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Overwatch - Trailers

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I got to play this for about an hour today. The tutorial and practice area felt great. Gave me a good idea of how the game works. I got in about 40 mins of games (could have been more if not for my having to afk at the title screen to take my puppy outside repeatedly. And another time when jumped at my face, licked my glasses and got me killed. lol.) I had some mixed experiences with this game. I'd have probably had a better time if I'd have stuck with 2 or 3 specific characters but I kept swapping around constantly to try a good mix of their abilities. Half my matches were good and somewhat balanced. I was obviously in the level 1-5 bracket of MMR with everyone else about as fluent with their abilities as I was. I really liked Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Junkrat, Roadhog and Mei. I'd have to learn the maps to remember when to play which one of these characters tho as I kept picking some of these guys in a couple matches back to back, doing good... and then sucking. lol.

That Gibraltar map sucked. Right before the match started we saw the other team come right up to our spawn location and basically spawn rape us for 3/4 of the match. wtf. And theres a couple exits we could take, but my team kept going thru the same door. But at the other exit there was a widowmaker picking everyone else off from a good height advantage. We lost that round, then when the next one started up I noticed we swapped sides. So our team went to the same area, saw their spawn area and the cart, got ready to start wrecking them.. got 5 kills in and their entire team quit within the first minute of the round, which then popped me to the 'searching for game' screen because there wasn't enough players to continue the match. ehh. Mei was fun, but that ice wall needs to be changed to allow friendlys to pass thru it. We can already shoot thru it so I don't see the point in keeping friendlys from walking right thru it too. I say this because I got into 2 matches in a row with Mei trolls. They were on my team, didn't want to actually play. Just wanted to keep ice walling the spawn exits once they saw a team mate about to walk out. Trolling like that isn't so bad, since you can go to another exit. But when were down a team mate because they're basically afking at the spawn the entire match throwing up an ice wall, we don't stand a chance in winning. A report / block player would be nice to have. I thought maybe that was a fluke random troll like a couple of the other rounds I got in that had 4 reapers on my team, but the next round I got 2 Mei trolls, each going to a different spawn exit.

The matches I did enjoy were quite fun and I got one play of the game with Torbjorn. lmao. The video clip was of me spawning and running back to the fight while my turrent killed 3 guys. XD I did get a great double kill with Junkrat's wheel bomb that felt great. The game plays great and feels polished, man I wish they'd have made a campaign. I like the variety of unlocks that can be acquired, but Overwatch would have benefited greatly with some Battlefield style assignments instead of having everything be RNG boxes.



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They extended the beta 24hrs. Try out mystery heroes. I generally do that when I get unbalanced teams. The other team is just as handicapped since you spawn as someone different every death. 

They need to fix how weighted Hanzo's ultimate is for POTG. It seems if someone gets a double kill with it, they get potg 9/10 times. I've watched someone get a team wipe with Genji and hanzo gets potg shooting his ultimate through a wall to kill 2 people. 


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I saw Bastion POTG more than anything else. I'm surprised he isn't as popular as reaper. Everyone goes into sentry/chaingun mode and just shreds people apart. I need to try more offensive characters but I often feel like I should run defense or tank since theres always 2 reapers on my team. Zenyatta seems OP with someone who knows how to use him. This guy on my team was playing Zenyatta and he demolished the hell out of everyone he came across. So I kept following him around and threw armor packs right in his path to make him even more godly. I'm glad Mercy can get kill assists with her buffing and healing, but I don't think I got any extra credit from armor packing anyone with Torbjorn (I might have, but I didn't notice).


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You don't. I went on a 29 play killstreak with Torbjorn. He's a beast, and you can use those armor packs on yourself too. Bastion is a monster on defense. He's one of Reinhardt's hard counters. Pharah is pretty good at neutralizing him. D.VA can end him pretty fast, you can close the gap and deflect his shots back at him. Roadhog can chain him in turret mode. You'll probably die, but moving him can help your team. Widowmaker and Hanzo can take him out as long as he can't see you and you have a good place to hide between each shot.


