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Myk JL

2020s Predictions?

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Because I feel the need to get some (stupid) thoughts out of my head about next year. With some Likely vs Unlikely added hopefully to each. Also should I go back to #FF0000? Try #CC0000? Or is #990000 the best red? Anyway onto my own predictions! (And anyone else's assuming anyone comments.)

Bernie Sanders will lose the 2020 Democratic Primary.

  • Likely - Despite gaining name recognition in 2016 (which Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb, & Lincoln Chafee failed at) he is considered a loser because he lost to Hillary Clinton. And too many progressives now want someone who is more Centrist when it comes to things like Medicare.
  • Unlikely - Bernie Sanders has the biggest grass roots movement. And every other Progressive is losing support by becoming more Centrist.

Andrew Yang will win the 2020 Democratic Primary.

  • Likely - Because every (Major) positive thought I've had usually ends with reality finding a way to suck. Seventeen Year Old me thinking the future was Science vs Christianity on things like Stem Cell Research only for 9/11 to create a Whataboutism on Muslims. Thirty One Year Old thinking we'll never have a president dumber than George Walker Bush and then Donald Trump became president ("Thanks Hillary"). And nowadays I was thinking the Democrats would never pick a wildcard businessman yet Andrew Yang is a thing. As far as I know every business person to ever be near the presidency has found a way to ruin the country. And as far as I can tell Andrew Yang is riding a wave of desperate people who won't do Math (Or Use A Calculator) to find out that $1000 a month isn't enough to live off of & probably won't go up with inflation.
  • Unlikely - As far as I know Andrew Yang has never been above 5% in popularity. And Soda Ban Man Michael Bloomberg has already surpassed everyone below 5% in these polls.

No matter who wins in November Hillary will announce she's running for president in 2024.

  • Likely - She has a huge ego and shifts blame on why she lost in 2016.
  • Unlikely - Her Older Voters will hopefully never vote for her again. And she sucks at gaining Younger Voters.

Xbox Series X isn't just the 4th Xboxes, but at least 2 (or 3) handheld consoles that you can download games onto!

  • Likely - An Original Xbox Handheld, Xbox 360 Handheld (, & Xbox One Handheld) opens up a plausibility of 6 GWG a month without giving away new games anytime soon for the actual 4th Xboxes. This business decision will be made because Nintendo Switch is now seen as a competitor.
  • Unlikely - Microsoft is too obsessed with cloud gaming and would love to fail with Google Stadia!

Steel Battalion (Line Of Contact) Remastered will be announced at E3 with an option to use a normal controller for those who can't or won't buy the new Steel Battalion Controller now with Purple Buttons!

  • Likely - Microsoft did promise full backwards compatibility for their 4th Xboxes!
  • Unlikely - Steal What?

Nintendo will sadly announce that Elder Scrolls Blades won't be coming to Nintendo Switches, but Elder Scrolls Online will be playable on the mythical Nintendo Switch Pro.

  • Likely - Because Nintendo Switch Lite (rumored Mini) was proven to be true.
  • Unlikely - I doubt that such a thing can actually happen anytime in the year 2020. And IF it could Sony & Microsoft should be smart enough to make portable versions of PS4 & Xbox One. Also I don't trust Bethesda to do anything right nowadays.

PS5 will be considered a failure in Japan if it can't outsell PS4.

  • Likely - I'm under the impression that Japanese will prefer handheld devices over consoles.
  • Unlikely - Sony is Japanese therefore they (& PS5) cannot fail.

No matter what happens I will find a way to procrastinate.

  • Likely - Because reality will always find a way to suck.
  • Unlikely -There is no Unlikely. That or I'm Lazier than I think.

I'm probably completely wrong on all my video game predictions.

*Edit 1*

Back to #FF0000. I was worried it would be to bright with how much I have typed down. But it's darker than the default white text.

*Edit 2*

Updated the title from 2020 Predictions to 2020s Predictions. I'll probably update again to Future Predictions in 2030.

Edited by Myk JL

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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I think it'll be Biden/Sanders and Trump will win re-election. Democrats seem to hate old white men unless its someone who is running on their values. Warren is too nuts to actually get the primary but she'll probably run with Biden as VP. I'm a democrat and I have no enthusiasm for either of them. Trump will win because of the same singular reason as last time. Television and endless free publicity. Ever since he ran for office, MSNBC, Fox News and CNN have all become "Trump TV". He has 3 dedicated channels reporting on everything about him and constantly broadcasting sound bites of him every 5-8 minutes 24 hours a day. MSNBC will have everyone hate watching him because they are pro democrat, Fox News will have everyone love watching him because they are pro republican, CNN gets all the viewers from both sides because MSNBC people want to see what CNN has to say about it, and Fox News people will hate watch CNN because Trump labels it as "fake news". Regardless, its 24/7 media coverage on 3 channels. Put any one of those channels on right now and within 5-8 minutes you will see Trump talk. And these 3 stations alone will want him to be president again because it gives them ratings.

