That was the problem I had with Guild Wars 1.. I played it so much that I stopped playing it for a couple years except for checking in during holiday events. Hell, when I was a kid I played nothing but 2D fighting games. I even bought every version of Street Fighter 2.. after a while I got so burned out that I still don't play fighting games even now. But now I'm feeling like that for Battlefield. I've mentioned this before.. I honestly wasn't going to get BF4 except for the fact that I got it on PS4 and it was 64 players and noticeably different from BF3 on PS3 to me. And from what I've seen of Hardline.. it looks and plays like BF4 but with less players and some different game modes.. It almost looks like its a step back from BF4. I'll pass on it for now. Hardline would have been better off as a DLC for BF4. I know there is going to be a campaign for it, but the campaigns for BF3 and BF4 weren't worth $60. Its a multiplayer game and seeing as I already own BF4, Hardline doesn't seem like something I'd be interested in.
Man.. all those Street Fighter 2 games.. I think there were 7 of them. I kept thinking to myself.. when the f*ck are they going to make Street Fighter 3, and how many versions of it will they make? Well.. I stopped and never played Street Fighter 3, IV, V, etc. It got so repetitive that when I look back on it now, it makes me realize how addicted to the genre I was. Its very similar to everyone that buys the never ending Call of Duty games. Even though Injustice Gods among us looks like a great game, I've had no interest in buying it just like I had no interest in buying COD Ghosts.
Destiny will be fun because I like Borderlands and I like GW 1 & 2 and Destiny combines all those things, even the FPS multiplayer aspect. I think I need to expand my gaming horizons some more. I will definitely be buying The Division. That game looks epic to me, same with the new MGS. I'd like to get Diablo 3 for PS4 also, but I'll have to wait on that one for a while. Too many games are coming out for me to keep up with later this year with my finances. I'm so glad my car payment will be done with next spring.