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Battlefield V

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Disagree about the snow. If its dynamic weather, it needs to stay. Sucks for PC players where people can just turn down the graphics, but for console everyone is on equal standing as far as visual impairment. I agree with that medal animation. wtf, It takes up the whole screen.


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The snow looks way too distracting for me. Without traditional 3D spotting, we'll have to look for movement to see enemies and that snow is way too much of a visual distraction. I'm glad planes will be basically useless without the spotting. Screw the damn planes. They do need to change the shoulder mounted rockets to be a one hit kill for planes and any helicopters there might be. Its ridiculous that the AT rocket in BF1 wouldn't one shot them, but to have an actual rocket/RPG equivalent not destroy them in one hit is just stupid. I'm definitely looking forward to this game, but the crazy low ammo on spawn seems a bit too much. Only 2 clips for an assault on spawn? wtf. I'd waste half those bullets shooting at the first guy I see, then run out of ammo trying to kill the second guy. I don't want to play a game where 70% of the time I'm using a pistol and another 20% of the time I'm in a bleedout screen hoping to get revived with the new revive mechanic. Those 2 things are my biggest concern.

The 3D spotting change is massive nerf to planes and snipers and I blame the balance and map design of BF1 for that. Everyone in that game now is a sniper or a plane guy that goes 50-2 every match. I love sniping but its hard to enjoy BF1. That and the vehicles sucked in it. If we can get proper BF4 style vehicle combat again I'll be very pleased. We need tanks that have passenger seats that can actually rotate 360 degrees. I hated being a passenger in tanks in BF1 because of the limited visibility.


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They really had to nerf spotting because WW2 maps won't be too much different. BF1 maps were kind of more like WW2 maps anyways. What ever city maps we get, wont compare to the city maps of BF3-4. We might have taken too much of a break from modern. I'm still not on the ultra modern train, I'd much rather have a 80-90s type modern game. My biggest concern is the crouch running. I don't want to press the joystick twice to get up or start running like when BF1 launched. I hope couch running is the most inconvenient to access. If you mash sprint on the joystick from prone, you should get up and sprint, if you want to sprint while crouched, you should have to get into that position first. Or even better, make it a setting. All these shooters with presets are really irritating me ever since Overwatch made button layouts fully customizable... not only as a standard, but you can customize the controls for each individual hero. If you want to shoot with the options button and jump with the left D-pad, you could do it in Overwatch, so its possible on consoles.


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I want to be excited for this game, but honestly It completely dropped out of my mind the last few months. The lack of ammo is going to change after launch, and they should just change it now TBH. But they wont. They'll wait until people stop playing like they always do to fix stuff. They don't even have to give everyone a max stack, just maybe 20% more. I get why they want it to be like it is, but its too extreme. Only 3 mags with a SMG? Thats 3-4 kills before you're out. Scout can stay the same becasue 15 rounds is no less than 10 kills for a good player. I'm curious if you can resupply yourself because that's what is going to happen.. everyone is going to be playing support and no one will play medic or assault. Tanks will run wild because of it. They fix the sniper problem and create a whole new one. I just read preorders are really weak right now. At least I won't be paying $100 for a game that will have a low player count 6 months after launch. It doesn't help they were assholes about the first trailer. Causing PR nightmares before you game launches isn't the best approach.


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I hate the change to spotting. My tv is small and it'll leave me at a disadvantage. I'd like to get hyped for this game but I need to see more vehicle combat. If tanks are anything like bf1 I'll lose alot of interest. If it's like bf4 I'll get some hype started for me. But even limited tank ammo sounds abysmal. 


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I'm for the spotting changes because I'm a stealth player and I hate how every game has tried their hardest to take away complete map invisibility. I can only imagine how many of my BF deaths came from someone spamming the spot button non stop and picking me up trying to flank around the back of enemy lines.



