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wow this show has turned to shit

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m'kay, I was under the impression that Atlantis was under military control... last time I checked that was right.

So if that is the case Ronin acting like a pud to and pulling a gun on Tealc -a superior visiting dignitary- is a court martial offense and he shoiulda been booted from the cafeteria and off the base or locked up. Instead of that happening we get R and T fighting for an hour. Then when the head of the entire base tells them to stop Ronin defies her and keeps his shit up. So in the same day he proves 2x he's no good to the team. Can't follow his superiors orders, acts impulsively on his emotions- particularly aggressive anger- the type of shit that makes missions go swirly down the toilet.

even in the extreme situation the military is in the idea of bringing 2 aliens into the fold is far flung (and has been crappily done). One is a security risk because shes frigin wraith infected and the other is a renegade.

Umm... no.

To be honest this is the first time I've watched the show in weeks... tonight I realized why. Its as bad as Naruto filler making cannon characters look weak when they aint. Shepard is not O'Neill and never will be. Tayla has become more then just a pointless character now that the entire civilization that was her reason for being on Atlantis are gone; shes a snore and still a security risk that has no business in the command center let alone being left in a position of authority. Ronin's character could literally be replaced with a floating fist.

Bringing Sam in to try to save the show is pretty sad, her wardrobe looks like shit on her.

yeah, I'm done. this is just lame


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Sam's wardrobe is just the tip of the iceburg. When Weir was in charge she played a role in practically every episode and had involvement in almost every decision. Now that Sam is there, her role has diminished drastically and the basis of the show is now completely centered just on Sheppard's team... but instead of exploring other planets or getting intel about their enemies, its just one situation after the other that they keep getting flung into. While something like that could have worked on SG1, Atlantis just seems weak.

And they should have never brought Teal'c in there to 'pass the torch' to Ronin with this last episode because it did nothing for me except make me pissed that Teal'c was portrayed weakly. They should have shown Teal'c explaning different tactics or jaffar techniques or principals. But instead of evolving Ronin's character they kept him the same and more or less degraded Teal'c's character by bringing out more violence in him and drastically cutting his potential dialogue. Highly disappointing.


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I can't agree more with what has been said. Tayla and Ronin have been nothing but security risks from the get-go.

Tayla would have been nice as a peace-keeping ambassador who introduced Atlantis to other civilizations, but should never have been involved in military operations or better trained in hand-to-hand combat than our military. She was actually left in command of Atlantis over standard military personnel or at least the highest ranking civilian stationed from Earth since the operation was overseen by many countries of Earth. How did the hierarchy fall apart?

Ronin would have been nice as a tactical expert on the Wraith. I would have loved to see him become a mercenary with his own band of cohorts. I could easily have seen Atlantis hiring him and his band to take on the Wraith. Instead he's higher in rank than most Atlantis personnel? They took the premise of a mixed human and alien SG-1 team to the extreme and lost believability.

Shepard sounds more and more often like a high school student right out of college. Instead of playing a unique character, Shepard is a childish version of O'Neil who really isn't hiding his knowledge, he really lacks it.

Carter hasn't appeared in many of the latest episodes. I think this is more due to scheduling issues with the Stargate movie, if it's really happening. Her character hasn't diminished much, but she is under utilized to say the least, since McKay is literally her insane clone. The writer's are trying to fit her into a niche she has been groomed for, but are doing it awkwardly. Her take charge, put Ronin in his place was refreshing, but not reinforced since they came to terms without any real change.

Whenever sound military tactics were used that violated the ethics of the writers, the writers always made it a point that they were right no matter the circumstance. This, too, made our military appear unethical instead of doing what was necessary to accomplish the mission for the greater good for us and everyone else. There are saving graces that I won't go into now, but the show needs a real overhaul to have any real substance.

Almost every episode of every show or movie lately, not just Stargate Atlantis, has been the appeal that everything that is wrong in the world or universe is our fault and we have to fix it. This mentality is destroying TV, movies, and the American culture. I challenge you to pay attention to what you're watching and answer this question: is the central, if not secondary, plot or theme surrounded around the concept of the main character or organization blamed or blaming themselves for the problems around them?

