Kotor/TOR is still up in the air as it stands. No one knows for sure if anything that came before The Phantom Menace is canon or not considering it was all written and conceived well after the original Trilogy came out. Nothing has really been said and I know prior to their creation Lucas had a no prequel policy in place banning all writers and what not from touching anything that came before A New Hope and later The Phantom Menace. That all changed once he greenlit the Kotor games but like I said everything is up in the air since Disney bought the franchise. Lucas has no say in where his creation goes from here on out. And yes Sledge the next 3 movies take place after The Return of the Jedi.
I'm royally pissed that all the extended universe got thrown out because there is a lot of awesome stuff that happens after The Return of the Jedi (I have not read many of the books but I've read up on what happens). Thrawn is just the tip of the ice berg (plus now it throws out my all time favorite Star Destroyer, The Eclipse Class. The thing packs one of the Death Stars lasers for gods sake. The thing can destroy on planet on its own).
As I said I'm holding my excitement for an actual trailer that reveals the story. Once I see that I'll make my judgement on whether or not I see it.