I am really looking forward to Destiny. Everything I read or see about this game makes me want to see more. If Morgan Freeman was in that trailer just now explaining everything.. I'd have already set aside money for this game.
I don't care much for the camera situation.. I'm hoping the PS4 will allow camera off functionality. I already read that the Xbox One kinect camera might, in some form, be on 24/7 even if the system is off.
I love those humble bundles.. but the only game I've played in any real length that I bought from one was Cave Story+. I put 15 hours into that game.. I could have put more into Saints Row the Third, and I'm sure I will, but I haven't had the time to play it.
I think I prefer PC gaming over consoles, but I prefer consoles for multiplayer games. Mostly because the PC versions are usually full of cheaters. Although, I would love to play some BF3 on PC if my laptop could actually handle it.