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Why would the dub do this

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Heres the other topic complaining about 4kids:


and yes, 4kids actually omitted probably 1 or 2 entire seasons worth of episodes up to this point in the english version. they skipped the entire little garden island arc with the elbaf giants and dinosaurs, which actually lead to nami's illness which is why they needed a doctor on drum, and because ussop met the elbaf giants on little garden, he was able to recruit the giants on enis lobby to battle the marines. oh, and they also skipped all the episodes where they were actually in the calm belt with the sea kings, and the entire dragon arc (about 12 eps). and all those multiple editing jobs they did were 4 or 5 episode battles were shrunk down to 1 edited fight scene that always has a happy ending. :rolleyes:


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edited One Piece blows -_-; I'd rather eat a box of nails then watch that dubbed shit


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I really....dont understand...their "decisions"

I just want to sit in on one of these meetings and hear what they're though process is. Do they actually think that these actions will make them more money? Is it for moral reasons? What reason could possible be heavy enough to move them to cut out so much of the story, filler or not?

But can you save me? From the ranks of the freaks who could never love anyone...

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ok 1 never watch it in english.

2 IKNOELESSSOICANKNOWMORE Is spelled that way for a reason cause i know less so I can know more

so in the begining I know less. it comes from my 12 grade year book its a friends quote its worded differently but has the same idea

3watch fansubs they are your friends

Oh and in my first post I meant and then I deicided to compare to dub and the dub is worse than the naruto one which is horrible already.

One Piecie is a good anime just no one really gives it a chance cause they see the dubb and go omg or they see the guy with the sling shot and say come on wtf but never realize there is a reason.

They also have never gotten to the really amazing parts like when luffy is able to unlock the 2nd power of the devil fruit. Oh and its just really good I say its better than Dbz cause it gets it message across which Dbz tried to do for so long but they never managed to do for some reason(idiot fans not realizing DBZ was a parody anime)

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*used to never want to give one piece a chance*

lots of people try to give 2 episodes or so a chance, and then some others just dont want to watch it due to the art style. actually, from what ive watched now, its very good (and really addicting ^_^; ) but eh, sometimes you just have to sit people down for them to see for themselves. they wont do it on their own


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It's all about the Benjamin's. They probably assumed that the the series/games would draw the younger crowd so they dumbed down and fucked up One Piece hoping to make it more kiddie. Whatever, it aint Pokemon or Yugioh. -_-;


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