Meanwhile democrats running for president are pandering to the ultra minority and want to focus on stupid crap like give illegal immigrants health insurance or make sure LGBT groups get bathroom rights or some shit. Focusing on things like that will never get them elected. And when they lose they'll blame the electoral college because they won the popular vote from hugely democratic states like NY and CA. Its just excuses. The electoral college has been in existence before we were even born. Its what needs to be won to become president and democrats are unwilling to go to swing states and actually reach across the aisle and compensate on their actual running points. Democrats need to run on making jobs, improving infrastructure, reducing medical expenses, reducing health care costs (health care and prescription costs was an issue for me before and after Obama care). And if democrats really want to win they could run on legalizing marijuana and classify it like alcohol. I personally don't care for marijuana, but if the states can sell it and tax the hell out of it to reduce the tax burden on property taxes then hell yes. The people already using are going to keep using regardless, might as well let the states take a chunk out of those profits. "Oh but its a gateway drug!" But oxycotin is given away for free by the federal government through medicare and medicaid prescriptions and then resold on the street for $50 a pill, but marijuana is the bad drug.

Bernie Sanders needs to stop already. Hes never going to be president and he needs to stop taking up everyone's time.

The US deficit will soar past the nearly 1.5 trillion it peaked at during the Obama years (its heading there now but never talked about in the news because it doesn't give them ratings). Republicans still wont care because its a republican in the office. But if a democrat wins, we'll hear nothing but the deficit and the need to reduce spending drastically for 4 years and that will be the entire legacy of a democrat president.

And onto other things..

I think the PS5 will sell huge if it has digital backwards compatibility and a 4k bluray player.

Xbox Series X will be a big contender because of its game pass & backwards compatibility.

Nintendo will announce a Switch 2.

Death Stranding 2 will be announced and will star some more Walking Dead cast. lmao. XD


5 hours ago, Myk JL said:

Also should I go back to #FF0000? Try #CC0000? Or is #990000 the best red?

I dunno.. maybe. I woke up not too long ago, but I switched over to the light theme to read your post easier. Or maybe I just need some eye drops.


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When he got elected I figured he'd only be a 1 term deal because the Dems would come up with a credible candidate. But as Sledge pointed out, Trump will win reelection. The media will continue to lose more credibility as they put up a bunch of polls leading up to election day showing he'll lose. Not only do they give him free air time, they continually discredit themselves as they can't come to terms that the internet is a bigger source of information than they are. They give him more fuel to self promote each time they mess up. On top of that, watching the news is just as utterly pointless as a newspaper subscription. These channels, ALL of them, are only about ratings. Remember when that Malaysia flight went down? CNN covered it for a month and even threw around a theory that it got sucked into a time space continuum for a second. XD But anything you see on the news, you've already read hours prior to it being talked about unless its a California car chase or terrorist attack.

Anyways, on the surface the economy is doing way better. For the average person there are more jobs to choose from rather than taking anything available. I've noticed this trend on a personal level as now its become increasingly hard to find qualified people to hire at my work. the applicant pool is smaller and poor, as in years pass it was easy to find someone, and they were probably overqualified trying to make ends meet. I've also seen a lot more people switch jobs/find a new job while previously everyone was holding on to their miserable job, and the only way they were leaving is if they got fired or laid off. When it comes down to it, a lot of people have more money in their pocket today than they did a few years ago. When this happens they give less of a fuck about anyone else but themselves. They don't care if you can't get married or go use a different public restroom. It doesn't concern them, they're doing great. That's how Trump wins. Fired up base, unenthusiastic opposing base, and complacent independents that are good with their current situation in life. 

The deficit will never be fixed until the whole thing collapses. Republicans stopped being fiscally conservative long ago, and democrats will only cut spending where it hurts the people that work hard for a living, the military, or some other type of budget that leads to innovation. They say "wErE gOnNa TaX tHe tOp 1%" but they don't tell you, they're gonna lump you in with them because the top 1% alone can't pay for all the spending they want to do". You get told you gotta take one for the team and face your new reality, sorta like Obama said all them jobs weren't coming back unless Trump had a magic wand to bring them back. Well... I guess he had a magic wand. No, he didn't but here is the reality of it:  entitlement spending needs to be cut and neither side is willing to do it. Dems will cut out everything but entitlements, and Repubs will come back in and restore them all, without cutting entitlements to balance it out. Instead of taking the issue serious its political football of one side saying the other hate poor people, and one side saying the other is just trying to pay for votes with the government purse while we give out money we don't have, and haven't had for a decade now. Also we need better review of all these federal departments that waste money because they had excess and just spent it all on dumb shit so the budget committee doesn't see that they had excess and feel like they can trim the fat from them. Why are we just looking at numbers like this? End of year reviews should be made, purchases restricted and excess should go into somewhere else or be saved for the next year and docked. Budgets should never keep increase automatically like it some type of cost of living raise...

Either way, politics have been changed forever. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse. After Trump, I can see more people that aren't government lifers getting nominated. Congress is where the real rot is. Most these fuckers have been in there for 40+ years, and anything they say you can go back 20 years and find where they said the exact opposite. Plus they waste even more money by stuffing a bunch of unrelated shit into critical bills that have to be passed. If both sides could come together on a grassroots/state level and call an Article V to impose term limits on congress it would do us a lot of good. Lets face it, they'll never vote term limits for themselves. But not enough people have the drive or care because at the end of the day, politics currently doesn't effect the common person on a daily basis. Politics is shit, and being a keyboard warrior about it does nothing but get you a few likes from your friends that agree, while changing no one else's mind. People can swap bias articles with cherry picked data all day, but I've noticed the fatigue on that is starting to settle in... right up until the election cycle fires up in full force. XD Enjoy the calm while it lasts.

