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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2009 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Code geass

    It is an absolute must outline, After the invasion of Japan by the Brittannian Empire, the country is renamed to "Area 11". The young Lelouch, a Brittannian student living in Japan, accidentally gets caught up in a local terrorist attack against Brittannia, reuniting with his childhood friend Suzaku as well as meeting the mysterious girl C.C. Cornered in a life and death situation, Lelouch accepts a power C.C. offers to him, the ability to order anyone to do anything. Harboring a thirst for revenge against the Brittanian Empire for their actions against his family, Lelouch wages war against the Empire. Using his newfound power and tactical ability, Lelouch goes under the alias Zero in attempts to fulfill his childhood vow, to destroy Brittannia! Geass is the name of Lalouch's ability, it Has a hint of Death Note, as his power to change lives, and what cost it has only the audience knows lalouch motivation, and you cant help but love him though every character grows to hate him every step if explained from how Lalouch wehnt from a teen to what he ends up as, it is beautifully told and animated really is a 10/10, i watched it in eng dubb which was perfectly done

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