heavy things and move slightly faster than a regular person. Hawk and Dove are in this and they're probably the best characters in the series aside from Wondergirl/Donna Troy. And beastboy / Garth can only change into a tiger, instead of all animals.. and he sucks at it, takes forever, ends up naked afterwards and is absolutely nothing like his actual comic/ cartoon counterpart when it comes to fast changing animal combat.
With that said, season 1 was actually pretty good. It was an interesting take on a group of people finding each other, helping each other out and forming a team. Season 2 completely fell apart. Season 2 was garbage writing, plot, etc. There were so many inconsistencies and flaws with almost every scenario. If season 1 was about an origin for everyone, fine, but season 2 should have been them fighting crime and being super heros... but instead its extremely slow with everyone hanging out at the Titan Tower, while all their lives crumble around them and the season dives into everyone's crumbling personal lives while nobody saves anybody or does anything to actually help the public until the very last episode. The only hero that actually did anything worth a damn in this series was Dove, she consistently did the right thing and beat peoples asses. Everyone else is just a trainwreck. I could go into more detail about how season 2 was a failure, but I'm sure theres youtube videos about it. Don't bother getting DC Universe streaming for this. And if a season 3 is coming it looks like it'll focus on Starfire for some reason, even more reason to pass. The actress is good, but the character and writing they give her is horrible. Starfire is an alien, and she'll talk about it, even to another guy from her planet, but they don't bother showing the planet in any kind of flashback, nor give any significant details about it except for some bad disney princess sounding plot line. She did get her memories back and it didn't change her character at all. wtf. I thought she'd start flying around, owning shit... nope. She can still only move as fast as a regular person, no flying and can only shoot some fire on occasion.
By Sledgstone
I've gotten annoyed with managing my digital movie and tv series collection. It didn't bother me before because Netflix had pretty much everything. I'd never have to search for stuff on my hard drives or old dvd-rs because it would all be on Netflix. Now that Netflix has dropped about 50% of their content over the last couple years and will lose significantly more once all of Disney's properties are removed next year I've realized all my old dvds, blu rays and digital movies are all getting more use again. This is were plex comes in.
I setup plex on my main pc, moved a bunch of movies and tv series into some folders and set plex to use those folders. This program auto grabbed all meta data for the content, images, etc and is basically a Netflix clone. I was shocked by how efficient this is. I installed the plex client app on my ps3, ps4 and roku stick and as long as my pc with the plex server is running I can now stream all my content to every tv in the house. It even keeps track of where i left off in a movie and i can resume it on a different device if I want.
So I bought a 4tb hard drive yesterday and I'm going all in on this. I'm going to rip a bunch of my dvds and blu rays (the ones that don't have a digital copy) into mkv files and throw them on that hard drive for my plex. I'll try putting my old anime avi files (with hard coded subs from back in the old download days) in there to to see if plex can play those too. Plex will even organise by genre to so it all works good. And plex is free.
I was thinking about buying a nvidia shield because it can be used as a plex media server instead of just a client like the PlayStation/roku apps but it looks like it has some limitations with file types and my old anime files would definitely not play on it unless i converted every file thru some program called handbrake. I'll look into that some more.
I figured I'd share this in case anyone else was getting annoyed with Netflix and every company making their own Netflix clones. Instead of paying every company a piece of the pie it'll be cheaper in the long run to just make my own Netflix with the content i already own that is already tailored to my preferances. And plex can stream outside of your home in 720p if you go on a road trip. I doubt I'll ever use that feature tho, especially with upload rates being shit with spectrum.
Go to https://www.plex.tv to get the media server and the PlayStation/xbox store/roku/android to download the plex app. I know this topic seems like am advertisement but they're paying me nothing and it's all free downloads anyway. it just works and works great.
By Sledgstone
The new PlayStation 4 firmware update will include external HHD support for game installation. Finally. I honestly didn't realize the original PS4s even had USB 3. They are also finally adding custom wallpapers via screenshots. About damn time. The wallpapers in the online store are complete garbage. I'd still prefer to use my own .jpg files like on the PS3, but modders used that feature as a way to hack the system which is why we never got the functionality in PS4. Using a screenshot is completely fine with me.