Whew rant over.... on to other predictions.


PS5 vs. XBSX will be a closer one this gen. PS4 completely dominated this last generation because MS miscalculated how powerful the Sony launch console would be and ended up with a weaker console filled with forced features no one wanted. The whole thing was a debacle. PS4 not only had the more powerful system, they had the better first party titles and none of the silly features getting in the way of playing games. The poor UI and lesser online service was a minor inconvenience lost in it all. This go around it looks like XBSX will have more processing power by more than 3 teraflops. MS will still struggle with their 1st party exclusives. They bought up a bunch of financially marred 3rd party studios and I feel like all they'll do is release sequels to old series that use to be cross-platform. While Sony will continues to launch beloved series sequels and create new IPs. The One X is more powerful than the Pro and it hasn't done anything to play catch up this gen. so power is a thing that continues to diminish in relevance as long as it doesn't impact 3rd party title availability. In the end, I don't think anyone really wins this gen now that Sony has caved into cross play. I expect full cross play for all 3rd party multiplayer titles. People can buy the console with the 1st parties they want and play with their friends either way. So in reality the gamers win the console wars... aside from having to sign up a new account for every developer to enable cross play, and have 30 new passwords to remember, data breaches to worry about, and an inbox full of even more spam. XD XD XD


YouTube will be different by the end of 2020. It seems like they're cracking down on all the hatebate videos. Commentators will be thinned out as corporations are probably pouring money YTs way to get rid of the negative press they get from big YT talking heads like Jim Sterling. This will hurt YT in the end, as just as much good comes from YT as bad for some of these companies. Hypemen for stagnate franchises like COD and new titles like Apex will have a harder time making money without some type of official endorsement form the company of the game they cover. This in turn will cost them credibility with their viewers as a shill.  Expect a few new social media/stream platforms to come to light this coming year if YT does indeed head down this path.

Internet in the US will be just a shit as it has been the past decade. Marginal increases in some places. Fiber internet will still not be in enough places at affordable rates.


At least 10 new streaming services will debut this coming  year. Netflix's financial woes will start to really affect the product as their content gets stretched even more thin along with everyone else's. Disney fired the first shots for a stream bundle with Hulu and ESPN. They own all of that, but expect to start seeing others "team up" for bundles. We're headed towards cable packages 2.0 just like I felt we were earlier this year. 

Hollywood will continue to struggle with more pointless and horrible movies from shitty actors that are really just wannabe activists trying to make your escape from every day life about every day life. Marvel Phase whatever we're in will start to struggle at the box office as well because they don't hold the weight of interest as the Avenger's group. We'll all get called racists and sexist for not wanting to watch it. They'll have to rely on D+ shows as well but I don't think they'll be as popular as where they could go with Star Wars.


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On 12/31/2019 at 8:51 AM, Sledgstone said:

Warren is too nuts to actually get the primary

I didn't think Elizabeth Warren was nuts until Elizabeth Warren recently declared that Bernie Sanders said that a woman couldn't win about a year ago behind closed doors.

If what Elizabeth Warren was saying is true why didn't Elizabeth Warren bring this up in the first debate back in 2019?

And even then why would Bernie Sanders have to remind Elizabeth Warren that Bernie Sanders has for decades publicly stated a woman can become president, that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 Million in 2016, AND that Bernie Sanders wanted Elizabeth Warren to run in 2016 instead of Bernie Sanders.

What Elizabeth Warren has done to herself is so insane that she has donors who want a refund using #refundwarren on twitter.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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On 12/31/2019 at 3:45 AM, Myk JL said:

Nintendo will sadly announce that Elder Scrolls Blades won't be coming to Nintendo Switches, but Elder Scrolls Online will be playable on the mythical Nintendo Switch Pro.

  • Likely - Because Nintendo Switch Lite (rumored Mini) was proven to be true.
  • Unlikely - I doubt that such a thing can actually happen anytime in the year 2020. And IF it could Sony & Microsoft should be smart enough to make portable versions of PS4 & Xbox One. Also I don't trust Bethesda to do anything right nowadays.

The Mythical Nintendo Switch Pro has become a busted myth.

Nintendo says it has no plans for a new Switch this year

Now if only I had predicted that Smach Z would get over shadowed by Alienware UFO.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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:soul:OH SHIT!

Both Biden & Trump just died from "The Ozzy Osbourne Virus" on National TV! With Biden's dying breath he declared Ajit Pai to be his VP pick! Bernie Sanders ended his campaign in respect of his friend Joe & to prove he is not a racist. President Pence is now expected to lose as Ajit Pai declares all states rights to be racist!



Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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With the way Covid19 has wrecked this country, everything Bernie was running on would have never been funded. If he couldn't get enough turnout to win the primaries, theres no way he could have gotten the numbers to actually win the presidency. I don't blame him for dropping out at this point, the next four years after Covid19 is not going to be a pleasant presidency.

New prediction for 2021...

First off, National debt numbers from the official US government treasury website for reference.

Obama years:


$19,947,304,555,212.49 at the peak when he left office.

Pretty much the last 4 years of Obama's presidency I considered the "No" years. No major legislation that I can think of passed because congress said "No" to pretty much everything to stonewall everything. Biggest reason.. national debt.. theres no money, etc.

Trump years so far up to 04/08/2020:



The national debt never went down. Its done nothing but gone up. And as far as I know these numbers do not include the recent stimulus packages funds.


