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A voice of reason in a sea of maddness.

The unheard prophet on the gates of troy.

Man/child body Man/child mind grew up to soon and not at all.

Born in wisdom raised in secluchion under a rock is no place to call home.

Mocked by fools for inocence they try to rob me of.

wheeping tears that do not fall coused by emotions that society forbids.

Every man is born half dead physicly alive soul not yet quickend to life.

For us lucky few who awaken the endless crowd of the undead try to drag us back to the shadows.

I have found brothers in arms to help fight for our minds.

True brothers becouse they are choosen not born.

Granted by an unseen force the gift of true sight able to see others as they realy are.

Real beauty caused by a pure heart is rare and wonderfull.

The eyes are the window to the soul mine are glazed over by this life i pray some inner spark remains.

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