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I'm going to try to get back on for some more rounds tomorrow if I get the time. This game gives me those feelings like when I first got street fighter 2 or soul caliber. A huge character roster of unique possibilities and outcomes, except in team mode and fps. Battleborn is very similar with its multiplayer in terms of unique characters, but overwatch seems more fluid to me. And no one character has been overly out of balance for the entire beta either. I won't be getting this at launch but I'll buy this game at some later this year. I love the fact that there are AI modes to so I don't have to play it online if I just want to do a couple quick solo rounds to practice a character.


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Bastion is actually a pretty overused hero at the moment for defensive teams or at least he has been when I've played (almost every defensive team I play against has at least one and he's usually in a spot that he can't be easily shot out of (unless you have a good Widowmaker or Hanzo)). As DX said he's pretty much the hard counter for Reinhardt (as we found out Friday night, he tore through DX's shield like it was paper and his attack chews through Reinhardt making it difficult for Mercy's heals to keep up with) and since Reinhardt is pretty much the go to tank you'll usually see a Bastion on the opposing team. If I had to say he's probably the most OP hero in the game atm (but only if he's in the right hands, I completely fail at playing him so it's not like anybody can just pick him up and be good with him) but not OP in a way that he breaks the game.

I think, by what I've noticed, POTG is given to the character who actually changes the tide of battle in the favor of their team. My example for this goes back to my POTG when we played together. I got POTG for rezzing 4 people on the capture point which ultimately lead to use capturing the point and starting the escort. I could be wrong but every POTG I see seems to have something to do with a major play that helps the team out in a big way. Sure wiping a team helps but it doesn't exactly change the situation any. Like I said I could be wrong but everything I've seen seems to lead to this (I mean getting of POTG as Mercy for rezzing four people isn't exactly a great play if you ask me but it did turn our bad luck around and pushed us forward with the objective).

Welcome to my world Sledge. I want nothing more then to try out more offensive characters but I feel I need to take up the support role because no one else does it. While playing with DX I did get to try out other, more damaged focused roles (as well as other support and tank rolls) but I still feel I need to play as Mercy or Reinhardt because the team focuses on damage. Plus I actually get more enjoyment out of playing Mercy. Yea I don't get kills and I'm pretty much worthless once my team is dead but I feel I contribute more toward the group through healing and buffing and ultimately I'm the main reason we win because without a healer your team is pretty much fucked (yea my ego has inflated a little but I'm just so damn good at playing Mercy). Gotta remember you can have an awesome tank and awesome damage but who keeps those people alive, the healer damnit.


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Mercy is highly underrated. Lucio is probably the favorite healer amongst players. But Mercy's revive can make or break a last minute rally. Then again Lucio's team speed boost is very handy in getting back to the objective. This game has really good balance. It really shows the difference between putting 3 years into a game's developed rather than a year and a half.


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I played for another hour and half tonight. Some rounds felt like I was going against a premade group. x_x But half my rounds were extremely fun. Mostly because I played as Tracer or Reaper exclusively. Damn those characters are fun. I even killed a Reinhardt with Tracer and it felt amazing. I knew he could kill me in a single hammer swing, so i kited the hell out of the guy, blinked thru him as he did his hammer attack, shot him up in the back, blinked past him again, kited and finished him off. Another time I blinked right up to a roadhog, stuck a pulse bomb on his chest, and recalled away before the bomb exploded. That felt great. :D Reaper seems a bit OP. I got an 8 kill streak by just holding R2 and kiting around enemies. The heal from the orbs from fallen enemies gives him too much sustain for the amount of damage he can dish out. Once I started learning some of the maps, I always kept myself almost in line of sight of a heal pickup. Knowing where those are and being able to disengage from enemies to get a heal makes all the difference. I was on the receiving end of a team of five Soldier 76ers. With them all throwing down their heals back to back along with their damage output, you really don't need anything else on the team. I tried playing as Bastion for a while and failed with him. Turns out people can attack the far edge of Bastion's body in turret mode while hiding behind a wall. The hit box for bastion is larger in sentry mode and I got killed repeatedly by people that knew to hug a wall and clip my robotic toes while I have no way of hitting them at the angle they were at. Its a good counter I never noticed before. I had a couple matches where I got disconnected and then had horrendous lag as if I was using a lag switch. Had to quit the game and relaunch it to fix it. Overall I was impressed with the game. I still think the match making could make or break this game though. I'd like to see an option to tell if anyone is in a premade group or not, and if premade groups become a big thing, they should consider adding a solo que seeing as premades would have a huge advantage over casuals that don't want to talk to strangers.


