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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2009 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    New media embedding feature

    I installed a nifty AME (Auto media embedder) mod on the forums. You can now embed videos and music from the following sites by simply posting the link to the content. No bbcode required. The following sites are compatible as of this post: 5min Life Videopedia Embed 5min.com Videos! Adult Swim Embed AdultSwim.com Videos! AOL Music Embed Music.AOL.com Videos! AOL Video Embed Video.AOL.com Videos! Atom Embed Atom.com Videos! Break Embed Break.com Videos! Break (User Content) Embed Break.com User Content Videos! CBS News Embed CBSNews.com Videos! CBS Sports Embed CBSSports.com Videos! CNN Embed CNN.com Videos! Comedy Central Embed ComedyCentral.com Videos! eBaums World (Audio) Embed eBaumsWorld.com Audio! eBaums World (Videos) Embed eBaumsWorld.com Videos! eSnips (Music) Embed eSnips Music Player! eSnips (Videos) Embed eSnips.com Videos! ESPN Embed ESPN.com Videos! ESPN (Article Pages) Embed ESPN.com Videos from Article Pages! File Front Embed FileFront.com Videos! Flickr (Videos) Embed Flickr.com Videos! Flickr Slideshows (Photostreams) Embed Flickr.com SlideShows! Flickr Slideshows (Sets) Embed Flickr.com SlideShows! Fox News Embed FoxNews.com Videos! G4TV Embed G4TV.com Videos! Game Trailers Embed GameTrailers.com Videos! Game Trailers (User Movies) Embed GameTrailers.com User Movies! GamesOpoly Embed GamesOpoly.com Games! GameSpot (Part 1) Embed GameSpot.com Videos! (Age Verification Error Needs to be Corrected by GameSpot themselves) GameSpot (Part 2) Embed GameSpot.com Videos! (Age Verification Error Needs to be Corrected by GameSpot Themselves) GameVideos Embed GameVideos.com Videos Giant Bomb Embed GiantBomb.com Videos! Google VideoConverts Google.com Videos! (Google Hosted Only) Hulu Embed Hulu.com Videos! IGN Embed IGN.com Videos! ImageShack (Slideshows) Embed ImageShack.US Slideshows! ImageShack (Videos) Embed ImageShack.US Videos! MegaVideo Embed MegaVideo.com Videos! Meta Cafe Embed MetaCafe.com Videos! MLG: The Game Room Embed Gameroom.MLGPro.com Videos! MSNBC Embed MSNBC.com News Videos! MTV Embed MTV.com Videos! MTV Music Embed MTVMusic.com Videos! MySpace Embed MySpace.com Videos! Photobucket (Videos) Embed Photobucket.com Videos using "Share URL" link! Revver Embed Revver.com Videos! South Park (Clips) Embed SouthParkStudios.com Video Clips! Spike Embed Spike.com Videos! The Colbert Report (Clips) Embed ColbertNation.com Video Clips! The Daily Show (Clips) Embed TheDailyShow.com Video Clips! The Onion Embed TheOnion.com Videos! The WB Embed TheWB.com Videos! (Auto Plays) TinyPic (Videos) Embed TinyPic.com Videos Veoh Embed Veoh.com Videos! Xfire Embed Xfire.com Videos! (Auto Plays) Yahoo! Embed Yahoo.com Videos! YouTube (HQ/HD) Embed YouTube.com High Quality and High Definition Videos (fmt=18& or fmt=22&) YouTube (Playlists) Embed YouTube.com Playlists! You TubeAutomatically youtubes your entries!

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