Jobs and employment went up with Trump in office, but the main reason for that is because of all the corporate tax breaks. Since corporations got significant tax breaks, they could keep their stock holders happy and keep employment up because they didn't need to cut jobs to increase revenue. Sounds great, but at the same time the burden for that money is now on the government. The debt has continued to go up since those tax breaks where enabled. The debt is so high now that it far exceeds the "No" years of Obama. But for Trump, it was like an endless spending bonanza.. not direct spending, but instead it was basically running up the credit of the country as a whole to pad the numbers for the rest of the country.



Now that the debt is at the highest its ever been (still not counting the multiple Covid19 stimulus), the next four years of whoever is going to be president is going to have to make drastic course corrections. Even if we get the economy back up an running in a few months and things look on the upside, the overall debt will be so high they'll have to change the tax laws again. Companies that were enjoying all those lucrative tax reductions will now get hit with higher taxes again in an already destroyed economy and to try to boost stock values, they'll shutter multiple locations across the country. I'm predicting huge unemployment numbers for 2021 and on for years. If that doesn't happen, then maybe the tax laws stay the same and the US just keeps printing endless money and eventually Dollar stores will have to change their brand to $10 stores because of the massive inflation.


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just thinking about this bc on the news it said corona could drag on until july. so is it even possible to have a normal election this year the way things have turned out? what if this virus reoccurs in coming fall?  the virus could become seasonal until it disappears in a few years. and its not like ppl wants to line up and vote, it could take forever trying to distant themselves or using app could end up in a mess just like that in iowa caucus. to me postponing election until next year would be more reasonable..but so many unemployed and global economy might not hold until then. it seems uncertain whats going to happen..hmm maybe one world order coming soon as US falls further down in debt. trump could be US' last president.....¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by slippers


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The curve is starting to flatten. Things will probably be back to normal in June as far as being able to go out into the public. After reading about how people that recovered where donating blood to give others their anti-bodies. I'm starting to wonder just how much good we did by quarantine. With a 98% survival rate, I feel like this could have been done better. A lot of people that could have survived without much issue probably would have been better off getting it and building a natural immunity to it for next time it comes around providing less suitable hosts. Hopefully there will be a vaccine by next year. I still think this was more overblown than it should have been and we could have gone on with our lives like during the H1N1 outbreak. I've also read how other countries just had the elderly quarantine. It probably would have cost significantly less to keep all the elderly and sick home, only give them stimulus checks, bump up social security pay outs instead of unemployment since much less people would have lost their jobs. Then there could have been a secondary program that would help those that missed 2 weeks of work from it.


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13 hours ago, slippers said:

hmm maybe one world order coming soon as US falls further down in debt.

I have my doubts on a one world order after Brexit and China's ties with the World Health Organization. I wouldn't be surprised though if one morning I woke up and was identified as a New Yorker instead of an American.

6 hours ago, Sledgstone said:

Nah, the election isn't until November, I'm sure voting won't be an issue by then. Alot of states could easily do mail in voting and there's plenty of time for those systems to be placed into effect before then.

Whether or not their are health issues by then I'll probably skip. The only thing that could get me to vote right now is fighting for Net Neutrality. And I'm probably better off right now declaring Net Neutrality a State's Right.

6 hours ago, DeathscytheX said:

I still think this was more overblown than it should have been and we could have gone on with our lives like during the H1N1 outbreak.

It was probably overblown as there are hospitals that don't have enough beds or immuned staff.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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sledge- i dont think its that simple. one of my coworkers' daughter works as postal worker. 2 of her coworkers are corona positive and said they are scared to go to work (no proper masks and gloves) but have no choice. last time i checked there were 400 infected postal workers, but now its more than 2000+ nation wide. if it does reoccure during next flu season, voting fraud and undelivered absentee ballots (wisconsin) arent the only probs itll face. theyll might protest like other postal workers in different countries over their safety and might interfere w/ election

dx- could it be bc of warm weather contributing to it? its so weird bc italy went on a drastic measure a month before, much more strict than US, to lockdown their towns and cities and i heard today that they are extending more of their lockdowns. South Korea also reports almost 100 recovered patients tested positive again and some of them have worsened symptoms than their 1st time. and i dont know the stats for other cities or states but here in houston majority of corona victims are black ppl and there werent all elderly, some were middle aged too. it was on local news, im not joking, that houston mayor advising black ppl to avoid drugs and alcohol lol. and ive noticed that a lot of obese ppl are victims as well, and houston is to have peak in early May so quaranting this way may not work in houston. but i do agree that its unfair for healthy ppl to have lost their jobs over this and US could have done much much better with preparation but its still too early to tell what this virus can do

Mjk JL - for better or worse, the whole world is united in this and its kinda freightening to me. at any point they could implement something in the name of safety and theres nothing anyone can do about it or face jail time. 


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Italy was so bad because it has the oldest population of any nation, they all smoke, and they live in larger groups. I don't buy the getting it again. The immune system makes antibodies. Its a type of flu whether people like to say not to compare it to that or not. I don't understand why they didn't name it. Coronavirus is just a base terminology. H1N1, MERS, and SARS are all a coronavirus. 

