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Helping stop art theft

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Ok, this came out of a conversation on the ToT boards a week or so ago. Someone had posted a topic about an art theif on DA, and of course, everyone rallied to make comments and so on. Unfortunatly, some of those comments were rather nasty, and I'm thinking to myself 'it's no wonder so many people like that get defensive and so on when their first confrontation is hostility'. So my idea was a group that would activly look out for art theft as well as help artists deal with suspected theives, but do so in a polite and mature manner. Yes, a lot of theives know they're doing wrong, but what about the few that don't? It seems to me that it's better to educate someone rather than attack them.

So, I now have a group open for anyone that is interested in this.


Read it over, and if it interests you, please sign up! This is one of those things that won't work without a community, and as fellow artists, I thought this might be helpful. ^_^

Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints!


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pretty much anything....this started as an idea in the SM fandom community, so the focus is stolen fanart and stolen characters....but really, if anyone has had their art stolen and beinig used by someone else and wants help confronting the person, all they gotta do is ask....we can't offer any kind of legal advice, but sometimes just letting the person know they're doing something wrong is usually enough....yet there are some people that are stubborn or some artists that want a little support in confronting the person....*shrugs*....

Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints!


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*is terribly addicted to DA* squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I will defend my favorite artists with a pointy stick damnit! :jab:

I've had plenty of my sigs swiped by strangers. It got to the point where we did the whole disable hotlinking thing. Stupid thing is if they just asked to use em I woulda said yes.


                                               Look at the flowers

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