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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2006 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    What makes Gundam Wing so popular?

    Don't say every anime fan reveres it cause I certainly don't, both as a self-respecting anime fan and as a Gundam Otaku (I'm crazy about everything Gundams except G Gundam, Gundam Wing, the atrocity known as SEED, and the even worse atrocity SEED Destiny). The big popularity with it is the pretty boy pilots, the uber powerful Gundams, and the lack of political intrigue (ok others will say it has lots of political intrigue, I found it rather lack luster. Total pacifism is a dream, it'll never happen and the premise of this bogged down an otherwise ok plot). Also, one of the few reasons why Wing has a huge following is because the majority of Wing fans are girls because, as stated by the creator, Wing was the first Gundam series made to appeal to the opposite sex (meaning females here, Gundam is and originally was targeted at the male audience until Wing was made. Since then it's been shifted to appeal to both audiences (as seen with the ever so craptacular SEED and SEED Destiny). Also I have a feeling that this belongs in the Gundam subboard but it'll get moved eventually.

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