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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2015 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Halo Anime

    DICE actually take the time to make sure they're balancing actually works with the current model of their game which is why they do it right. They actually test it in house and then when they're happy with it they launch it in CTE to allow us to test it. If we're not happy with it then they take it back and re-work it until both of us are happy. A lot of companies aren't going to take this approach because not only is it a money sink it's a waste of time to appeal to the community as a whole when they can just cater to the vocal majority. This is why DICE has such a huge and loyal fan base, they're willing to spend that extra time and money to make sure their games meet their community's standards (as well as their own). Hell they created an entire map based off of our input and feedback, I know of very few companies that are even willing to do that. Sadly I wish they'd listen to their Battlefront community and fix the current issues the game is facing (the most prominent one being lack of squads). I'm not even going to touch the Destiny gun nerfs because I'm still royally pissed about them. I honestly don't know what Bungie was thinking. Take the guns that reign supreme in Crucible and nerf the hell out of them, buff guns that suck to make them better, rinse and repeat. They're just shooting themselves in the foot every time they rebalance the game its not even funny. The extremely sad thing about it is their are still people out there who think everything Bungie does with Destiny is the right thing to do (ProfessorBroman being one of their biggest supporters, they guy pretty much has his nose lodged so far up their asses that it's not even funny (I still watch and support him though because he's a pretty funny guys and I get hours of laughter out of watching his stream, even if I don't play Destiny anymore)). Balancing is a problem that's going to plague us until games die out or evolve from what they currently are. I'm still pissed to this day by what Blizzard did to the Paladin Class in vanilla WoW. They took one of the most balanced and awesome classes the game had in beta and shoved the nerf bat up their asses so far the class was unplayable when vanilla WoW released. Hell, as far as I understand it, the class is still pretty much fucked. This was all due to the fact that a bunch of 12 year old whiners (yea stereotyping here) complained to Blizzard that the Paladin was OP and could steamroll any class yet if they'd of just taken the time and rolled a low level Paladin they'd of learned just how easy it was to actually kill one. Yea, I'm still a little but hurt about that one and I quit playing WoW years ago. The community will never be right about nerfs mostly because it takes one person to bring up a semi-valid point for everyone who has a stick up their ass about something to jump on the nerf-train. Those of us who actually crunch the numbers and look at the game from an intelligent viewpoint will never be heard because our nerfs will help fix the game, not make it easier for them to play the game they want to. On a side note I love how we derail topics around here. I can't remember the last time we actually kept a topic on track

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