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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Ecbert is the exact opposite of Horik. He knows what he is doing and has balls of steel while doing it. He's smart and patient. I really like this character. He's turning out to be a great villain, but its hard to hate him because he has yet to do anything really despicable yet. Horik once again proves his inability to lead, this time on the battlefield. Ragnar knew they were walking into a trap and Horik lead them right into it... and then blamed it on the gods rather than admit Ragnar was correct in wanting to wait. He acts like a spoiled brat, even at the negoiating table. Thankfully Lagertha is stepping in to make things happen. The deal Ecbert set forth is a pretty sweet deal even if you take away everything that has happened between the first time him and Ragnar met. It wouldn't surprise me if Horik pulls a Haraldson and wants all of the proceeds even though he had nothing to do with brokering the deal. Princess Kwenthrith is who Bjorn must marry as foreseen by the seer... I wonder if he can handle her whorebag nature. The exchange between Ragnar and Floki on his trustworthiness was epic. It will certainly be put to the test in the season finale, along with Siggy's inner conflict... if she does this, Rollo will never forgive her and it would not be worth it.
  2. 1 point
    This is History's first go at an original TV series. I really didn't expect to like it as much as I do. I don't know if they were even prepared for how successful it was going to be. No doubt last season was better than this season, but I still look forward to what they have planned. While they haven't stayed 100% historically accurate on minor details, the question remains will they stay true to history as far as the fate of some of the characters. If they do, it could piss a lot of people off. lol

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