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I'm pretty torn on this game now. If the player base tanks at the start, It will be a waste of money. I remember when Battlefront 1 had +5 min wait times for matches 3 months after launch because there wasn't enough players. I actually might not preorder this if the numbers don't improve. Mechanically the game looks outstanding minus the ammo shortages... I guess it has to be a inconvenient moment when that EA gets hit so bad they'll have to tuck their tail between their legs. Plus I already threw down $80 on Red Dead Redemption 2 which comes out a week later... and I already plan on spending $120-190 more on Division 2 and Anthem pending on the preorder bonus perks of each.


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I mean what did they expect? Releasing BF5 right between COD and Red Dead was a stupid fucking mistake, it's no wonder their pre-order numbers were lower than expected. EA ran into the same shit with Titanfall 2 when it released so you'd of thought they'd learn from their lesson. Honestly I'm happy they're pushing it back a month. This will give them time to get features into the game that weren't going to be their at launch in October and maybe give them time to actually start marketing this thing a lot better. I'm honestly on board for all the changes they've implemented (even the ammo shortage, I think it's a nice change and will make you rely more on teamwork then ever before (which is what they're going for in BF5) though I could give two shits less about cosmetics in an FPS (yea lets give you these retarded camo's that will make you stick out, that's what war is about).

Am I going to buy it? Yes but I won't pre-order it because I've been burned one to many times by EA and the industry at large. I'll probably get it closer on Black Friday since I'll have a 4 day weekend to play it and honestly pre-order bonuses aren't worth anything to me anymore (outside of FFXIV related shit, I'm a sucker for the pre-order shit they have (I need my minions and mounts damnit >.<)). There are only two games I'll pre-order that are coming up, Cyberpunk 2077 (that gameplay demo has me fucking sold on the premise now) and Ace Combat 7 (though, if it's announced in Nov, I will be pre-ordering the next FFXIV expansion next year as soon as it goes live).


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My first impressions of this game are pretty fucking terrible. I'm really disappointed. The movement system is clunky, the gun play is reaaaally bad... or so I thought until I found out why, and there is just a bunch of bullshit that doesn't make any sense. 

1. As I suspected, no one was playing medic. This made the lack of HP regen increasingly frustrating. I would run around with 4HP hoping someone would throw me a medic pack.. never once did it happen. Then I realized a big reason is because you don't even get a health pack or crate until you level up... wtf?

2. The bleed out system is a fucking disgrace. You can't skip it, you can only speed it up and it still takes forever. This made being on attack really unfun. If your squad is terrible, then you spend most of your time jumping out of the plane and then bleeding out on the ground... even if you have a good match, you'll probably spend 30% of your time doing these two things on Day 1 of Grand Operations. You're going to die playing the objective. No one uses the buddy revive, so you just sit there dying and probably getting tea bagged for 15-20 seconds. The one time someone tried to revive me, I got glitched through a barricade to the other side of it and died anyways... which really pissed me off after everything that had being going on.

3. Preset control schemes... really? Can we stop doing this? Why is this a thing anymore? Even low budget Action RPG Ys VIII lets you customize each button on your control scheme.

4. The weapon upgrade system is god awful. Its all advantages... and its not even advantages, its basic commodities you're denied upon starting the game. All of the upgrades consist of more accuracy, faster ADS, more effective range, less recoil. None of these choices have any negatives... so as you progress you're weapons just straight up power creep. If you fall behind, you're in for a bad time... which is probably contributing to the lack of fun I've had playing the 1 and a half rounds of Grand Operations. (Yeah I left through the second go around because it wasn't fun at all) Unless I caught someone by surprise, I pretty much lost every gun fight at medium range. Your equipment is trash vs. everyone with maxed out gear that has been playing since Tuesday.

5. Twice I snuck up on a tank, threw 3 TNT sticks and only managed 30 damage... wtf? Thats a tank kill in every other BF game. I guess they don't want anyone solo killing tanks, even if they put themselves in a very bad position to do so. The whole reason I was trying to do it was because we were just getting tank sniped on Day 2. I really enjoyed bleeding out from that each time as well. -_-; 

6. It didn't happen to me, but I've read on reddit that being in a squad with randoms acts just like if you're in a party squad with friends... so the squad leader can back out and take the whole squad with him, removing you from the match unwillingly. Sure there will be trolls, but this is super easy to do on accident as well. But even then, When I loaded into the map every squad was locked for friends... so I had to just drift into this open squad that never stayed full.

