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Fav couple?

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For me, it's Sango and Miroku.


I love it!

When my letter reaches you, please don't break the seal
Just wait a little while, give it time to heal
And I belive you'll understand that this is my last and most loving request

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  Sledgstone said:

O_O *gasp*

:mad3: ha!



sometimes i wish kagome would just give up her souls to kikyo so she can be whole again. this way, kikyo doesnt have to depend on dead souls ever again, that poor kikyo can stay with inuyasha like they meant to be. kagome is just a bad reincarnated version of kikyo anyways. :\


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  kougalover said:
for me its kouga and kagome all the way. no doubt aout it.
I agree! They make a good couple! Koga's so nice to her, Inu yasha just kinda hangs around and protects hger is all. He loves her of course, but he just doesn't show it. Okay, so he shows it a few times, but that's it.

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  Hampstergeddon said:
I want some haute fox-thing-dog-thing ACTION

Oh yah. that's where it's at! :meh:

Kagome is just freakin' annoying, so I like the Inuyasha and Kagome moments, but on the whole no. I personally love Miroku... but I also love the Sango Miroku relationship 'cause it's so cute! How they fight all the time. Adorable.

Just so you know "Anyone who tries to thwart love will hear the stomping of HOOves and cries of revenge."

I was going to say something... I swear....

What type of flowers are between your nose and your chin?

Two Lips!!

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let me get this straight we're s'posed to be lovers?


some ppl just cant take a joke



                                               Look at the flowers

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