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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2016 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Blade and Soul

    I dont know much about Tera so I'm just going off what B&S is, by comparison to GW2 and SWTOR. There is no doubt this game is super casual. I frequently solo Green 2 star daily dungeons, and I assume a lot of people do as well, because I rarely see them pop in LFG. It's not hard for a competent player to achieve this. I've set my build to where I quickly regain health through damage. Unless I get stun comboed with multiple crits my HP never drops below 85%. Even in heroic 6 man dungeons I'm generally the one with the most HP at all times, and the one that doesn't expend a dragonblood. (An insta-revive or extra HP bar how ever you want to describe it). That being said, I still see those, whom I assume are the GW2 ultra casuals that cry in the official GW2 forum about stuff being hard, getting rekted by daily bosses because they stand in an AoE like a jackass and wonder why they got killed. I can guess these are GW2 players, because of how much it comes up in the side chat. Anyways enough about that. I'm about to hit 30, and I have to say I really enjoy the gear stat grind. Leveling bares little to no effect on your HP, and other stats... you're completely reliant on your gear as you evolve it. By the time I hit 25, I was still using my capped lvl11 gear. When I hit the zone I am in now, It became apparent I needed to upgrade fast, as I couldn't take hits very well, and it was taking more strings of combos to kill basic enemies. While your main weapon and trinkets are the ones you stick with... not every drop is for sacrificing to your current gear. The soul shield aspect is where the bulk of your stats come from, and piecing a full set of 8 together gives you 3 tiers of stats. I'm also enjoying this RnG game on the wheel of fate because of that. I sat there for 2 hours endlessly killing the "world boss" (There are no GW2 style world bosses in this game) for tokens to spin the wheel. These wheels are in different areas of the world... they randomly give weapon chests, soul shield 3-5pks, and a low chance at a new outfit. I need to go back to the early level one to get the outfit it can drop. After grinding all that time I managed to get a new complete soul shield, and outfit, and the prereq's for evolving my jewelry... fun stuff. BTW Strider my user account name is BIGHARSHNESS.... if there are suppose to be numbers after that I'll have to get them later because I never have looked to see. My character name is Scarlet Eternity. I haven't even looked how to add friends yet. Let me know how that Assassin is, I watched some gameplay and it looks like a blast to play.

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