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Victory For the Jaguars~!

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Victory for Jaguars: Obama Pledges Recovery Plan, Habitat Protection

Jaguar_Flickr_tangywolf.jpgCapping a 13-year battle to save the American jaguar from extinction, this week the Center for Biological Diversity won a decision from the Obama administration to develop a recovery plan and protect essential habitat for North America's largest and most endangered cat.

The Bush administration had twice declared that it would not recover, reintroduce, or do anything to protect jaguars in the United States. Twice the Center's legal team filed suit and struck down the illegal decisions. This left the final decision up to Obama, but until the last moment, we were uncertain he would do the right thing as he has not made endangered species a priority to date.

Now that the Obama administration has committed to developing a federal recovery plan and mapping out the jaguar's critical habitat, the long, hard work of saving the American jaguar can begin.

I want to personally thank the tens of thousands of Center supporters who sent emails to the Obama administration to save the jaguar. You really showed the administration how important and popular jaguar conservation is. I also want to thank the thousands of people who contributed financially to keep our jaguar campaign going these 13 long years; without you, we couldn't have done it.

Read more in the Arizona Daily Star.



"Well, Toutousai...don't you think it's a pity for Tessaiga? All Inuyasha can do is wave about a sword with all his strength...it's the same whether it's a famous sword or a log."


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