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X'D When I'm widowmaker, I do that to bastion all the time. I played as Bastion a little bit today, mostly when I saw a Reinhardt. I went on a tear with D.VA though. Shes quickly becoming my favorite. I got 20 eliminations. and lost 5 mechs without dying. I love killing people with zero suit D.Va. especially tanks, because its embarrassing. XD  Shes really powerful outside of her mech and you can get your suit back fast with just 2 kills. I got a team wipe with the auto destruct too, but so did a teammate with Junkrat and he got POTG -_- even though mine was on the cap point. I swear some hero's POTG are more weighted than others. I killed some guy playing McCree like 5 times out of my mech, I knew he was getting mad because he was trying to flank to get back at me. One time I got back in my mech right when he came around the corner and destroyed him instantly. XD

I'm terrible with Reaper. I Mollywhop him a lot with Torbjorn because his L2 is just as strong as reapers shotguns. I think I've played against one really good Reaper the night me and Strider played. I never really get to play as him that much because someone always picks him regardless of him already being taken.  Tracer on the other hand can be super annoying to play against. Her mobility is wicked. Slow RoF characters like Reaper, Torbjorn, Hanzo, and Junkrat can catch hell trying to even hit her with consecutive shots. I might get on and play a bit more tonight before its over, but for now my rankings go for my playstyle.

Favorite Characters

  • Torbjorn
  • D.VA
  • Widowmaker
  • Reinhardt
  • Soldier 76

Least Favorite

  • Hanzo
  • Zarya
  • Symmetra (They need to change her to defense, shes no support character)
  • Reaper

On the Fence (didn't get to play a lot of)

  • Winston
  • Tracer
  • Roadhog
  • Mei
  • Genji


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Heh, I got POTG today with Reinhardt for going complete ham on the capture point. It was freaking amazing. Killed a Hanzo from behind and then stunned two people and rammed their asses into the wall killing both. We capped the point because of that move alone.

Like I mentioned when we were playing together, Reaper is a fickle character to play. His weapons are extremely slow firing and they're meant for medium to short range. He's a glass cannon for the most part with no real chance of surviving an encounter against more then one - two opponents.  I respect and fear him when I fight against him but honestly I'm not a huge fan of playing him. Plus he's like the most picked hero on the PS4 it's not even funny (I got in a match where all 5 of my teammates played as him, suffice to say we got our asses kicked and this was after I gave up playing Tracer (who I wanted to try out outside of the Tutorial) to play as Lucio for heals).

Tracer is actually very easy to kill as Hanzo if you know how to counter her blink ability. I got in a losing match tonight and chose Hanzo (before I noticed we were loosing) and I made the enemy Tracer my bitch over and over. The key is to hit her with you're split arrow, if that thing connects before it splits it will one shot Tracer and most other low health players since once it hits them it splits dealing full damage from all split arrows. It's a cheap move and not exactly easy to pull off but if you can it's an instant Tracer death (and with a 12-15 sec cooldown it can be spammed).

11 hours ago, DeathscytheX said:

Mercy is highly underrated. Lucio is probably the favorite healer amongst players. But Mercy's revive can make or break a last minute rally. Then again Lucio's team speed boost is very handy in getting back to the objective. This game has really good balance. It really shows the difference between putting 3 years into a game's developed rather than a year and a half.