I might try some conquest later in the weekend, but right now I don't even think I'll buy this game from the bleed out system alone. With my work schedule, I'd be playing this game alone 90% of the time, and if no one is going to revive me, then there is no point of playing this game for me much like R6S. Another thing that pissed me off about Day 1 of Grand Operations on the map provided was that the defenders had the high ground and attackers had zero sniper LOS on any of the bomb sites. So defense could sniper the shit out of all the bomb carriers, but you couldn't snipe defusers without severely exposing yourself.  The one time I planted the bomb, I got domed, and 8 enemies came over the hill and defused immediately. Basically a whole battalion with sniper support can defend. Ugh. 


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I wanted a progression system... to unlock weapons and attachments.. not to unlock basic functionality like fast ADS, normal recoil and correct range. wtf. I'll be getting on sometime tomorrow for a quick round after work but I'll focus on conquest. What you're describing for Grand Operations sounds like something I'd rage quit and never play again.


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Its probably better on the defense, but the bleed out system is infuriating. If you start out bad, it just cascades and you can't get in any type of rhythm because you're constantly laying on the ground watching other people shoot at each other. You also can't quick swap classes while watching another squad mate to spawn on. You have to back out to the map to pick another class. The STG is still super OP which is another reason everyone is playing assault. Even the base one I had melted people, but when other people have less recoil and more effective range, thats when I couldn't compete at any decent range. Reloading is a death sentence, its slow even for SMGs. Pistols are the most powerful they've ever been in BF. I was quite surprised how fast I could down people with one.

The only plus I can say about this game is that the grenade spam is non existent. Nades seem to be incredibly weak too. But getting blasted by a tank non stop on Day 2 wasn't fun at all. One of the tanks has a semi auto grenade launcher for the secondary gunner. I hopped in one and spammed 5-6 explosives on a objective and cleared it all. Seems a bit OP, but it does have a big cool down between rounds once it has to reload.


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From the clips I've seen, I really like the fact that grenades can be shot now. If you see someone throwing a grenade, its now possible to shoot it in their hand to blow them up. Thats pretty damn awesome. That sucks about the tank spam, but for the person in that tank I bet it felt epic. Dice definitely needs to thoroughly balance everything before release.

How is the vehicle spawning? Is it like BF1 and in the menu which is annoying as all hell? Or are tanks sitting at base camps again like in BF4?


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You can spawn in from the map, but I didn't check to see if you can see them on the map, they are listed in specific locations. The days of getting into a spawned tank is probably gone forever. I was more trying to rank up a class rather than worry about vehicles. There is only 2 tanks for each side I believe, but the defense had one posted on each side of the two flags we had to capture. The map just seemed poorly designed and per usual with many BF1 maps, it favored the defenders heavily. Although this one seemed smaller and more funneled in. There wasn't any cover besides wooden buildings the tanks could demolish pretty quick. I know Ive already said it too many times, but the bleed out is what kills this game for me. I can deal with all the spam if I didn't have to wait so long to get back into the action. If they don't change this by launch, I honestly see the player count tanking harder for this game then it did for BF1. Casual players with short attention spans are going to be worse than I am about it and stop playing if they spend most their time laying down holding L1. This system is fine for a small tactical shooter, or games like the Division where it makes sense. But no one is going to revive you in a large firefight. The only time it makes sense is if you're all lined up on a hill sniping and you get shot and fall down behind cover needing revive. They don't even have to take it out of the game, they could let me go back to the spawn screen and tinker with my stuff while I wait to respawn... or get revived. Instead you sit there looking up at the sky with your hand raised like some cliche anime dying moment. The parachuting in from the plane needs to go as well... its cool the first time, then after that its boring. You can wait and drop further in, but you'll just get shot and die if you land too close to the line. DICE is definitely not the same company it use to be. I crave a fun pick up shooter this year, but COD nor BFV is appealing to me which makes me sad.


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