I use to be a really sickly child, I'd get the flu every year. I've probably have had most every strain and I haven't had to flu in probably 2 decades with zero flu shots. Not trying to say I'm invincible. just that I've got a high immunity to it. I work at a grocery store and encounter thousands of people every week. I've been doing this for almost 20 years now. I can probably still get anything, but I don't get sick very often due to "herd immunity".

There are stories of overcrowded hospitals, but there are just as many stories about hospitals shutting down because of a lack of patients since non essential medical procedures have been shut off. Plenty of posts about how the emergency room has short waits because people that don't have real emergencies aren't coming in because they are scared of the virus. Basically the ER is working as intended in a lot of areas because people aren't coming in with a headache.



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what they are saying is you could get it again bc their bodies have not fully recovered yet and that for those who had severe cases will likely to have long term damage to their hearts and lungs. i remember reading covid-19 structure has similarities that of hiv, sars, and mers combined. they mixed antiHIV and sars drugs, and had success in treating 90 yr old woman who suffered from it several months ago in thailand. currently US has surpassed Italy in death tolls, and sure US has larger population, but majority of US population suffers from obesity and cancer of all ages, plus cant be good for pregnant women so its not just older ppl who should be worried. but it is said less than 1% of US population has been tested so unless everyone is tested we may never know how well US is dealing with this virus right now and it could be months and months away for us to know for sure if we got rid of it or not


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On 4/8/2020 at 9:56 PM, Sledgstone said:

Trump years so far up to 04/08/2020:



The national debt never went down. Its done nothing but gone up. And as far as I know these numbers do not include the recent stimulus packages funds.



Almost a month later and the national debt has now gone up roughly $840 billion dollars. Trump administration has added almost $6 trillion dollars to the debt since he took office. This number is going to keep going up.. and now I bet he'll want China to pay for this like he wanted Mexico to pay for the wall. -_-; Don't blame the policies we have in place or the actual failure of our government, nope.. gotta blame somebody else. Although it would be interesting to see China get sued by multiple governments around the world over this. I doubt it would lead to anything tho. The worse thing than this national debt is the individual state's debts. Multiple states and cities across the USA are now facing massive budget issues. I read my local taxes will probably be going up by the end of the year because school systems in this region alone are multiple tens of millions of dollars in the hole now too.


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6 hours ago, Sledgstone said:

The worse thing than this national debt is the individual state's debts. Multiple states and cities across the USA are now facing massive budget issues. I read my local taxes will probably be going up by the end of the year because school systems in this region alone are multiple tens of millions of dollars in the hole now too.

I really wanted to joke about a New Yorxit (like Brexit) situation, but it seems really practical with how the federal government is failing.

New York is the biggest donor to the federal government according to this website.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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seems like covid bs will drag this through november election and will affect post office significantly. as i posted earlier, they are not ready.  they are all going to make the same mistake as they did in wisconsin no doubt. not only that, trumps trying to disrupt its operation bc hes against it wtf. but joe biden is such a weak candidate, even obama had stated "dont underestimate joe biden's ability to fk things up" XD this election will be a big mess




didnt see this coming when millions are already struggling with unemployment. this will be devastating if uber does shutdown their operation in california until election. i heard new jersey is following a similar suit going after uber. are they purposely trying to sink the economy? O_o


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A significant amount of people will be voting by mail this year because of the pandemic, and since the majority of those ballots get sent out even before the presidential debates happen, people will most likely already have made up their minds and voted. All the current polls before the Trump USPS mail attacks happened, showed him losing in the majority of the polls. To prevent an outright loss, "Voting by mail will lead to fraud" became he latest gimmick. Our military over seas has been voting by mail for generations but now its not safe anymore. Sure.. And now mail sorting machines are being chucked in the actual garbage because its somehow more cost efficient to pay an employee to sort mail.. which makes no sense.. that would be like GM or Ford chucking some welding robots just for the hell of it and slow their production line to a crawl. Mail in votes that arrive too late won't be counted.


I don't know about anywhere else, but we have a significant amount of political ads on TV right now, way more than previous years at this time of year.. and its all because people are already voting. They can't wait to do an ad blitz at the last days before an election now because with the mail in votes its happening now.

And even though Trump says mail in voting is garbage, he votes by mail all the time.


Its good for him but not for everyone else apparently. :confused:

Regardless of the outcome for the Presidential election, unless its a landslide I don't see either candidate actually accepting the results. It could lead to some serious shit going down. Meanwhile gun sales are up 70% compared to last year with first time buyers leading the way.


Hell, I want to buy a shotgun now because who knows how this country is going to be by the end of the year. x_x


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do they even accept copy of expired driver's licence or other means of copied ID when mail in voting? i hear most states DMVs are so backed up due to covid that even if you make an appointment, it'll take two months or more to get it renewed. some states are giving extensions of 60 days after expiration but thats not enough. in texas i think theres a limit if you want to renew it online, you have to be in a person at some point. a couple years back, houston closed all the small ones and made big ass DMV centers from abandoned malls. at first it was great bc it went fast, but it started to clog up and waiting became longer. and this was all before covid bs. i still have one and a half year before mine expires but ill might just drop my CDL if it becomes annoyance and do it online if its allowed. and screw voting, i never voted anyway bc there might be a chance that i could get called up for jury duty. no one can fix this scamdemic no matter who gets elected 

On 8/28/2020 at 7:55 AM, Sledgstone said:

Hell, I want to buy a shotgun now because who knows how this country is going to be by the end of the year. x_x

is it easy to get guns in your state? i dont blame you if you want to. all these civil unrests and unemployment..its really getting crazy. in texas i just fillout a form and after a background check, a cashier walks me out the store with a gun and it takes no longer than 30 mins top. im personally not into shotguns though..lol. i dont think i can handle something that dangerous. hell i dont even like pistols. but at least with a revolver, i know i feel safe handling it. 