All true points. This is how I see their uses. Mercy is the undisputed Queen of healing in this game as her heal not only heals more but faster then any other heal. She's balanced much like a healer from an MMO but without the ability to really hold her own in a fight. She's most valuable when you have a Reinhardt as a tank and when you're playing Escort or the Hybrid Control/Escort maps. She's pretty much useless on Control maps since you're fighting in a small area and require a more mobile healer with the ability to AoE heal. She's also able to buff damage output and her ultimate is a revive that brings all dead allies in the immediate area back to life (allowing for clutch victories or captures). Lucio is what I consider the middle ground support character (and the undisputed King of it). Not only does he have an AoE speed boost to allow you're team to get to the point faster he has a weaker heal but an AoE one that heals everyone in the area. His ultimate is a group wide shield that allows you're allies to mitigate more damage to allow that heal to do its work. One of his abilities is to boost the effectiveness of the song he's currently playing and he's able to damage while healing (and knock people back). Honestly he's best played in Control maps but due to his more support role and AoE heal he does well on all maps. Zenyatta for me is more DPS then support. While he does have a heal in his Harmony Orb it's a one person target and stays with that person until they die or you recall it. He's able to debuff one enemy with his Discord Orb making them weaker and his ultimate makes him invulnerable for 7-8 seconds and emits an AoE heal. His heal, while good, is limited to one person at a time and is more limited then Mercy's which makes him probably the last healer you want on your team based on game mode (relying on his Ult is not a good practice unless the Zenyatta on your team or you playing him is good enough to get kills and keep that ult up). He really shines in the damage output he can do. His orbs hit hard and his charge shot can one shot almost every hero in the game if all 5 orbs hit. While he's good enough to be useful on all map types I think he really shines in Control where his attacks and debuff ability make him extremely dangerous. I've never played Symmetra but in the right hands she can be devastating (but I do agree she's really not a support character).

Besides Mercy and Reinhardt I really have no favorite characters. While I bitch about being shoved into the tank and healing roles they are the two roles I shine the most in (all my POTG's have been on Mercy or Reinhardt with the exception of that one Tolbjorn POTG I had. I never thought I'd hear myself say this either because I absolutely hate playing Healing/Tank roles in MMO's). I also enjoy playing Genji and Hanzo when I get a chance to play a damage roll, D.VA is a fun change from Reinhardt when I want a faster tank, Lucio is an extremely fun change from Mercy when you want to be the mobile heal station that can also kill people (he's my go to for Control maps), and Tolbjorn is fun just because he can be such a troll character it's not funny.

Edited by Strider Hiryu
I suck at English


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I got on for a little bit more and tonight was probably the worst night I've played. I scored constant 3-4 gold medals because everyone was just trying to get kills and not pushing the objectives. It was probably the first time I got a little frustrated with the game. I guess everyone just wanted to try what they wanted to try without giving a fuck about winning or losing. I gave up using Reinhardt because either no one would follow me, or some annoying little shit playing tracer would keep trying to get behind me, no one would kill her and I'd end up dying from someone shooting me from behind or her successfully flanking me because I was occupied by someone else. 

I played a bit a Mercy and I didn't even realize she had the joke of a pistol that she does. XD Man that thing is shit, she can do without. I'd rather R1 be useful without being linked to someone. While Reinhardt is nice. Solider 76 and Bastion can be made OP with Mercy's damage buff. I was chugging along with those two for a few matches keeping them up and buffed. Turret mode buffed is hilarious.

I'm still think POTG detection needs a bit of work. I got a 6 kill chain with Torbjorn's gun in Motlen Core, and a junkrat double kill got POTG instead... way off the objective. Then I saw someone going ham with Widowmaker on the other team, and another lame Junkrat play made POTG.


