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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2013 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    YT thread

  2. 1 point
    Thats the one thing I don't get about PS3... you cant download anything while the system is off. While I see you point. The main source of income for MS is its DLC and online community. Its been built that way through its XBL subscription service. Chances are if you have an xbox, you're paying for xbox live.... While Xbox does have single player games, the majority of its library is dedicated towards co-op and multiplayer. People may not like it, but online required is going to be a fixture of gaming in the future, especially when Google fiber goes global. Another way to look at this is the fact that most developers want online requirements. Lets say MS gives them this, while Sony does not? Who will get most the games, timed exclusives, and DLC content? If Microsoft has been pressured into this by the gaming industry then they are doing whats best for their business in terms of raking in exclusives. Meanwhile, Sony's console may claim that it doesn't have online requirements, but I can guarantee that games like Destiny will require online connectivity regardless. So while MS gives into pressure, it will adversely affect PS4 anyways. Online requirement will serve a different purpose on consoles. Rather than copyright issues, it will provide a way to better serve the player through on the fly patches, game balancing, and server updates without the need to interrupt gameplay. I've already notice this somewhat being done on COD when playlists get updated and people have to back out to the title screen to refresh their list to be able to join their friends that just got online.
  3. 1 point
    Exactly. With all the great steam sales, the consoles would probably put gamestop out of business if they had a steam app. It would put an end to used games too. If you buy it off steam for 50% off, then the game company would get all the profit. Instead they charge full price and people resell it back to gamestop and all profit off those used games all goes to Gamestop. I'm honestly surprised companies aren't pushing the new console developers into adding a steam app just to increase their own profits. But the companies are mostly greedy. PSN digital download games never go on sale to the extent that the same games would on steam. Hell, I regretted buying Worms Reloaded on PS3 just because of the prices. About a month after I bought it on sale on PSN, steam had it for 50% off including all dlc. I ended up buying the game again because it ran better on my laptop.
  4. 1 point
    I doubt they'll ever be able to compete price wise. For one, Alien ware is overpriced. My ASUS runs BF3 at max and It was just as good as the best alienware on the market at that time and half its price. You can build your own for a lot cheaper as well if you're willing to put in the work... it certainly isn't difficult unless you sucked at legos and kenects as a kid. But even then, Microsoft and Sony subsidize the price of their machines through software and virtual purchases. PC manufactures cannot afford to take a loss on their machines or parts. Plus you are guaranteed that your machine will consistently run new games for 5-8 years without the need to upgrade anything. The only advantage PC gaming has right now is bundles and half off sale prices, but if it wasn't for consoles and piracy, the state of PC gaming wouldn't be in the shape it is now. lol
  5. 1 point
    Here is the Trailer for the New Map Pack "Uprising" hitting Xbox Live April 16th. Click here to view the article
  6. 1 point

    Death Wish Coffee 200% Caffeine

    I'm amazed this hasn't come up earlier ... there are alot of coffee fiends out there (me being one of them). Although i bet they could engineer coffee even stronger than that, say 500% normal coffee, and there would be alot of costumers (again, me being one of them). I prefer coffee over energy drinks anyway, those things are just horrible for your body.
  7. 1 point

    YT thread

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