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As soon as we find out who loses the sooner I'll celebrate their loss.

  • If Biden loses I'll finally be able to have that box of Corn Pops I would've bought during the democratic primary.
  • If Trump loses I found this perfectly named place that serves Crispy Orange Flavor. I would get both Chicken & Beef versions.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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On 8/30/2020 at 6:18 PM, slippers said:

do they even accept copy of expired driver's licence or other means of copied ID when mail in voting? i hear most states DMVs are so backed up due to covid that even if you make an appointment, it'll take two months or more to get it renewed. some states are giving extensions of 60 days after expiration but thats not enough. in texas i think theres a limit if you want to renew it online, you have to be in a person at some point. a couple years back, houston closed all the small ones and made big ass DMV centers from abandoned malls. at first it was great bc it went fast, but it started to clog up and waiting became longer. and this was all before covid bs. i still have one and a half year before mine expires but ill might just drop my CDL if it becomes annoyance and do it online if its allowed. and screw voting, i never voted anyway bc there might be a chance that i could get called up for jury duty. no one can fix this scamdemic no matter who gets elected 

ID isn't required for mail in voting or in person voting because the initial registration is where you are verified. When you register to vote you generally have to do it through the DMV when you get a state ID and that is where they verify you initially, or if you move you can update it with your new address. After that you have to go to your designated polling place and when you vote, they don't ask for ID. Mostly because when you vote, they see your name in the books, you sign it and they can compare your signature to last years. They give you a ballot with a number on it that they mark in the record next to your name. Sure somebody could come in to the voting place, say they are me, forge my signature and vote for me, but then if I come in later that day to vote, someone says I already voted, then that would kick off an election fraud investigation. Election fraud is federal charges and can lead to some serious jail time. Like 5 years in prison on just federal charges not counting state charges. For mail in voting you have to register for it through the board of elections or DMV if I remember right. They verify you through the website, I think its all tied into the DMV again.. they send you a ballot in the mail with a number on it that is specific for your registration, you fill it out, put it in the envelope and mail it in. Don't need to put a copy of ID in it since you were already verified. Sure somebody could take my ballot from my mailbox, fill it out and mail it in, but if I call to find out where my mail in ballot is and there is fraud.. once again an investigation would kick in. Of course someone could say, what if someone takes your ballot already filled out from your mail box.. I would think it'd be pretty obvious if there were a crap load of people going around to everyone's mail boxes and searching them for ballots when people are mailing them out at random times all over the course of a month and checking other people's mail boxes can be considered tampering with mail and lead to jail time. People could also just put the ballot in a USPS drop box.

Lady had to renew her license a couple weeks ago. Turns out they enabled renewal online. The only thing she had to do was get an eye exam at one of the multiple locations that do it for the DMV. So she went to one of the local pharmacy stores down the street, paid $20 for the eye exam, they electronically sent the results to the DMV, days later she went online to renew, they verified that the results of the eye exam were received and she got the new license mailed to her. But it had the same picture from 8 years ago on it. lol. One of the restrictions for the DMV now is they will only do appointments and they'll only see people at that specific DMV office that live in the same county as that office.. and that sucks because we have a DMV that is small, hardly ever busy and its only a 12 minute drive from us, but its in the next county because we live right on the county line. The DMV we would have to go to is a 45 minute drive to a downtown Syracuse one that is generally so busy it literally has 2 waiting rooms. Screw that.

I used to note register to vote because of jury duty. In hindsight I should have. The last 3 times I got a jury duty notification, I'd call the number once a day for 4 days and my number was never called for coming in so I've never even gotten to the initial showing up part yet. btw, at least in NY state, as long as you have a state ID you already are registered for jury duty. Or if you register a car to drive, you are already registered for jury duty. Theres some other things they pull your name up for jury duty too. You might already be signed up and don't know it because everyone hardly ever gets a jury summons. 

On 8/30/2020 at 6:18 PM, slippers said:

is it easy to get guns in your state? i dont blame you if you want to. all these civil unrests and unemployment..its really getting crazy. in texas i just fillout a form and after a background check, a cashier walks me out the store with a gun and it takes no longer than 30 mins top. im personally not into shotguns though..lol. i dont think i can handle something that dangerous. hell i dont even like pistols. but at least with a revolver, i know i feel safe handling it. 

Hand guns in NY state are blocked off with all kinds of restrictions, background checks and registrations, etc. Its possible just time consuming. But shotguns and rifles only need background checks. I could technically go to a walmart and buy one, but there would be a waiting period for the background check. Or I could go to a trade show and buy one. I'd like to eventually own a shotgun for home defense and a .22 rifle. We have alot of woods near me. We have coyotes and other wild life, but recently we've had a couple black bears sightings in the local communities. Sure on facebook people are like, oh look how cute they are, leave them alone they're not bothering anyone.. yeah because they're small at the moment.. but if these bears start reproducing here and get big.. we could have a bear problem. wtf. So yeah, shotgun with slugs or bird shot for home defense from potential thieves and maybe bears. lol. A .22 rifle would be great though for killing anything from a distance. I'm no pro shooter, but a .22 makes almost anyone a pro shooter. lol. That recoil is so small you can pump 3-4 bullets into anyone or anything from a distance with ease.


