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Anti-choice ideologues think you don't care about North Dakota.

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Anti-choice ideologues think you don't care about women in North Dakota.

That's why they're pushing a so-called "personhood" bill through the North Dakota legislature -- a measure that would ban abortion and could lead to bans on birth control, stem-cell research, and in-vitro fertilization.

Stand up for the women of North Dakota and stop this "guerilla warfare" on reproductive choice now.


After losing the White House, critical seats in Congress, and three ballot measures last November, the anti-choice movement launched a new phase of their war on women's freedom and privacy. They vowed to return to their glory days of angry protests by waging "guerilla warfare" against a woman's right to choose.(1)

The anti-choice movement is starting in North Dakota because they think no one will notice. And when they're done there, they'll move along to the next state.

In fact, they're working to advance "personhood" measures in 16 states. Personhood USA, one of the organizations leading the fight, hopes their strategy leads to the end of the right to choose: "Establishing personhood closes what we call the 'hole' in Roe v. Wade."

Sign the petition to the governor of North Dakota telling him to veto any abortion-ban bill that comes to his desk.


North Dakota does not have a single pro-choice law on the books that helps prevent unintended pregnancy. Women in North Dakota have no safeguard against pharmacies that refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control. And they have no assurance that they can access emergency contraception at the hospital in the case of sexual assault. This new "personhood" bill would block women in North Dakota from ever receiving those protections.

Thank you for standing with the women of North Dakota -- and women everywhere -- by taking action today.

My best,

Nancy Keenan

President, NARAL Pro-Choice America

(1) "Pro-Lifers In Obamaland," Newsweek.com, January 27, 2009, http://action.prochoiceamerica.org/site/R?i=HheaY3IqIaVUUHWkY99lzQ..


A political organization, NARAL Pro-Choice America is the nation's leading advocate for privacy and a woman's right to choose.

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