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Naruto on Toonami

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I was suprise with the ladies and seeing the blood and all. Oh and the "kill" word, you don't usually hear someone say,"I will kill you," on CN. XP

that shocked me! i was expecting the standard: "I will destroy you" or the dbz classic "I'll send you to another dimension" X'D


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I thought the dub was a lot better than it could have been. They took out the blood, and the kissing scene, but other than that, they really left it alone. I think they're starting to understand that anime aren't necessarily limited to children's shows.

...The day they release a totally unedited anime with good dubs... I mean, Cowboy Bebop's dubs were good, but ..mehh.

Ah well - this was a good step along the way.

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Yep, they took out the kiss. Fangirls won't like it, I suppose, but I both realize why they did it (ours is a homophobic society, now matter how you slice it) and am grateful they didn't decide to cut out more important scenes (just edit the blood). Sexy no Jutsu is a pivotal character scene - it demonstrates to what point Naruto's perversity exists - (as well as being blatant fan service), and realize they *could* have done half-@$$ed things like replace the giant shiruken with a blast of "mystical ninja energy" because it's "too bloody".

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Has Kakashi debuted yet ? What does he sound like ? Key characters have to have their signature voices.

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Kakashi sounds a bit more "teacherly" than he does in the japanese version, and sounsd incredibly bored the entire time - taken in perspective, though, it works; it's just not quite what i'm used to.

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Interesting. I've been rewatching the episodes that have so far aired, and I've decided I really like Shikimaru's voice. It's just ... appropriate, really. Not something I noticed right away. I guess i'm getting more used to the voices.

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