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Voting in my state use to be similar, but now you must have ID, and the ID must match the address listed. I'm generally a cheap bastard when it comes to renewing my licenses. It costs $40 now I think? for 4 years. (use to be 5 but I guess they trying to get that money). So one year I moved in the middle of my licenses lifespan... and I had to drive 20 min to my old polling place rather than the one 5 min from my house. XD 

We also use to have electronic booths. But after so many complaints about hitting something and the opposite lighting up, and hackers, etc we now do scantron ballots. You fill them out and then you feed them to the machine yourself.

Getting a firearm takes less than 10 min here. No waiting period. Just have the money and pass the background check and you're bringing home a new handgun/rifle/shotgun. 100 round drum mags? No prob. I have a 50 round mag for my glock I casually bought for $50 with my debit card, in and out. XD

I think you have some misconceptions about the .22. You won't kill a bear with that or much of anything outside of a squirrel. Shooting a bear, you're gonna pray it gets scared and not pissed off. There are videos of guys shooting beers with 00 buck shot from a 12gage  and they just get scared and run off... To kill with a 22, you'll have to hit a vital organ. bears are big, it won't crack the skull at range, and it won't hit their heart at range. You'd have to hit the heart of a human, otherwise they'll easily survive and continue their attack. Getting shot is def not like in the movies. Plenty of videos of people committing a crime and getting pumped full of .45 and they run off full sprint and die somewhere else. No one falls down and dies instantly unless it hits the brain or explodes their heart.

No birdshot either. 00 and slugs only for defense. Dick Cheney shot someone in the head with birdshot and they lived. Its literally just 20 or so BB gun pellets packed into a shell. Its designed to do what its named after. Kill a bird. You def won't harm a predator animal with it. If you get a rifle there are tons of things to consider. First .22 is not good for self defense from people or animals. 30-30 and higher is... but you have to take into account your surroundings. You don't want to hit someone's house and hurt them. Bolt actions are impractical outside of hunting, and I doubt Semi-Auto is worth getting in your state. So a lever action like a Winchester or Marlin 30-30 would be optimal... but they'll run you $700+.

Get a Maverick 88. Its Mossberg's budget shotgun you can get for like $200. 12 gauge, perfect for what you need. It's going to kick... but most of the time that's overstated. Yes your shoulder will hurt if you go out and shoot it 30 times. If a firearm isn't kicking its either heavy enough, or you can't defend yourself with it..... or you're rich and can own a Kriss Vector. XD Which you probably can't in NY. The Maverick's cheapness seems to come from the lack of luxury features. A full on mossberg will probably cost $500-600. I have a semi-auto Mossberg and I paid $680 for it. You can easily buy a Maverick and get the after market pad for the butt stock among other upgrades. Firearm accessories are straight forward and easy to install most the time only requiring your hand or an allen wrench.



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That shotgun looks like it'd be great for me. All I'll be using it for is home defense so as long as its reliable and functional I'll be good with that. :tup: Thats some impressive range with a shotgun. I like that. O_O I mentioned in that snapchat, I was thinking shotgun for slugs for defense for everything, but that .22 could be good for shooting theives in the neck. lol. Or least for wildlife control. If I need to put down a coyote from some big distance or at least scare it off the .22 might be good for that. I know people that like to use their .22 for killing ground hogs to remove them from their property. Birdshot could be good for in home defense so I don't accidentally kill anyone with a slug going through drywall. Eh.. In the end I don't have much money for gun purchases, I'll probably stick with just the shotgun and slugs when I can afford it. Good news is I feel safe enough to actually own a gun now. :D Safe as in my nerve issues in my arms has reduced significantly. I think its all thanks to the exercises I've been doing over the last couple years. Its been a year since I've had any numb arm issues while sleeping and I haven't had my fingers or thumbs twitch in a year either. I've dropped a couple things a week ago but that was me being clumsy and my hands were wrecked from using heavy ass pipe wrenches that entire day. Before I couldn't trust myself to own a gun when I could have potentially dropped a loaded weapon.

On 9/4/2020 at 4:44 PM, DeathscytheX said:

Voting in my state use to be similar, but now you must have ID, and the ID must match the address listed. I'm generally a cheap bastard when it comes to renewing my licenses. It costs $40 now I think? for 4 years. (use to be 5 but I guess they trying to get that money). So one year I moved in the middle of my licenses lifespan... and I had to drive 20 min to my old polling place rather than the one 5 min from my house. XD 

We also use to have electronic booths. But after so many complaints about hitting something and the opposite lighting up, and hackers, etc we now do scantron ballots. You fill them out and then you feed them to the machine yourself.

Lol. When I first moved I had to do the same thing. We moved in October but it was too late to update our voting registration so we had to drive 20 mins to the old polling place. But we still lived in the same district so it wasn't really a big issue.

We have been using scantron ballots here for years. Since they all have a unique barcode and number for each one and that number is then attached to the person voting, it ensures everyone gets their one vote. I never signed up for mail in ballots this year so I'll be going to my polling place and using the good old scantron and feeding it into the machine. As far as I know the mail in ballots are the same scantrons and once they are received by the elections, they feed them into the machine themselves. 

