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My family saved allot of money doing the following

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Me and My dad have been going through a hard time with money and dealing with oil bills and whatnot. So we did the following to save us allot of money these past 2 months.

1) Turn the temperature down and start up the wood burning stove/fire place.

My dad normally keeps the temp down to 50 degrees but these past 2 months he lowered it to 40 and started up our wood burning stove. We manage to get free firewood from family members that had collected it years ago but never used it. We've also found allot of people on cregslist giving away free firewood since they just want to get it out of their yards. So far the house has been toasting at 73 degrees.

2) Swap out the light bulbs for the lights you use allot with energy saving ones.

3) Keep everything off unless you plan to use it. My dad used to have the habit of turning on a light and then going into another room and turning another on, and then going into the TV room and turning on more..etc. Now anytime one of us sees something on that no one is using, we shut it off.

4) Set the computers to auto shutdown if idle for more then 3 hours. believe it or not computers hog up allot of electricity even if there built on energy saving technology. If the computer is not going to be used for anything wile your sleeping then theres no point in keeping it on.

5) Switch to a cheap VoIP service like Vonage (not really energy saving). If you're in a money pinch and you don't really use your house phone allot then switching to VoIP saves you shit loads of money. We used to pay around $50 or more for the house phone. Now we play $20 and can call basically anywhere in the world (since it uses the Internet). The downside is the service can be shitty for some people (ie. hard to hear you talk) if your ISP throttles traffic. I don't recommend getting VoIP for Comcast users.


All hail piggy, king of bacon ^)^

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Right now my heat is just fine... I think... Haven't gotten any complaints.

I swapped out the last 2 some time ago.

Easier done than said... Only time I don't might be when I fall asleep with electronics on.

... Why would someone leave a PC idle?...

Closest thing I got is the Time Warner All In One...

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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I thought you are going to post how much they saved by switching to Geico...LOL


"Well, Toutousai...don't you think it's a pity for Tessaiga? All Inuyasha can do is wave about a sword with all his strength...it's the same whether it's a famous sword or a log."


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... Why would someone leave a PC idle?...

Most people now a days think it's fine to leave the PC running over night or for weeks at a time. I know allot of people that fell into that habit because they hear that its better for the PC or they just become lazy lol. What they don't realize is, it sucks up power like crazy.

@HKofsesshoumaru - lol if I did that id probably get bad rep and my post removed XD.


All hail piggy, king of bacon ^)^

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I for one have no lights on when I'm in the apartment, except for when I'm cooking or in the restroom. My heater's never on! This way I've tried to curb my gas + electric bill to under $50.00 a month.

I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

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