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19 hours ago, DeathscytheX said:

I'm still think POTG detection needs a bit of work. I got a 6 kill chain with Torbjorn's gun in Motlen Core, and a junkrat double kill got POTG instead... way off the objective. Then I saw someone going ham with Widowmaker on the other team, and another lame Junkrat play made POTG.

I love the auto saved highlights from my game history. The game obviously knows what constitutes as a good highlight, but when it picks the POTG out of all the highlights created in a match, it always seems off around half the time.


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Day 1 report.

The game hit a snag when servers went live. It lasted about 20 minute and then servers officially began functioning. I was booted out of my first game where I was going on a tear with D.Va but after that the game ran as great as the beta.

People either learned a lot from the beta or studied reddit intensely. Reinhardt isn't as much as a powerhouse as he was in the beta. I shield was constantly getting shattered by Bastions or just the whole team actually focusing me down. I found myself swapping to Pharah quite often to AoE Bastion or push him off target with her special fire.

Torbjorn is still as powerful as ever, but people to take better notice of the Turrets. I've had some Junkrats and Pharahs take them down pretty fast. I also learned Reinhardt's charge instakills them on impact.

Mercy has a bigger target on her back than in the Beta... she needs a buff

Most the trophies/achievements consist of getting 4 kills with one ultimate.


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I was gonna give you shit for not having any trophies yet until I read the descriptions for them (I figured you'd have quite a few of them after you started playing).

Heh, I was watching streams for it yesterday since I have nothing better to do and I'm kinda sick of playing games right now. Torbjorn is a powerhouse, I see him getting nerfed in the future after what I saw last night (both LevelCap and Matimi0 went on 30 kill streaks with him). You place that turret in the right place and it's unstoppable.

Also saw a hell of a Genji player last night while watching Matimi0. The guy went on a tear and wiped their team three times before they finally killed him. Every minute or so he was using his Ult and it was spectacular. That player really showed just how powerful Genji is in the right hands.

PC wise Reinhardt seems to still be the best tank. Matimi0 was going ham with him last night while the rest of his team went McCree with on Lucio (surprisingly enough it's an extremely effective team on Escort and Control). I've noticed that people are countering him with Bastion but it's honestly not much different from what we experienced in the beta for us (unless the people they were playing didn't do their homework).

Mercy does seem to have a huge target on her back. I've seen more people running Lucio over her (or running Lucio with her in the team) and I've been seeing a lot of people use Symmetra for defensive teams (and I finally saw why, her turrets are devastating if used correctly and her ability to teleport people is extremely useful for defending teams) due to everyone automatically gunning for Mercy at the get go (though a good Mercy player can keep themselves up if they know what they're doing). They're either going to have to give her armor like Reinhardt and D.Va or give her some sort of ability to run from battle faster (like giving her the ability to fly like Pharah, I mean she has wings why not use them). I highly doubt they'll allow her to do more damage because she's the only dedicated healer in this game (though I do think her staff should be able to do damage instead of switching to that pathetic pistol she has). I'm more for the ability to fly away from danger based on my experience with her in the beta, while armor would be a nice offset to her being so weak I feel she's more suited for running due to her personality (she's about saving lives not taking them). Give her a system similar to Pharah just without fuel gauge (base her ability to fly off of energy or take away her healing ability while she's flying to balance it out). This ability could replace her ability to fly directly to an ally and allow her somewhat more survivabilty in situations where she's the only one left. I rarely used her ability to get to allies faster so I wouldn't miss it if I was playing the game.

After everything I've seen (an extremely smooth launch I have to say. The kicking people out of the game was a minor problem if you ask me) since it launched yesterday I plan on picking this up as soon as I get a job. Blizzard outdid themselves with this game and they've actually impressed me for the first time in a long time (SC2: LoV is an exception, I haven't beaten it yet and it's Starcraft so I can't not love or be impressed by it).


