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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    What we should be worrying about

    This is what we've got going on yo >.< Our well lobbied government legislates whats good for us. They have always decided what is poison, what is a dangerous or hazzardous substance. The DEA enforces laws banning drugs our government decided are bad for us; unfortunately this includes hemp, one of the most durable fibers known and an easy alternative to tree pulp for paper products. The FDA and EPA allows You to be poisoned via vaccinations, public water, additives in food, toxins in the air you breath. When you develop an illness over the counter or street drugs can't cure you turn to your doctor and your doctor turns you over to big pharma as he/she has been conditioned to do since med school. The pharmaceutical companies then profit off of you until the ailment kills you/you die. Many medications prescribed to people are substances they will have to take daily for the rest of their life. The younger you are when you are diagnosed with a treatable disease the longer the pharmaceutical companies can profit off of you. Big business, money cozying up to government is nothing new. The haves can always talk louder and bribe better the have nots. Big oil, weapons manafacturers and big pharma have it made, and our government has a history of supporting the bad guy until enough US civilians get sick they have to admit they were wrong. I'm sure we've all seen DEET being sprayed all over those kids in black and white. Our leaders live high while we're being poisoned and opressed and our planet is in peril, we're talking about hundreds of millions of refugees with their homes under water by the time we're old farts and our kids are old enough to see the disasterous outcome and ask why the fuck didnt you do something to stop this? Katrina and Gustav were previews of a pissed off climate and what FEMA intends to do about us. The system was far from perfect before George W stole the first election from Al Gore in 2000, but for eight years his executive administration has done an outstanding job of preventing our constitutional rights and liberties from protecting us anymore. The war on terror gave this illegal president the power to consider any one on the planet a terrorist and subject to punishment and depending on which kind of terrorist you are you might very well find yourself not protected by the Geneva convention ie torture because the military commissions act overrides the convention. This presidency has played the American people for suckers. W denied climate change, relied on documents provided by research groups that were funded by Exxon; eventually the rest of the world twisted his arm via Kyoto protocol and W had to admit global warming was real. Consider where we are now in terms of climate destabilization as compared to wtf is global warming eight years ago. Its a shame Al Gore backed down in 2000, as a consolation prize we got An Inconvenient Truth. W needed a way for him and his circle to profit off his presedency and keep the progressively larger ADD crowd focused on something besides himself. The solution was "terrorist attacks" on 9/11, an invasion of middle eastern countries and a prolonged war in Iraq. Big oil has (almost) all of the pipelines it ever dreamed of thanks to the war on terror. These fucks charged you over 4 bucks for a gallon of gas all fucking summer. The war even conveniently gets rid of some of the depleted uranium piling up around here. Its in the bullets our soldiers are shooting terrorists with. All that radioactive crap has to go somewhere right? When the Iraqui's start getting medical treatment for all the shit this war has done to them big pharma will explode with new wealth; I'm sure they're all about ready for zoloft now. Put down the gun and pick up the pills like we do in America. The only ~almost~ benefit we can see come from this presidency is that it has been so alarmingly bad that people who used to not give much of a shit about politics educated themselves and spread the word. The more you study the key players, their associations, their legislation, all of W's executive orders, the more we return to the scene of their crimes; the more there is to learn and the more disturbing it gets. Pretty fucking disturbing actually.

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