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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2013 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    hmmmm...... seeing as welfare doesn't exist anymore it is called TANF Temporary assistance for Needy Families Lets go a step further and look at who is on TANF..... oh to what do my wondering eyes appear.... ppl with children!!!!!!!!!!! (a lot of single mothers trying to do their job and the deadbeat dads job too) telling ppl down on their luck that they can't even dream of escaping poverty is sick, malicious, repressive, disgusting bullshit. No, assistance recipients should not waste cash assistance on frivolous things, but when you rob people of hope they might as well be cattle because that's what you are treating them like.
  2. 1 point
    If we want to change the system we need to stop rewarding people with cash, food and free medical care for breeding. We need to stress the benefits of contraception, not hand the dumb assholes more when they have more children they can't afford while on assistance to begin with. I know the type you're taking about; shit out a new kid every other year and stay on the system as long as ya can. My neighbor is one of them. 5 kids in 12 years while on assistance since the first time she heard "congratulations you're pregnant". We need to hold deadbeat absentee parents financially responsible at the very least since they are ditching out on all other parental responsibilities. We need to implement rules to get rid of the leeches and be able to help people who really need temporary assistance. It's supposed to be a hand up not a hand out and not a lifestyle choice my precious...........
  3. 1 point
    Or they could do a side story all together kinda like Kyle Katarn in the Jedi Outcast games Ah, talking about all this star wars stuff makes me want to play through KOTOR yet again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgsMqBkDKcU
  4. 1 point
    A Flood of Suits Fights Coverage of Birth Control Health insurance via employer IS NOT FREE. You pay into the pool every pay check. Some people use all of their insurance benefits, some people use it sparingly ie annual exams and sinus infections. Either way its none of their employers fucking business what they do with the benefits they are working and paying for. Your religious freedom ends where it begins to infringe on the rights and well being of another. Denying someone family planning options because you're a religious asshole should not only be illegal, but it should be looked down upon with such disgust by society at large that these asinine denials will not happen anymore. The cold hard facts are that a woman needs to be able to control her fertility to obtain a decent education and get somewhere in their field of employment. Unplanned, unexpected pregnancies lead to dropping out of school and/or the work force.They lead to financial problems due to the cost of pre/postnatal care of the mother and the addition of another to feed, clothe, house etc. Pregnancy is physically dangerous to the health/life of the mother in some cases and every woman goes through psychological changes during and after pregnancy. Post partum depression kills women and their infants sometimes too. Having a baby is not the easy peezy rosy happy bullshit they show you on tv and movies.It physically, psychologically, financially and socially changes the life of the woman becoming mom. Its a big fucking deal and things work out for the better for everyone when women can choose when the time is right for her to enter motherhood. This "I'm not paying for your birth control, contraception is a sin, if you don't want to get knocked up don't fuck so says my gawd!" crap is pretty sick at its root, just look at it, especially after what you just read above. I'm not paying for your birth control or even though you are contributing and your health plan is for you I remain in charge of what you can have. Contraception gives women control over their fertility and removes them from the ranks of chattel. Abstinence doesn't work for everybody nor should it have to.We should not be ashamed of our biology or the want to control our own bodies. Your gawd is yours, not mine and none of my business. Forcing someone else to live by your religious doctrine is religious persecution d bag. This isn't about contraception, this is about contraception giving women more if not total control of their own fertility and thus their lives. Dogma and patriarchy have been married since the get go. This bullshit needs to stop for the sake of all humanity.
  5. 1 point
    Thats a very good point. As it is, they system is set to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, but to remove hope is even more f*cked up.
  6. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure they are going with original cast members as they all have said they are on board to give it a go. Its unlikely they will be the main protagonists, but serve more Ben Kanobi/Tarkin/Wedge/Akbar type roles. Honestly I think it would be epic to do a story that took place 4000 years in the future kinda like KOTOR was 4000 years prior to the Galactic Empire.
  7. 1 point

    PBO and Hillary on 60 Minutes

    Nooooooo!!! I don't want Cuomo to run for president. Hes doing damn good for NY. Way better than Pataki, Spitzer and Paterson.
  8. 1 point

    Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

    I want to see this, but might wait untill DvD Has a Van Hellsing feel to it,
  9. 1 point
    my problem is not with the director or actors, but the cannon, It has been established in books all the way to Lukes great grand kids He can ret con it all ofcourse, he got away with it in star trek, But to me that would really undermine SW. Star wars cannon has been added to in movies, cartoons, comics and hundreds of novels over many decades The newest trilogy had its flaws but it at least fits well with the whole SW universe it he fucks that all up in 120 minutes, I will be very sad
  10. 1 point

    PBO and Hillary on 60 Minutes

    I was for sure that Hillary would be the next POTUS, but now I am not so sure. I have a feeling that Obama is going to screw the Clinton's after all the support they have provided him. The continuous hinting at Joe Biden's 2016 possibilities has me wondering if Obama will push an endorsement for him on his way out. Hillary could face another rough primary race where this time they will attack her health, Benghazi, and even her age... Joe wouldn't have any room to talk, but If Cuomo runs it would be an opening. With how rapidly she has aged just as a cabinet member, I wonder how much she had actually had to step in and perform duties outside of her title. It will be a shame if someone as highly experianced as she is and how much time she's devoted as a public servant gets the shaft at the end due to some political agenda. Obama is a clown. He knows how to campaign, that's the extent of his ability. The "gene pool" of potential candidates gets more bland and uninspiring with every race on each side. You need $$$ to run for big offices, and that is the major issue that has fallen on our political system. (I'm on my phone on lunch, spelling and grammar are out the window )

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