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What a shitty birthday.

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It was my birthday on Sunday, not that anyone noticed or said anything. What did I do? Nothing. What did I get? Nothing. Was it acknowledged? Not really.

Birthday's suck. One year closer to death? Please hurry up >.>

aomsehri \|/

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that was like my 20th b-day last year. Everyone forgot about it including my mom and dad, I had to drop hints that it was my b-day and at some point I remember just telling my mom & dad that they forgot it. People felt bad they forgot but I didn't mind so much.

I guess thats how it gets when you get older. Your b-day becomes just another day.


All hail piggy, king of bacon ^)^

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Yeah... My mom just realized tonight that she forgot. I guess I probably should have told her and other people, but I go to the trouble to find out/remember their birthdays, and I guess they can't do the same for me >.>

I don't really care that I didn't do anything or get anything, it's just aggravating that everybody flat out forgot.

aomsehri \|/

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:( ya it sucks but it feels good later on when people feel bad for forgetting. I told my best friend and his mom that everyone forgot my b-day and there like omg we forgot too lets take him out to eat. haha. Just tell everyone tomorrow :P


All hail piggy, king of bacon ^)^

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honestly I'm gonna be blunt...it just is another day...what do i do? i just don't care i make plans for MYSELF for the occasion...just use it as an excuse to not do anything...just wait till you get into the real world...you will be happy to do nothing at all



"That fairy needs to stop shouting in my ear, or I'm going to throw her friend I have trapped in the bottle into a lava pit or something. HEY, LISTEN! No, YOU listen. If something's important, just say so without yelling at me. Or fly over to it and change color like you usually do. Just because I'm busy mowing the lawn and hoping I'll find some spare change, doesn't mean I can't hear you." - Link

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I feel your pain! One year even I forgot my own birthday. Lol. As you get older you just want to forget them. But if it's really important to you, do something special for yourself, if nobody else will.

Happy late b-day, too! :)




Gone but NEVER forgotten!

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I kinda wish I had your predicament. I hate making a big deal out of birthdays... to me, its just another day in life. Its not a holiday or some special event. You're not born every time on that day. It only happened once. I hate when people want to sing the b-day song to me, and its strictly forbidden to do so. And then people get mad that I don't care about my b-day. sheesh.


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ahhhhh How can u forget your own kid's birthday??? I would never forget my kid's b-day. My mom always calls me. My dad I have to call the day of and remind his dumb ass..LOL. It's just another day, yeah, but still it's an excuse for me to get fucked up LOL.


"Well, Toutousai...don't you think it's a pity for Tessaiga? All Inuyasha can do is wave about a sword with all his strength...it's the same whether it's a famous sword or a log."


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Birthdays are a celebration your life. Make the most of it, if not on the day, close to it. Make it a point to spend time doing something you like, even if it's only for a half an hour. If birthdays are important to you, then REMIND people that its coming up, or you'll only disappoint yourself as it seems you have.

My family constantly reminds each other of the birthday's coming up. We all have a tendency of forgetting things, time, and dates. Hell, I've been trying to think of something for my wife's birthday for over three months, and got side tracked by father's day. Now, I'm feeling the pinch these last couple days for nearly forgetting her birthday.

It's a good thing I have a calendar and family members who CONSTANTLY remind me of everything coming up. I'd go years without remembering birthdays and such if they didn't.

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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  gokuDX7 said:
on shizzle, this weekend is fathers day isn't it? Thanks for reminding me Mathias XD

Rofl, lucky for me I got my dad the best Father's day gift I could give him back in January... I moved out.

aomsehri \|/

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That's why they forgot your birthday. Just like me, they got lost in their thoughts. :drool:

See if you can find the reference, and then you'll be disgusted! :barf:

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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  Mathias said:
That's why they forgot your birthday. Just like me, they got lost in their thoughts. :drool:

My parents haven't talked to each other in 8 years. They haven't "gotten lost in their thoughts :drool:" in even longer, I'd be willing to bet.

aomsehri \|/

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I'm sorry to hear that. How's life in the real world treating you?

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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if it helps, no one, not my family or my friends remember mine.

the whole day, i feel like shit

and last year, i had to wear my RO uniform on my birthday.

once, my best friend had to remind my other friend that it was my bday


but oh welll...i dont really expect anything out of it.

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I'm weird... I love celebrating birthdays, I make a great dinner for family members (those close to home), get them a gift, and make a cake for them. But for my own birthday I could care less. My birthday is late June and for years when I was growing up I would always be away from home and family on my birthday. I never expected much or cared all the much (especially now as I'm getting nearer and nearer to 30).

Now my children, I have all the family members come over and celebrate with food, cake, ice cream, presents, games... and my kids are only 3 and almost 2. I make a really big deal out of it.

So celebrate other's birthdays and forget about my own. Half of the time it takes me a few moments to even remember how old I am. :oops:


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