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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Destiny - Discussion

    The DIvision for the most part is a solo based game. Hell you can even go into Dark Zones by yourself if you're feeling brave. They've said more then a few times that the whole story/campaign can be played by yourself and was designed to be that way. Multiplayer is pretty much for Dark Zones only as when you're playing the story you are in your own instance (similar to the system used for Class Story missions in The Old Republic, no one else can enter it unless you are partied with them). Dark Zones however put you into a public server where anyone who is in that DZ can see you and attack you or help you depending on how they want to play it. They've never really said how long the "story" of the game is but since it's being made in the vein of an MMO you're probably looking at 10-15 hours of story with more to come in future expansions/dlc. I'm sure they're discounting it to generate more interest in it or to help those, like you, who are skeptical of the game. If you spend $40 on it you won't be so pissed if it sucks unlike those like me who dropped $90 on the Gold Edition of the game or those who dropped $180+ on the Collector's Edition. Ubisoft is generally really good about releasing quality games and you usually get what you see in trailers and gameplay videos (hell look at Siege, that game is exactly how it was marketed and I have yet to hear any negative things about it besides the usual balance tweaks being needed and what not). Watch Dogs is probably the only real title I've seen them release that wasn't exactly what we were promised. I'm still skeptical about FFXV. While it looks pretty that combat system still bugs me and I honestly don't have the time to invest 60+ hours into another game (I'll probably still be play DA: Inquisition and MGSV when it releases). Based on reviews from reputable sources I may buy it but I will not pre-order it. Since AC7 is taking place in the Strangereal universe I'll definitely be buying it now.
  2. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Final Fantasy VII

    I don't think we'll have to worry about getting any FPS style RPGs on handhelds anytime soon. Why? Well Nintendo knows that they're making the bulk of their money off their handheld systems and while yes there are still adults that buy and play handheld games the market has always been marketed and targeted toward young children. Most children are going to want easy to understand mechanics when they play a game hence the reason why Pokemon is still such a simple game mechanically to this day. Even though the game has changed in many ways and added so much more to do the game at it's core it's still just catching pokemon and battling other trainers. Nintendo will never compromise this and that's why turn-based RPGs will still remain the way they are on the DS at least. Plus when you get down to it the 3DS is no where near as powerful as a Vita or a console and probably never will be (believe me when I tell you the graphics are pretty bad on it and cartoony as hell. The best graphics I've seen on the 3DS are N64 era games). Plus you also have to remember the DS systems are still cartridge based, they have yet to make the jump to optical yet so you're extremely limited to what you can do. Vita is another thing entirely. That handheld is actually made for and marketed at the current generation and our generation. This will be the handheld that will probably see the death of turn-based RPGs because atm the graphics are on par with PS2 generation games and since the younger generation this is marketed at was the start of the ADHD generation you'll see more RPGs like FFXIII on it. Sony, while making good decisions with the PS4, has made nothing but terrible decisions when it comes to the handheld market. Look at the PSP. Not only did that handheld not sell well it wasn't even on the market that long before they pulled it to release the Vita (fuck, every generation of the Gameboy was on the market for at least 3-4 years before the next incarnation came out). While the Vita is doing well (and I would like to get one) Sony is going to need gimmicky games like fps style RPGs to even keep the system viable. On the graphical thing look how long it's taken handhelds to get to where they are now. We saw massive jumps in what consoles could do in times frames of 5-6 years and we still do (though the current generation and past generation of consoles saw minor leaps due to the lack of time in between releases). Gameboy didn't even get to SNES generation graphics until the Advance which was the third generation for the handheld and 12 years after the original Gameboy released (1989 was the release of the original Gameboy, 2001 was the release of advance). The 3DS is the fifth generation for Nintedo's handheld line and we're still stuck at SNES/N64 style graphics with the ability to utilize 3D tech (which is honestly not all that great, I have the 3D aspect turned off on my 3DS because it hurts my eyes). By the time the DS sees Vita style graphics we'll either all be done gaming or we'll be playing VR games since that seems to be the direction Sony and Microsoft are going. So long story short I don't see FFXIII style RPGs ever becoming a thing for the DS line of handhelds for probably another 5-10 years at the earliest (and even then I'm going to say 15 years because I don't think Nintendo will make the push until it's absolutely necessary) unless Nintendo rolls out another, more powerful handheld in the next few years. Vita on the other hand will if it already hasn't (I don't pay attention to Vita games since I don't own one and most of the games just don't interest me when I actually do). Turn-based RPGs will remain around for awhile yet and when they do die out we can still go on Steam and buy them all up as Steam gets ahold of them.

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