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My vertigo has been bothering me lately, I played for about 4 hours last night. While I took medication for it, my body reactive negatively as if it was trying to get dizzy but couldn't. XD My heart rate was going nuts because the game was already intense but I guess it was pumping blood to my inner ears. I've only been in one lopsided match that I was on the winning side of. The rest have been down the the wire, especially on escort. One of my favorite matches had our payload hanging off the pad for a good 2 minutes, and the other team was fighting tooth and nail to keep us from getting it there. i was able to stun them with Reinhardt and crush bastion into the wall to let my team push it in for the win with like 10 seconds left. The game has been a huge adrenaline rush so far. The level of skill is a lot higher than it was in the beta.

Torb is gonna get 20-30 kills every match. I know I do. D.Va is highly underappreciated right now. She can do some work on Reinhardt's shield and push him with her boosters. I'm really starting to dig Pharah more than I did in the beta. She has some serious area denial and can make quick work on annoying Tracer players. The Reaper problem is still there I think. My first match I had 2 on my team. He's always on both teams, I honestly don't know why, he really isn't that good TBH. I'm still wrecking him with Torb. His teleport is awful, I mean it gives away his spot well in advance. He's only good against other offensive characters. Torb and D.Va absolutely destroy him as well as McCree, Hanzo, Widow, and Genji.

A good Genji is super deadly, and can end Bastion so fast with that deflect. One guy was trying to Ult us last night but everyone freaked out and focused him down so fast mid way through. XD He was def not a good Genji player.


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I noticed Battleborn got a $20 price cut the other day to try and compete with Overwatch, and then I saw that Overwatch dropped by $10 today too. By black friday, I bet I can pick up both games for $20 each if I haven't bought them by then.

Genji as a counter to Bastion makes so much sense. I never got a chance to try him in the beta, but I do remember that bullet deflecting being a pain in my ass.


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I'm terrible with Genji, deflects is about the only way I can get kills with him. I totally wrecked a Bastion player today with Widow. I know he had to be getting frustrated because I was corner popping him hard. I also kept killing a guy playing McCree to the point he was coming after me. XD I stopped his ultimate twice. It was awkward playing widow in attack escort but we won some how. I was reinhardt first but the bastion keep killing me by triple teaming with Reaper and D.Va. People are countering Reinhardt hard to where I don't play him as much anymore. 

Mei is super OP. But no one likes to play her as much so it's not a community complaint. She needs a nerf in one of 3 ways. HP reduction, range reduction, or that ice spike damage nerf. That ice spike can kill as good as hanzo or widow and her freeze ray range is absurd to where there is nothing you can do about it mid range beside die. She's not very squishy and she has that temp invulnerability as well. She's way too strong offensively and defensively. She has area denial that shields to top it all off. One side of her needs to be toned down alot. She's too mobile to be that powerful where only snipers can kill her effectively.

I tried to play Mercy tonight and just swapped to Zenyatta so I could discord Mei. You just get targeted too hard now. She needs more HP or more mobility to get away. Hell I was catching her with slow ass Reinhardt tonight.

My highly screen has 5 slots for Torb XD. If they ever nerf him it will probably be his gun rather than the turret. I was destroying Reinhardt, D.VA, and Roadhog with his ult fire. Pop his ultimate and it's like reaper shooting as fast as Soldier 76. XD

Battleborn reduced their price because their population is really low. On PC they only have 6000 players at any given time. Paragon was $20 early access (now down to  $10) and it's F2P. There might not be much of a community by the time black Friday hits. BF1 and COD are going to take away players from every game. They just came out at a bad time, and didn't advertise enough.


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I know this they're going to have to re-balance the whole same hero picking system because PC players are starting to complain and I honestly see why. JackFrags and his group ran into a group that had 5 Mei's and a Lucio on the defending side. They still won the match but it's safe to say it took them almost 4 minutes to capture the first point due to every Mei rotating out their Ice Wall on the entrance points (they countered it with a 4 Pharah rush from above but this shouldn't be a necessary tactic just to play the game). Multiple of the same hero shouldn't be a thing and was my major complaint when I first started playing the beta (I honestly see no reason for repeat heroes on teams, though I will admit it's hilarious to see teams troll other teams with the tactic). I don't know how prevalent this is on console however because I mainly watch PC streamers.