I think its funny how some people think that voting fraud can happen so easily when it seems like a good system with accountability. I think the scenario most people think about is some old 80s movie where they stuff the high school prom ballot box full of fake votes to make sure someone gets to be king or queen. Its so stupid. XD Voting in an election is taken way more seriously than that. I will say tho, if there ever is any voting fraud it needs to be fully investigated and people need to go to jail.

The latest article I saw for voter fraud was where people voted twice in Georgia. But it was discovered and they'll be prosecuted.


Well now those people can spend the next 1-10 years in jail. In NY, if someone got an absentee ballot, mailed it in and then went in to vote, it would be spotted pretty quick by the computers once those ballots are scanned in. People who intentionally vote twice deserve their sentence.

I will say tho, I'm glad mail in voting is become more available, theres some places with crappy polling locations that serve way too many people. If I had to wait in line 5 hours to vote I doubt I'd ever do it. Every place I've ever lived has been pretty straight forward tho with only a 10 minute wait on average during a presidential election.


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Ok so here is the brutal part. If someone is in your home that doesn't need to be there, you shoot to kill. There are too many risk factors involved with keeping someone injured and alive. Why are they there? What kind of person are they? I listened to a podcast done by a "retired" burglar. He basically said if he had gotten held at gunpoint he would have surrendered and beg for his life but not everyone is the same. He also said laminated windows was the best deterrent against thieves as they're too much of a hassle to break and get through. Most burglars will just give up because its too time consuming which increases the risk of being caught. Its always an in and out job... mostly in the day time. All that night time stuff is mostly just Hollywood.

But back to the issue of shooting someone. If you hit someone with birdshot, unless its in the face and you take out eyes, once they get their bearings again they could be dangerous, especially if they're under the influence of meth or some other type of drug. These people may have had no intention of harming anyone but now they're hurt, scared, and not thinking rationally. They're bleeding, they might have transmittable diseases, they're going to attack you now because they chose fight instead of flight. Maybe its just someone down on their luck, you shot them, they lived... now they're going to sue you for their hospital bills and try to get some extra. (there are actual cases of this happening). Shoot to kill... dead people can't sue you or attack you after the fact. Killing someone can be traumatic, but is the stress of the unknown worth holding someone at gunpoint with a phone in your hand until the cops arrive? What if they flee? I'm sure your state is much less forgiving by law if you shoot someone in the back even if its in your own home that they were robbing. You know this, and let them escape... will they come back for revenge? Are they waiting outside for you when you take out the trash to hurt you for trying to kill them? Maybe and most likely not.. but its always gonna be in the back of your mind. 

Now when I say shoot to kill, you shoot someone, they go down... if they're still alive writhing in pain. I'd say tell them not to move. Again its a fine line... don't empty the mag/clip/tube into them to make sure they're dead. That will definitely constitute as an execution. I don't know your state laws, I'm just going on what I know from certain states where this is such a touchy issue. In my state, you can in fact shoot someone in the back, in your yard, in your car... that all constitutes as your "castle" as they call it. Now if they drive off in your car you can't go driving after them and empty a mag... you'll get hit with reckless endangerment.

If you want to go the route of non-leathal there is insurance for self defense shootings. the USCCA provides it from like $30-50 a month. It provides you with legal defense in case someone sues you for shooting them. In some instances your homeowners insurance can cover it. It's def something that needs to be researched.

And one more time. Get off the .22!!! XDXDXD Unless you gonna be shooting snakes, squirrels, groundhogs, and other small mammals. Plus if there is ever another school shooting, or any kind of mass violence, .22 ammo will be non existent. People buy them all up in a panic because they're cheap. I remember after Sandy-Hook and congress started discussing gun control there was an absolute frenzy on ammo in almost every caliber. But even after things calmed down it was months before .22 was available regularly and the price jumped significantly. Its a shit round good only for the things I just mentioned. XD Its more to do with the velocity of the cartridge than the actual round size. A .223 or .17 hornet is basically a .22 with a shit ton more gun powder behind it. Basically its the difference between putting a philips head screw bit at the top of your 8th grade science class baking soda rocket and then doing the same but putting it at the top of a Saturn V rocket. XD .223 doesn't kick bad if you're worried about your wrists and elbows. There is a reason the military uses .556 (just a .223 with more umf... a gun chambered with .556 can shoot a .223 much like a .357 mag can shoot .38 special rounds... just don't shoot .556 out of a .223 or a .357 out of a .38... the frames aren't designed to handle the pressure).

Here is a coyote gun for under $500 with the scope. Savage Arms is a pretty good budget brand... and this video isn't 20 min. XD It shows the kick pretty good. There is a heavy barrel variant which will mitigate recoil further.

I saw this at sportsman outdoors site with a rebate. I don't know if you have any brick and mortars of these up there. The thing about gun retail is that the prices can wildly vary from gunshop to gunshop and big box retailers. Big box places like Academy and Bass Pro are going to be more expensive most the time than your local FFL dealer. And its always worth scoping out the price on the internet at places like budsgunshop. To buy a gun online, you'll have to consult with your local gunshop, they order it for you. But you have to ask what their transfer price is. The shops generally have a set price for transfers so they can make some money off a better deal you found online than they have in their inventory.


If you want to see some wrist breaking action tho..... XD

Its time stamped to skip to the good part.


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