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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point


    The creators of L4D are trying to change the way we play multilayer with their upcoming game called Evolve. Evolve attempts to combine the world of co-op with the world of competitive multiplayer by pitting four players against one. Four on one doesn't sound awful fair at first until you realize that the one player gets to control a giant boss-like character, while the other four have to try to take them down with four traditional sized characters. Go here: http://evolvegame.co...kes/sweeps.html to enter the sweepstakes and take along 4 friends to PAX East to be the first to try it out! Click here to view the article
  2. 1 point
    I do want to read it!!!!! but I've been forcing myself to stay away until the show is a little further along so I can read the stuff slowly so it doesn't catch up to the show. I want to be able to enjoy both tellings of the story without my "the book was better!" getting in the way lol. When visual media is done right you can extrapolate volumes of information in one conversation. Body language, tone, setting etc. Art by its very nature is open to interpretation. I like that they have deliberately done things different between tv show and graphic novel. When a Stephen King book gets movied up he usually screws w the ending somehow so it is different then the written piece. When you switch mediums with a story the delivery of some things has to change. You can't read a chapter of back story, you have to do a flashback or have the characters talk about it to deliver that information to the audience. Story format and script format are miles apart. The point is telling a good story worthy of being shared and retold indefinitely. BSG pulled off the whole post apocalypse story brilliantly in mutherfuckin space. They changed some things from the original, the big one was making Starbuck a woman. It worked amazing. There was great balance in the show; Bill commanded the military, Laura the citizens. Guias is pushed to greatness by Caprica 6.Lee outranks Kara but she runs those pilots and he leaves to go into politics.Character growth and relationships on the show was unlike anything I'd ever seen on tv. Series ended well, we got closure and cried a lot. As the show went on a bigger budget gave us awesome battle scenes. Bear McCreary did all the music for BSG and is also doing TWD, SHIELD etc.
  3. 1 point
    You should really consider picking up the graphic novel, as you have captured what the TV show is trying to replicate from the books. I've read it in volumes, but there are compendiums 1 and 2 now that cover the first 16 volumes. I'm tempted to subscribe to the issues... but I'd just get pissed off on how short they were compared to the volumes I was consuming by comparison. This episode was ripped straight from the graphic novel verbatim minus 1-2 minor details.
  4. 1 point
    Myk JL


    Looks like it stars Cyborg from Teen Titans, Some guy from Duck Dynasty, The Villain from Jumanji, & Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 1. And no zombies.... Hmm.... I'd be willing to try it.
  5. 1 point
    Myk JL


  6. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Music Recommendations?

    Some SOAD Music Videos A music video of Serj on his own
  7. 1 point

    Music Recommendations?

    Does this sum it up for you?
  8. 1 point
    Professional testers will test exactly what the company wants them to test, hence why they use them. Plus they use an extremely rigid template as to what can be considered a bug, something your everyday average joe has no idea about. Open betas are the way to go but sadly companies want a true test, not just 1 million+ people to send them random reports about what they think is a bug (to be considered a bug in a professional setting the tester must be able to provide proof the bug exists and proof that said bug can be replicated, something not all open testers are willing to do). This is the reason there is a game tester job in most companies, they want a professional tester who's done this more then a few times to test and find these bugs. Open betas these days are used more as server stress tests then anything else hence why you only see open testing in the last 1-2 months before the game is released. The things you learn when you go to school for this. I'm with DX. I'm not really looking for a mind blowing experience. What I'm looking for is just to see if they are going to be giving us some of the stuff they promised on launch or not (like the public events) and I want to get my hands on each of the classes so I can learn how each plays and what one I like the most. Outside of that I'm already sold on everything else.
  9. 1 point
    Naughty Dog is becoming Prominent fast. I was reading yesterday that developers and media sources were calling Second Son PS4's first Naughty Dog type game.... when your brand is used as a complement, you're doing something right. I regret I've never played the Uncharted Series, but I will be getting the next installment on PS4.
  10. 1 point
    Myk JL

    LEGO - The movie... wtf.

    And now I want to rent it.... http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/8771-The-Lego-Movie
  11. 1 point

    Who wants to take a trip to Italy?

    Awesome Makes it sound cool, it's basically fencing, but with some unnecessary dance moves for show.
  12. 1 point

    Captain America: Winter Soldier

    Looks good, have to agree, it looks more like an Avengers movie centered around Captain America than a sequel. Shoots down the helicarrier* well there goes several trillion dollars
  13. 1 point

    YT thread

  14. 1 point

    YT thread

    The fact that the video was cut and he was actually spinning like that for 2-3 minutes is astonishing how he didn't pass out at Mach 1 or throw up in his helmet.

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