Mei does need to be reworked and that was evident in the beta. She's the best hero for crowd control if you play her right, her attacks are devastating (the ability to freeze other heroes and then one shot them with the icicle shot is a little to overpowered), her ultimate is the ultimate objective cleaner if your team works together, and she's extremely hard to kill with her ability to wrap herself in ice. While I admit she's a nice counter to certain heroes she shouldn't be the ultimate counter to every hero. Considering how popular she is (on PC at least) I don't really see any major nerfs coming down for her until either Blizzard finds a way to do it without pissing people off or they bring in a new hero to play (as of right now I've not seen an effective counter for her).

Genji has a steep learning curve (he's extremely agile, the only hero that can double jump, wields both ranged and melee weapons, his Ult is hard to use effectively, and he's extremely squishy). While he's not that hard to play he's hard to master. I thought I did pretty well playing him in the beta but even I admit I'm no where near that good at playing him (his main two attacks are weird and extremely hard to land and his sword attack, while effective, is hard to properly wield).

Battleborn, while I loved the game while I played the beta, suffers from not enough advertising (hell I never heard of it until the beta went live). It's no real surprise they dropped the price for it when Overwatch launched because they knew they were going to lose quite a bit of their player base once Overwatch fully launched (and like DX said they're player numbers are low). Gearbox should of put more into advertising the game and generating more hype for it (something Blizzard did extremely well for the game having multiple closed betas, plenty of press, and those amazing Animated Shorts).


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She was one shot sniping me without freezing me in one match, it was about the only time I got really frustrated. I don't mind the ice wall and ultimate, but her range on both gun modes need nerfs. From what I gather she was buffed in the closed beta when McCree was nerfed and she essentially took his place as the OP character. It's gotta be worse on the pc because of accuracy. That would be like Reinhardt one shotting people with his hammer throw while his hammer had triple the distance per swing. She's def not as pop on console because she doesn't look cool like Reaper, she looks like a nerd. XD If she looked sexy like Widowmaker or badass like Genji she'd probably be overly popular. 

I would like to see a quick play no duplicates mode, but if it's ever a rule on Weekly Brawl I'll play that exclusively all week.


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I've been real lazy about playing this game. I need to get to level 20 to start competitive play, I'm at 18. A lot has changed for the meta... if there is a meta. I've read how different console is from PC and it speaks volumes for Blizz's foresight to separately balance this game by platform.

Recently Widowmaker and McCree were nerfed. I don't agree with Widowmaker's nerf, and it shows because no one uses her anymore. McCree was way too strong vs. Tanks and he was always on every team. His nerf was justified and done well as he still can wipe squishies with ease. Torbjorn's turrets will get a 30% damage nerf later this month. I can live with this. I just won a match today where the whole team picked Torb and we shut down the other team on Route 66. They didnt get the payload to the first check point.

Reinhardt is not the powerhouse he was in the beta or launch. He isn't used as much anymore because Bastion and Phara can hard counter his shield, while Reaper and Tracer can flank him and devastate his HP. One thing I notice on consoles is that no one protects very good. When I play Reinhardt, no one would take out the reaper that shrouded around my shield... if I turned around, I was dead from the barrage of bullets I was blocking with my shield. No one really stands behind the shield anymore either.

Bastion isn't used as much either, except for a final stand swap on escort. Hanzo, Genji, Phara, and Junkrat can all end him fast.

Reaper isn't picked as much anymore either. I think his cool factor finally wore off. But now that I've been able to play him more, he is a deadly flanker. I've been able to sneak behind the team and take out all of there squishies and Reinhardts. He can also kill D.Va pretty fast. Winston is pretty tough to kill though. Reaper's strength is solely in flanking and surprise attacks. 1v1 head on he's gonna lose more than win. Even low damage characters like 76 and Tracer can melt Reaper because hes slow and clunky. But jump into a clusterfuck of people and you're gonna rip off a ton of kills holding down the fire button.

