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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Kickstarter: Axis Game Factory

    Playstation Home Publisher Heavy Water has decided to make easy to use tools for making Games & Machinima. http://www.axisgamefactory.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1881693700/axis-game-factory-dream-build-create-and-play I'll probably settle for donating $65 if I make a donation around the end of this month. Wish they had a cheaper version of "100% Complete Launch Pak" without a T-Shirt. (They should know better about the T Shirt thing since almost everyone on PS Home hates T-Shirts.) Even if this Kickstarter reaches its Goal I highly doubt anyone using this will be allowed to publish on PS Home. On the other hand I would really hope we could. This post has been promoted to an article
  2. 1 point

    Bardock Vs. Frieza flipbook

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E09aObUtaJY I ran across this and thought it was pretty neat.
  3. 1 point
    Myk JL


    Sorry I'm late but Happy Belated.... *Sees creepy cake* AAHH!!!! MY EYES!!!! *Closes his eyes* Happy B-Day Sledge!
  4. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Shoutbox re-opened!

    You're all wrong!.... She'll be here any minute, shoot the heck out of GG, then punch me in the face for finding that funny.... You just got to wait.... *Cues The End Of A Futurama Episode* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKNRfMyjcVo&feature=player_embedded
  5. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    Go to button layout and switch to Tactical, it will change the crouch to stick and melee to circle... Or it should, that's what it does the equivalent of on Xbox. I hate stick melee. Crouch is vital to taking cover, and lines up a more accurate shot at longer distances since you move at a slower rate. I also reload after every kill if I feel it's safe to do so. Since the slight of hand perk is gone, and fast mag isn't anywhere near as fast I do it a lot less than I used to. Yeah every cod has boosters. I've only caught them once tact inserting in a room and headshoting each other. Ended up as a free kill for me.
  6. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    Good kills! I'll definitely get that long barrel attachment. Your shotgun was getting huge distance kills. That FAL looks like it takes ppl down quick. BTW, I noticed you do a lot of crouching while most ppl just stand there getting shot. Are you using a different button setup from the default? I need to see if I can change mine on the ps3. Pushing down on the right analog stick does a melee attack, but on bf3 its for crouching and going prone. I've died so many times on bf3 crouching repeatedly at some guy while he shoots me in the face. On the ps3 the crouch is the circle button which means you have to stop aiming to hit the damn crouch with your right thumb which screws up any real dodging in the game. So most ppl all just strafe left and right to dodge. Most of the rounds I've played have been decent and mostly balanced, but I've come across a handful of matches where ppl on the opposite team must have been boosting score streaks by having someone on my team constantly spawning a split screen user for them to kill repeatedly. I never watched those matches to confirm my suspicions, but it must have been happening because those matches go ridiculously one sided. Those matches would be so bad that when I spawn I would get instant killed by a lightening strike that was done by the same guy that just killed me moments before by a hellstorm missle. I looked into a bit and even found message boards dedicated to people that want to request boosting partners to meet in game for multiple rounds of bullshitty one sided dominance. Thankfully I've only come across a few rounds like that so far and I usually quit out of them when I've get killed killed 3 or 4 times in a row by streak bonus kills. I need to look at the game to see how to upload some of my own videos. Maybe I'll try that out this weekend.
  7. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    With the long barrel attachment, I'd say its on par with MW's SPAS-12, maybe a little more, but there is no slight of hand, and the fast mag attachment doesn't speed up your pump action so if you run into more than 1 person, you might take them both, 3 you'll die. It's the most handy camper killer in the game. The game has its issues, like the 1 sniper rifle that you can shoot as fast as a m4 with zero recoil, but it's worth red boxing Strider. Black Ops 1 was pretty good, MW3 was so bad, I wouldn't be playing this game if I didn't get it as a gift. It seems Treyarch makes a better COD now. I'm having a bit of fun. I rarely get kill streaks but I still pull off matches like 23-9, 15-3, etc. in fact there are hardly ever any score streaks spamming the map, unless you play demolition. They set the lowest to the equivalent of 4 kills, and you only get 25 points for score streak kills, so it's really difficult if not impossible for one to lead to another without more kills.

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