Examples? Yes, I've got plenty. Atlantis is at war with the Wraith. Atlantis, through Shepard, awoke the Wraith that have killed entire civilizations. Later, they discovered the Replicators and reprogrammed them to kill the Wraith, who decide the best tactic is destroy the Wraith's food supply, humans. Other shows? I just finished watching Tin Man where DG discovered that when she was a child she ran away leaving an ancient witch to possess her sister's body and the many lives lost under her tyrannical rule. The Simpsons movie blamed America in general, if not just Homer, with the environmental destruction of the world. For goodness sakes someone needs to gag the know-it-all, rebel against standards, ego-centric Lisa and put her in her place for once. Ahem, excuse that rant and let's continue. The game Demon Stone I beat a couple months ago revolved around the three main characters being tricked into releasing two demons out of the demon stone. Don't watch the news, trust me, just don't. I could go on, but I've got other things to do now.

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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Yeah, just about every show or movie made has their metaphorical political message and I really can't stand it. Its like that with many books too. Hell, I refer to Battlestar Galactica Season 3 as the Iraq season because the connections are so blatant its rather annoying. I'm just glad the latter part of that season actually progressed the series instead of dragging on a "cylon occupation" for an entire season. (I love BSG btw even with the season 3 eps). But this is another conversation in itself.

Ronin would have been nice as a tactical expert on the Wraith. I would have loved to see him become a mercenary with his own band of cohorts. I could easily have seen Atlantis hiring him and his band to take on the Wraith. Instead he's higher in rank than most Atlantis personnel? They took the premise of a mixed human and alien SG-1 team to the extreme and lost believability.

Shepard sounds more and more often like a high school student right out of college. Instead of playing a unique character, Shepard is a childish version of O'Neil who really isn't hiding his knowledge, he really lacks it.

You would think Ronin would be a full blown Wraith expert considering the amount of them hes killed. But hes never provided any noticeable help aside from being a gunman/tank to draw fire upon. Hes never said something like: "Lets not take this path, you see those slight markings here and here.. I've seen this trap design before with this land layout, we'll have to double back because up ahead is a noticeable pitfall to lure us around and over that ridge were we'll be ambushed. They like to flush their prey into a cleared out field we're they'll sweep in with darts."

But no. Ronin's lines in any particular episode is "Rurgghh!" *shoots gun and sometimes runs blindly with rage*

And yes, Shepard acts like someone with no real control. Thinking of him as a person in any actual command is laughable.


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I think we can agree to agree SGA is totally suckin out and dropped the ball big time when it comes to keeping it military like SG1 did successfully for years.

The thing with SG1 was they had a great cast that played off of each other very well.

Tyla makes the most disgusting facial expressions, wtf is wrong with her mouth? Elvis disease or are her lips just stuck to her teeth? How do you play off of that? offer her a toothpick? And Ronin with his grunt act like a dick, who would want to play off that unless its beating the pud down?

They can easily phase Tayla out now that shes knocked up and Ronin is so reckless he could die anytime :)

Sam should be working with Rodney on all the ancient tecnology on Atlantis looking for a way to eliminate the wraith/rep threat to the galaxy just like she did here.

It would be ideal if they brought Daniel Jackson to Atlantis to work on the problem, if not him someone that he's worked with and knows what he knows.

They need to get rid of the useless members of the team.

SG1 had 2 science guys that could solve any tec problem that got in the way; ancient, asguard, replicator Sam blew up a sun once yada yada. The leader was a smartass but not an idot -_-; Muscles wasn't a rampaging asshole.

Shepard needs an attitude adjustment.

The team needs someone competent with the technology in that galaxy

Ronin needs to run away or die cuz he's outta control. If you need an alien to fill that slot use a wraith.

They had a shot for the jafa in our galaxy, why not something for the wraith, maybe even something one of them developed to skip the whole sleep feed cycle. They've done these kind of episodes repeatedly(I said elsewhere that a lot of the time writers put in escape characters or scenarios so that if they write themselves into a corner like this train wreck has, they've got scapegoats and trap doors to fill in and move along the plot)


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Yep, if they wanted to pass the torch from Teal'c they should have passed it over to that wraith scientist ally they had. But instead of doing that, the other wraith guy more or less says their wraith buddy there betrayed them and passed along their secrets. weak. -_-


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I maybe giving more credit to SGA than is probably warranted, but here's what I got out of the episode. The wraith scientist gave them the information. McKay ASSUMED the wraith scientist betrayed them. Of course, even if he turned out to be good or at least neutral, the guy lost another hive ship and was captured again? Or was the information garnered when he was captured by the queen on the Wraith generator machine. I don't know about you, but the Wraith who took Midway looked an awful lot like the Wraith commander on that planet even though it appeared that he died there. It was plain as day to me that they were the same, unless I'm smoking some good stuff as a friend of mine keeps asking.

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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