Zenyatta is struggling because he is way too fragile. People target him a lot now because of his Ult and discord orbs. Meanwhile god tier Mercy players will win the match for their team everytime. I was playing with a friend last night and we couldn't beat this team we were playing. Their Mercy was really good and had resurrection on standby more than I've ever seen. Its most likely due to their team having a bigger party and she was piggy backing off a really good Hanzo player. Once I noticed what was going on I kept trying to kill their Mercy but she kept great position, hanging back. I swapped to Phara to get to her faster and someone was always protecting her.

Hanzo is the stronger sniper after the Window nerf... thats mostly because his ultimate can clear a point, and good Hanzo players can get his ult a good 5-6 times a round. His deflection arrow also gives a lot of room to missing.

Good Tracers are still annoying

Winston is used a lot more. His weapon has shit for range, but it melts 200HP characters, and his mobility is crazy good. I've been using him more often. I wish his shield was a bit stronger though.

Phara is a monster. Shes become my newest favorite. People don't really look up enough and you can catch everyone off guard. Her boost is great for getting away from Junkrat's rip tire. Her special missile that pushes people back is great for getting people off point or knocking them off the map/high places.

Right now 76, Phara, Hanzo, McCree, Junkrat, Torbjorn, and Lucio are the most picked players while Zarya, Symetra, Reinhardt, and Widowmaker are the least picked. Everyone else is a tossup based on team comp. With the new hero being a support sniper, It will be interesting to see how these metrics change.



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While I haven't seen much console play on Overwatch (most of the people I watch on Twitch are PC gamers) what little I've seen definitely shows a major difference between PC and Console gameplay.

The Widowmaker nerf was due to the PC side. A good WM could wipe an entire team with body shots in no time. Why it carried over to console though is a little strange considering she's hard to use (well for me anyways) with a controller. She's still one of the most picked operators on PC (though only by those that are good with her, I watched Matimi0's ass get handed to him one night by a great Widowmaker player. They were getting head shots left and right, was freaking intense). The McCree nerf was probably one of the best things they could of done. He's still a powerhouse on PC with the nerfts if you understand how to play him post-nerf but they way he could melt Roadhogs and Reinhardts was nuts.

I'm sad to hear Reinhardt isn't as good as he was in beta. I really enjoyed playing him as I literally felt like a giant tank and that I was contributing to my team by taking all the damage. He's still used on PC quite a bit (even more so with Competitive Matches going live) but I'm noticing more people moving to the Roadhog/Zarya combo on PC (this combo is sick and I've seen the Squad Up crew dominate other teams with it. You pretty much use Roadhog as Zarya's weapon charger by forcing him to take damage with the shield, it's freaking nuts).

I'm happy to hear Reaper is not used that often anymore. He's an extremely overrated character that's really only useful for what you said. I know on PC he's a hard counter for Roadhog and Reinhardt (not sure about console side) but other then that he's not really useful. Don't get me wrong I like him because he hits like a truck when he's up close but he's just not that great of a character.

How often (when you play) do you see Genji? He's pretty much one of the most overused characters on PC and he's absolutely devastating in the right hands. I hear a lot of PC players calling for him to be nerfed so I was wondering how it is on the console side. I'm happy to hear Mercy is being utilized more and more. While I may hate getting forced into the healing role she's still my all time favorite hero to play. I always kept my Res on standby in the beta, that's how I got all those freaking 4-5 resurrections (the key is to keep it until you need it and if you're good at healing/boosting you should always have your ult up for those oh shit moments). Zenyatta seriously needs a buff to his health, that poor guy is severely underutilized. While he may not be the best healer he's still an awesome support character with is Discord orbs and he hits like a truck with those balls.


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