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Tell Attorney General Holder: Investigate Big Coal's Fraudulent Tactics

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Is there anything Big Coal won't do?

Maybe not. We can add identity theft to the list of what their paid

minions have already done.

In the aftermath of the House's incredibly close vote on global warming

legislation, one member of Congress -- Tom Pierello of Virginia -- has

revealed that he received forged letters from local nonprofit groups --

the NAACP and Creciendo Juntos -- trying to convince him that a vote FOR

the legislation would hurt poor people, minorities, and the economy.

These fraudulent letters were sent to Mr. Pierello by Bonner & Associates,

a well known Washington lobbying firm with a very troubled history of

phony grassroots pressure on behalf of special interests like cigarette

companies, drug companies, and coal companies.

How many other members of Congress were misled by forged letters? Were

votes changed? There is only one way to find out. Will you tell Attorney

General Eric Holder to investigate and prosecute these blatantly

fraudulent and illegal acts?


With billions of dollars of profits, not to mention the health of the

environment, at stake, this kind of reprehensible behavior needs to be


Click here to tell Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate and

prosecute these blatantly fraudulent and illegal acts.


Thank you for standing up for our climate and our communities.

Pete Woiwode, Campaign Manager

hatein on coal bastards


                                               Look at the flowers

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